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Creating your own ACARS


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After the success of creating my website , I was onto the next hurdle , creating an ACARS application. I do not wish to use any application that has already been created (eg KACARS). Writing the program is not my issue, my main concern is sending the data to phpvms, so that it can receive the PIREP and process it. Could someone point me in the right direction ?



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Ok, so from what I understand , ill have to make a module that can get the required information from the website whilst also being able to give information to the website. The thing I don't understand, is how to get and send the information from the program to the module.

FSUIPC, Look up the API(Application Programming Interface - Essentially a wiki on how to use the functions). You're gonna wanna know a server-side language(PHP), and another C-Based language. A nice compliment would be data structures, JSON, Database knowledge(SQL should do). There's not exactly a guide out there that'll teach you how to create your own ACARS system, so this is just a general idea of what you need to know to be able to create your own software infrastructure.

Sample Data Flow, of how things will work:

Flight Simulator <-1-> Application <-2-> Server

<-1-> You would use FSUIPC to communicate between the app and flight sim

<-2-> You would use PHP, JSON, and maybe XML(For Structured Data) to communicate between the app and the server

I really suggest getting smartCARS, kAcars, or I think there's a free open source system somewhere around the forum...

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