eliezerazevedo Posted September 1, 2016 Report Posted September 1, 2016 (edited) Here's the problem: use the tool random flights until there all ok. after the pilot generate the scale, how to restrict flights by day operation. Example: The only pilot will be able to fly the leg that is in scale if it operate in espesifico day. I think I should make an alteration within the module Acars <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Jeffrey Kobus * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Jeffrey Kobus * @link http://www.fs-products.net * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * @ v1.0.1.1 */ class kACARS_Free extends CodonModule { public function index() { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { // Site Settings $logTime = 0; // kACARS_Free FlightLog Timesatmp 0=System Time or 1=FS Time $logPause = 0; // kACARS_Free Pause Log 0=Log Pauses or 1=Do NOT Log Pauses $version = ''; // kACARS_Free Version $forceOut = 1; // Force disconnect is wrong version 0=no 1=yes $charter = 1; // Allow Charter flights to be flown (Includes abilty to change aircraft) 0=no 1=yes $postText = file_get_contents('php://input'); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($postText); $rec_xml = trim(iconv($encoding, "UTF-8", $postText)); $xml = simplexml_load_string($rec_xml); if(!$xml) { #$this->log("Invalid XML Sent: \n".$rec_xml, 'kacars'); echo "not xml"; return; } #$this->log(print_r($xml->asXML(), true), 'kacars'); $case = strtolower($xml->switch->data); switch($case) { case 'verify': $results = Auth::ProcessLogin($xml->verify->pilotID, $xml->verify->password); if ($results) { $params = array('loginStatus' => '1'); } else { $params = array('loginStatus' => '0'); } // Send Site Settings $params['logTimeSetting'] = $logTime; $params['logPauseSetting'] = $logPause; $params['version'] = $version; $params['forceOut'] = $forceOut; $params['charter'] = $charter; $send = self::sendXML($params); break; case 'getbid': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->verify->pilotID); $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); $biddata = SchedulesData::getLatestBid($pilotid); [b] $data = SchedulesData::getScheduleFlownCounts($xml->verify->$bid->daysofweek); [/b] $aircraftinfo = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($biddata->registration); if(count($biddata) == 1) { if($aircraftinfo->enabled == 1) { $params = array( 'flightStatus' => '1', 'flightNumber' => $biddata->code.$biddata->flightnum, 'aircraftReg' => $biddata->registration, 'aircraftICAO' => $aircraftinfo->icao, 'aircraftFullName' => $aircraftinfo->fullname, 'flightLevel' => $biddata->flightlevel, 'aircraftMaxPax' => $aircraftinfo->maxpax, 'aircraftCargo' => $aircraftinfo->maxcargo, 'depICAO' => $biddata->depicao, 'arrICAO' => $biddata->arricao, 'route' => $biddata->route, 'depTime' => $biddata->deptime, 'arrTime' => $biddata->arrtime, 'flightTime' => $biddata->flighttime, 'flightType' => $biddata->flighttype, 'aircraftName' => $aircraftinfo->name, 'aircraftRange' => $aircraftinfo->range, 'aircraftWeight' => $aircraftinfo->weight, 'aircraftCruise' => $aircraftinfo->cruise ); } else { $params = array( 'flightStatus' => '3'); // Aircraft Out of Service. } } else { $params = array('flightStatus' => '2'); // You have no bids! } $send = $this->sendXML($params); break; case 'getflight': $flightinfo = SchedulesData::getProperFlightNum($xml->pirep->flightNumber); $params = array( 's.code' => $flightinfo['code'], 's.flightnum' => $flightinfo['flightnum'], 's.enabled' => 1, ); $biddata = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params, 1); $aircraftinfo = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($biddata[0]->registration); if(count($biddata) == 1) { $params = array( 'flightStatus' => '1', 'flightNumber' => $biddata[0]->code.$biddata[0]->flightnum, 'aircraftReg' => $biddata[0]->registration, 'aircraftICAO' => $aircraftinfo->icao, 'aircraftFullName' => $aircraftinfo->fullname, 'flightLevel' => $biddata[0]->flightlevel, 'aircraftMaxPax' => $aircraftinfo->maxpax, 'aircraftCargo' => $aircraftinfo->maxcargo, 'depICAO' => $biddata[0]->depicao, 'arrICAO' => $biddata[0]->arricao, 'route' => $biddata[0]->route, 'depTime' => $biddata[0]->deptime, 'arrTime' => $biddata[0]->arrtime, 'flightTime' => $biddata[0]->flighttime, 'flightType' => $biddata[0]->flighttype, 'aircraftName' => $aircraftinfo->name, 'aircraftRange' => $aircraftinfo->range, 'aircraftWeight' => $aircraftinfo->weight, 'aircraftCruise' => $aircraftinfo->cruise ); } else { $params = array('flightStatus' => '2'); } $send = $this->sendXML($params); break; case 'liveupdate': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->verify->pilotID); $lat = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->latitude); $lon = str_replace(",", ".", $xml->liveupdate->longitude); # Get the distance remaining $depapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->depICAO); $arrapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->liveupdate->arrICAO); $dist_remain = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints( $lat, $lon, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng)); # Estimate the time remaining if($xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed > 0) { $Minutes = round($dist_remain / $xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed * 60); $time_remain = self::ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes); } else { $time_remain = '00:00'; } $fields = array( 'pilotid' =>$pilotid, 'flightnum' =>$xml->liveupdate->flightNumber, 'pilotname' =>'', 'aircraft' =>$xml->liveupdate->registration, 'lat' =>$lat, 'lng' =>$lon, 'heading' =>$xml->liveupdate->heading, 'alt' =>$xml->liveupdate->altitude, 'gs' =>$xml->liveupdate->groundSpeed, 'depicao' =>$xml->liveupdate->depICAO, 'arricao' =>$xml->liveupdate->arrICAO, 'deptime' =>$xml->liveupdate->depTime, 'arrtime' =>'', 'route' =>$xml->liveupdate->route, 'distremain' =>$dist_remain, 'timeremaining' =>$time_remain, 'phasedetail' =>$xml->liveupdate->status, 'online' =>'', 'client' =>'kACARS', ); #$this->log("UpdateFlightData: \n".print_r($fields, true), 'kacars'); ACARSData::UpdateFlightData($pilotid, $fields); break; case 'pirep': $flightinfo = SchedulesData::getProperFlightNum($xml->pirep->flightNumber); $code = $flightinfo['code']; $flightnum = $flightinfo['flightnum']; $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->verify->pilotID); # Make sure airports exist: # If not, add them. if(!OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->pirep->depICAO)) { OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($xml->pirep->depICAO); } if(!OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($xml->pirep->arrICAO)) { OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($xml->pirep->arrICAO); } # Get aircraft information $reg = trim($xml->pirep->registration); $ac = OperationsData::GetAircraftByReg($reg); # Load info /* If no passengers set, then set it to the cargo */ $load = $xml->pirep->pax; if(empty($load)) $load = $xml->pirep->cargo; /* Fuel conversion - kAcars only reports in lbs */ $fuelused = $xml->pirep->fuelUsed; if(Config::Get('LiquidUnit') == '0') { # Convert to KGs, divide by density since d = mass * volume $fuelused = ($fuelused * .45359237) / .8075; } # Convert lbs to gallons elseif(Config::Get('LiquidUnit') == '1') { $fuelused = $fuelused / 6.84; } # Convert lbs to kgs elseif(Config::Get('LiquidUnit') == '2') { $fuelused = $fuelused * .45359237; } $data = array( 'pilotid' =>$pilotid, 'code' =>$code, 'flightnum' =>$flightnum, 'depicao' =>$xml->pirep->depICAO, 'arricao' =>$xml->pirep->arrICAO, 'aircraft' =>$ac->id, 'flighttime' =>$xml->pirep->flightTime, 'flighttype' =>$xml->pirep->flightType, 'submitdate' =>'UTC_TIMESTAMP()', 'comment' =>$xml->pirep->comments, 'fuelused' =>$fuelused, 'route' =>$xml->liveupdate->route, 'source' =>'kACARS', 'load' =>$load, 'landingrate' =>$xml->pirep->landing, 'log' =>$xml->pirep->log ); #$this->log("File PIREP: \n".print_r($data, true), 'kacars'); $ret = ACARSData::FilePIREP($pilotid, $data); if ($ret) { $params = array( 'pirepStatus' => '1'); // Pirep Filed! } else { $params = array( 'pirepStatus' => '2'); // Please Try Again! } $send = $this->sendXML($params); break; case 'aircraft': $this->getAllAircraft(); break; case 'aircraftinfo': $aircraftinfo = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($xml->pirep->registration); $params = array( 'aircraftReg' => $aircraftinfo->registration, 'aircraftICAO' => $aircraftinfo->icao, 'aircraftFullName' => $aircraftinfo->fullname, 'aircraftMaxPax' => $aircraftinfo->maxpax, 'aircraftCargo' => $aircraftinfo->maxcargo, 'aircraftName' => $aircraftinfo->name, 'aircraftRange' => $aircraftinfo->range, 'aircraftWeight' => $aircraftinfo->weight, 'aircraftCruise' => $aircraftinfo->cruise ); $send = $this->sendXML($params); break; } } } public function ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes) { if ($Minutes < 0) { $Min = Abs($Minutes); } else { $Min = $Minutes; } $iHours = Floor($Min / 60); $Minutes = ($Min - ($iHours * 60)) / 100; $tHours = $iHours + $Minutes; if ($Minutes < 0) { $tHours = $tHours * (-1); } $aHours = explode(".", $tHours); $iHours = $aHours[0]; if (empty($aHours[1])) { $aHours[1] = "00"; } $Minutes = $aHours[1]; if (strlen($Minutes) < 2) { $Minutes = $Minutes ."0"; } $tHours = $iHours .":". $Minutes; return $tHours; } public function sendXML($params) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<sitedata />"); $info_xml = $xml->addChild('info'); foreach($params as $name => $value) { $info_xml->addChild($name, $value); } header('Content-type: text/xml'); $xml_string = $xml->asXML(); echo $xml_string; # For debug #$this->log("Sending: \n".print_r($xml_string, true), 'kacars'); return; } public function getAllAircraft() { $results = OperationsData::getAllAircraft(true); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<aircraftdata />"); $info_xml = $xml->addChild('info'); foreach($results as $row) { $info_xml->addChild('aircraftICAO', $row->icao); $info_xml->addChild('aircraftReg', $row->registration); } # For debug #$this->log("Sending: \n".print_r($xml_string, true), 'kacars'); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml->asXML(); } } This is my "kACARS_Free.php" The part in bold and the issue I'm trying to do! $data = SchedulesData::getScheduleFlownCounts($xml->verify->$bid->daysofweek); Edited September 2, 2016 by eliezerazevedo Quote
ArthurHetem Posted September 4, 2016 Report Posted September 4, 2016 EN:You can edit this in the Appconfig.php PT:Você pode editar isso no Appconfig.php # Schedules - ignore the day of week active? Config::Set('CHECK_SCHEDULE_DAY_OF_WEEK', true); Quote
eliezerazevedo Posted September 4, 2016 Author Report Posted September 4, 2016 (edited) Nonfunctional My intention and check the flights that are already reserved! Ex: The pilot make a reservation, and the flight and for Sunday however today and Friday, then the application will not find the pilot reserve. Edited September 4, 2016 by eliezerazevedo Quote
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