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hoping to get some help. I got a html template and i am trying to make my va website with it. you can see what i have been able to get done at www.legionvagroup.com. I havent switched any of the text yet want to get everything up and running first. I have tabs at the some came from phpvms and the rest from pages thru contact came with the template and i cant get them to show up when i click on them. Ill paste my layout.tpl txt so people can see. Any help would be great and appreciated!

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That won't tell us anything on it's own, we need to see the head content and the other coding to see if something is missing. Quite often these issue tend to be either PHPVMS not picking up your filepath references and therefore not including the relevant files it needs to show your content, or it might be a phpvms version issue between you using .tpl and .php files or something.

Post the entire page code and then we can see what's what.


Here is the whole thing. Could it be something do with the javscript's at the bottom i have been trying to get that code to work

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<?php echo $page_htmlreq; ?>

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<p>InnoTech is a clean, high quality site template built using the latest technologies including HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery with minimal, valid and easy to use markup. Responsive and optimized for smartphones and tablets and successfully tested in all major browsers, including IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari.</p>


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<h3>Monotonectally formulate superior applications.</h3>

<p>Via adaptive web services. Globally leverage other's technically sound products with compelling ROI. Seamlessly expedite fully tested e-markets vis-a-vis best-of-breed process improvements. Distinctively simplify parallel technologies after interactive.</p>

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<h3>Proactively redefine frictionless total linkage.</h3>

<p>Phosfluorescently restore worldwide productvis-a-vis optimal portals. Professionally formulate error-free ROI via exceptional interfaces. Credibly unleash plug-and-play users after robust models. Quickly implement intermandated services.</p>

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<h3>Rapidiously orchestrate cross-unit leaderships.</h3>

<p>Competently disintermediate business manufactured products whereas standards compliant innovation. Conveniently customize emerging products for granular content. Assertively pursue inexpensive paradigms and go forward intellectual capital.</p>

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<p>Efficiently evolve progressive process improvements and highly efficient ...</p>

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<p>Completely synergize multimedia based markets vis-a-vis alternative ...</p>

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<p>Synergistically plagiarize emerging "outside the box" thinking ...</p>

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<p>Professionally restore intuitive total linkage via resource maximizing meta ...</p>

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<h5><a href="article.tpl">Globally monetize corporate niches vis-a-vis multi-disciplinary interfaces.</a></h5>

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<span class="metaAuthor"><a href="#">ADMIN</a></span>

<span class="metaComments"><a href="#">21</a> COMMENTS</span>

<span class="metaDate">05-02-2012</span>

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<p>Professionally maintain goal-oriented partnerships

and client-centric strategic theme areas. Quickly

coordinate client-centric leadership skills before error-

free schemas. Rapidiously fashion revolutionary ...</p>

<a href="article.tpl">Read more »</a>


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<h5><a href="article.tpl">Energistically syndicate strategic best practices rather than fully researched.</a></h5>

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<span class="metaAuthor"><a href="#">ADMIN</a></span>

<span class="metaComments"><a href="#">21</a> COMMENTS</span>

<span class="metaDate">05-02-2012</span>

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<p>Quickly repurpose plug-and-play networks for market-driven methodologies. Authoritatively foster efficient services and compelling process improvements. Dynamically formulate go forward e-business ...</p>

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<h5><a href="article.tpl">Continually transition virtual convergence before corporate portals.</a></h5>

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<span class="metaAuthor"><a href="#">ADMIN</a></span>

<span class="metaComments"><a href="#">21</a> COMMENTS</span>

<span class="metaDate">05-02-2012</span>

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<p>Dynamically engineer virtual experiences via enabled schemas. Dramatically brand dynamic applications rather than highly efficient data. Phosfluorescently reinvent transparent expertise for flexible scenarios ...</p>

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<h5><a href="article.tpl">Dynamically incentivize premier platforms before 24/7 users.</a></h5>

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<span class="metaAuthor"><a href="#">ADMIN</a></span>

<span class="metaComments"><a href="#">21</a> COMMENTS</span>

<span class="metaDate">05-02-2012</span>

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<p>Competently synergize low-risk high-yield results with cross functional models. Completely target goal-oriented methodologies after virtual initiatives. Continually fashion prospective web services ...</p>

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<p>Compellingly maximize worldwide growth strategies whereas emerging action items. Interactively repurpose standards <a href="#">...</a></p>


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<img src="img/icons/iconset-addictive-flavour-set/png%20files/safari.png" alt="Development" title="Development" class="icon"/>

<p>Collaboratively utilize efficient testing procedures for sustainable relationships. Distinctively redefine frictionless innovation <a href="#">...</a></p>


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<p>Monotonectally deploy accurate internal or "organic" sources whereas top-line internal or "organic" sources.</p>

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<p>Compellingly deliver dynamic internal or "organic" sources for low-risk high-yield testing procedures.</p>

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<p>Conveniently monetize high standards in web services after an expanded array of interfaces. </p>


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<p>Compellingly generate accurate systems after fully tested systems. Rapidiously cultivate orthogonal architectures without worldwide vortals.</p>

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" Collaboratively transform impactful convergence rather than value-added relationships. Competently re-engineer state of the art experiences whereas emerging expertise. Monotonectally reconceptualize real-time systems without e-business process improvements. Quickly procrastinate orthogonal solutions via highly efficient leadership. "

<cite>- John Doe</cite>



" Objectively provide access to seamless ideas vis-a-vis next-generation ROI. Rapidiously enhance user-centric convergence and cost effective bandwidth. Proactively morph effective opportunities whereas wireless technology. "

<cite>- Jane Doe</cite>



" Monotonectally myocardinate end-to-end imperatives through superior infrastructures. Seamlessly utilize alternative ROI with market-driven customer service.Authoritatively harness leveraged methodologies and inexpensive process improvements. "

<cite>- John Doe</cite>



" Intrinsicly envisioneer leading-edge total linkage vis-a-vis empowered expertise. Compellingly whiteboard distinctive methodologies through team building scenarios. Credibly exploit standards compliant experiences whereas best-of-breed models. Monotonectally provide access to empowered information and impactful quality vectors. "

<cite>- Jane Doe</cite>



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