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I'm having trouble adding airports, I can not find it with the ICAO code and also can not manually add, always appears an error (There was an error adding the airport).

Also on the registration page appears the error:

Warning: file_exists () [function.file-exists]: File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): / home / u198752317 / public_html // lib / skins / crystal / <h3> Registration </ h3> <p> Welcome to the registration form for Asta AA Lines © Virtual areas. After you register, you will be Notified by the staff member about your membership. </ P> <form method = "post" action = "http://astavirtual.wc.lt/index.php/registration"> <dl> <dt> First Name: * </ dt> <dd> <input type = "text" name = "firstname" value = "" /> </ dd> <dt> Last Name: * </ dt> <dd> <input type = "text" name = "lastname" value = "" /> </ dd> <dt> Email Address: * </ dt> <dd> <input type = "text" name = "email" value = "" /> </ dd> <dt> Select Airline: * </ dt> <dd> <selec in /home/u198752317/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 96


Hello, I'm new I do not know how, can help telling me where is this CSV? and how to manually import?

What version of phpVMS are you using? Lets tackle the airport issue first then the registration. In your core folder you will see a file called local.config.php, on line 14 you will see DEBUG MODE, change it to true. Then in your core/log/ folder you will see any issues which may be stopping things from working.


What version of phpVMS are you using? Lets tackle the airport issue first then the registration. In your core folder you will see a file called local.config.php, on line 14 you will see DEBUG MODE, change it to true. Then in your core/log/ folder you will see any issues which may be stopping things from working.

I'm in version 5.3 because the last was with many errors. I made the process local.config.php but when I put an airport manually the following error appears: There was an error adding the airport

I'm in version 5.3 because the last was with many errors. I made the process local.config.php but when I put an airport manually the following error appears: There was an error adding the airport

In the core/logs/ folder what errors appear. First clear out all the files then try to add an airport and report back with what errors appear.


In the core/logs/ folder what errors appear. First clear out all the files then try to add an airport and report back with what errors appear.

I did what you asked for, all are clean. When I add an airport manually appears the error There was an error adding the airport

Something isn't right, phpVMS should be logging an error. I'm not a linux wiz but are all of your files read/writeable? If you upgrade to SimPilots v5.5.1 you can manually upload airports with a CSV file.


Something isn't right, phpVMS should be logging an error. I'm not a linux wiz but are all of your files read/writeable? If you upgrade to SimPilots v5.5.1 you can manually upload airports with a CSV file.

I do not know if all files are read / writeable. Can you tell me more about this SimPilots?

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