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  1. When a pilot jumpseat via the Fltbook V2 module, the pilot is being sent to "-" not the icao that he choosed This is my search_form.php <?php $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $last_location = FltbookData::getLocation($pilotid); $last_name = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($last_location->arricao); if(!$last_location) { FltbookData::updatePilotLocation($pilotid, Auth::$userinfo->hub); } ?> <section class="content container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="box"> <div class="box-header"> <h3 class="box-title">Buscar Charter</h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <form action="<?php echo url('/Fltbook');?>" method="post"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tr> <td>Aeroporto Atual:</td> <td> <?php if($settings['search_from_current_location'] == 1) { ?> <div><span class="pull-left"><input class="form-control" id="depicao" name="depicao" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $last_location->arricao; ?>"><font color="red"><?php echo $last_location->arricao; ?> - <?php echo $last_name->name; ?></font></span></div> <?php } else { ?> <font color="red"><?php echo $last_location->arricao; ?> - <?php echo $last_name->name; ?></font> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if($settings['search_from_current_location'] == 0) { ?> <tr> <td>Selecionar Aeroporto de Decolagem:</td> <td> <select class="search form-control" name="depicao"> <option value="" selected disabled>Selecionar Aeroporto de Decolagem</option> <?php foreach ($airports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao.' - '.$airport->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td>Selecionar Companhia Aérea:</td> <td> <select class="search form-control" name="airline"> <option value="">Qualquer</option> <?php foreach ($airlines as $airline) { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Selecionar Aeronave:</td> <td> <select class="search form-control" name="aircraft"> <option value="" selected>Qualquer</option> <?php if($settings['search_from_current_location'] == 1) { $airc = FltbookData::routeaircraft($last_location->arricao); if(!$airc) { echo '<option>No Aircraft Available!</option>'; } else { foreach ($airc as $air) { $ai = FltbookData::getaircraftbyID($air->aircraft); echo '<option value="'.$ai->icao.'">'.$ai->name.'</option>'; } } } else { $airc = FltbookData::routeaircraft_depnothing(); if(!$airc) { echo '<option>No Aircraft Available!</option>'; } else { foreach($airc as $ai) { echo '<option value="'.$ai->icao.'">'.$ai->name.'</option>'; } } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Selecionar Destino:</td> <td> <select class="search form-control" name="arricao"> <option value="">Qualquer</option> <?php if($settings['search_from_current_location'] == 1) { $airs = FltbookData::arrivalairport($last_location->arricao); if(!$airs) { echo '<option>No Airports Available!</option>'; } else { foreach ($airs as $air) { $nam = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($air->arricao); echo '<option value="'.$air->arricao.'">'.$air->arricao.' - '.$nam->name.'</option>'; } } } else { foreach($airports as $airport) { echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao.' - '.$airport->name.'</option>'; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search" /> <input border="0" type="submit" name="submit" value="Buscar" class="btn-block btn-flat btn btn-info"> </td> </tr> <br /> </table> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="box"> <div class="box-header"> <h3 class="box-title">Jumpseat</h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <?php if($settings['search_from_current_location'] == 1) { ?> <form action="<?php echo url('/Fltbook/jumpseat');?>" method="post"> <table class="balancesheet tanle table-bordered"> <thead> <tr class="balancesheet_header"> <td colspan="5">Selecionar Aerporto</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Transferir Para:</td> <td align="left"> <div id="errors"></div> <select class="search form-control" name="depicao" onchange="calculate_transfer(this.value)"> <option value="" selected disabled>Selecionar Aeroporto</option> <?php foreach($airports as $airport) { if($airport->icao == $last_location->arricao) { continue; } echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->icao.' - '.$airport->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" id="purchase_button" value="Comprar Jumpseat!" class="btn-block btn-flat btn btn-info" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Distancia da Viagem:</td> <td align="left"><div id="distance_travelling"></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Custo:</td> <td align="left"><div id="jump_purchase_cost"></div></td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="cost"> <input type="hidden" name="airport"> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> function calculate_transfer(arricao) { var distancediv = $('#distance_travelling')[0]; var costdiv = $('#jump_purchase_cost')[0]; var errorsdiv = $('#errors')[0]; errorsdiv.innerHTML = ''; $.ajax({ url: baseurl + "/action.php/Fltbook/get_jumpseat_cost", type: 'POST', data: { depicao: "<?php echo $last_location->arricao; ?>", arricao: arricao, pilotid: "<?php echo Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; ?>" }, success: function(data) { data = $.parseJSON(data); console.log(data); if(data.error) { $("#purchase_button").prop('disabled', true); errorsdiv.innerHTML = "<font color='red'>Not enough funds for this transfer!</font>"; } else { $("#purchase_button").prop('disabled', false); distancediv.innerHTML = data.distance + "nm"; costdiv.innerHTML = "$" + data.total_cost; } }, error: function(e) { console.log(e); } }); } </script> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- /.content -->
  2. I've modified some finance datas so i can use finances and profits in the finance system but when i insert an "profit" i get an Error: There are the codes that i modified Modified.zip
  3. When i generate an OFP via the module i get an extreme high fuel for FINRES like this example: <OFP> <params> <request_id>10260159</request_id> <user_id>17411</user_id> <time_generated>1541968879</time_generated> <ofp_layout>lido2</ofp_layout> <airac>1703</airac> <units>kgs</units> </params> <general> <release>1</release> <icao_airline>NS</icao_airline> <flight_number>3113</flight_number> <is_etops>0</is_etops> <dx_rmk>LIMITES DA NORTESUL VIRUTAL</dx_rmk> <dx_rmk>PAYLOAD/CARGO LIMITED BY MLW</dx_rmk> <sys_rmk>WARNING: FLIGHT TIME EXCEEDS AIRCRAFT RANGE</sys_rmk> <is_detailed_profile>1</is_detailed_profile> <cruise_profile>CI25</cruise_profile> <climb_profile>250/280/78</climb_profile> <descent_profile>78/280/250</descent_profile> <alternate_profile>CI0</alternate_profile> <reserve_profile>RES</reserve_profile> <costindex>25</costindex> <initial_altitude>28000</initial_altitude> <avg_temp_dev>15</avg_temp_dev> <avg_tropopause>55656</avg_tropopause> <avg_wind_comp>-6</avg_wind_comp> <avg_wind_dir>226</avg_wind_dir> <avg_wind_spd>011</avg_wind_spd> <gc_distance>1322</gc_distance> <route_distance>1356</route_distance> <air_distance>1374</air_distance> <total_burn>12394</total_burn> <cruise_tas>515</cruise_tas> <cruise_mach>.84</cruise_mach> <passengers>19</passengers> </general> <origin> <icao_code>SBBE</icao_code> <iata_code>BEL</iata_code> <elevation>56</elevation> <pos_lat>-1.384722</pos_lat> <pos_long>-48.478889</pos_long> <name>VAL DE CANS/JULIO CEZAR RIBEIR</name> <plan_rwy>06</plan_rwy> </origin> <destination> <icao_code>SBGL</icao_code> <iata_code>GIG</iata_code> <elevation>28</elevation> <pos_lat>-22.810000</pos_lat> <pos_long>-43.250556</pos_long> <name>GALEAO-ANTONIO C JOBIM INTL</name> <plan_rwy>15</plan_rwy> </destination> <alternate>...</alternate> <takeoff_altn/> <navlog>...</navlog> <etops/> <atc> <flightplan_text> (FPL-NSV3113-IS -B738/M-SDE2E3FGHIRWXY/LB1 -SBBE0800 -N0515F280 ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B -SBGL0304 SBGR -PBN/A1B1C1D1S1S2 DOF/181111 REG/B738NSV EET/SBRE0107 SBBS0140 SBCW0234 SEL/ELSA OPR/NS PER/C RMK/TCAS) </flightplan_text> <route>N0515F280 ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B</route> <callsign>NSV3113</callsign> <initial_spd>0515</initial_spd> <initial_spd_unit>N</initial_spd_unit> <initial_alt>280</initial_alt> <initial_alt_unit>F</initial_alt_unit> <section18>...</section18> <fir_orig>SBAZ</fir_orig> <fir_dest>SBCW</fir_dest> <fir_altn>SBCW</fir_altn> <fir_etops/> <fir_enroute>SBRE</fir_enroute> <fir_enroute>SBBS</fir_enroute> <fir_enroute>SBCW</fir_enroute> </atc> <aircraft> <icaocode>B738</icaocode> <iatacode>738</iatacode> <name>B737-800</name> <reg>B738NSV</reg> <fin>806</fin> <selcal>ELSA</selcal> <equip>M-SDE2E3FGHIRWXY/LB1</equip> <max_passengers>184</max_passengers> <fuelfact>1</fuelfact> </aircraft> <fuel> <taxi>113</taxi> <enroute_burn>12394</enroute_burn> <contingency>0</contingency> <alternate_burn>1669</alternate_burn> <reserve>64887</reserve> <etops>0</etops> <extra>-58152</extra> <min_takeoff>78950</min_takeoff> <plan_takeoff>20798</plan_takeoff> <plan_ramp>20911</plan_ramp> <plan_landing>8517</plan_landing> <avg_fuel_flow>4023</avg_fuel_flow> <max_tanks>20911</max_tanks> </fuel> <times> <est_time_enroute>11091</est_time_enroute> <sched_time_enroute>11496</sched_time_enroute> <sched_out>1541923200</sched_out> <sched_off>1541923500</sched_off> <sched_on>1541934996</sched_on> <sched_in>1541935356</sched_in> <sched_block>12156</sched_block> <est_out>1541923200</est_out> <est_off>1541923500</est_off> <est_on>1541934591</est_on> <est_in>1541934951</est_in> <est_block>11751</est_block> <orig_timezone>-3</orig_timezone> <dest_timezone>-2</dest_timezone> <taxi_out>300</taxi_out> <taxi_in>360</taxi_in> <reserve_time>1800</reserve_time> <endurance>-37155</endurance> <contfuel_time>0</contfuel_time> <etopsfuel_time>0</etopsfuel_time> <extrafuel_time>-49440</extrafuel_time> </times> <weights> <oew>41682</oew> <pax_count>19</pax_count> <cargo>14293</cargo> <payload>16275</payload> <est_zfw>57957</est_zfw> <max_zfw>62732</max_zfw> <est_tow>78755</est_tow> <max_tow>78755</max_tow> <max_tow_struct>79016</max_tow_struct> <tow_limit_code>L</tow_limit_code> <est_ldw>66361</est_ldw> <max_ldw>66361</max_ldw> <est_ramp>78868</est_ramp> </weights> <impacts> <minus_6000ft> <time_enroute>11844</time_enroute> <time_difference>753</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12683</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>289</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>220</initial_fl> <initial_tas>465</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.74</initial_mach> <cost_index>25</cost_index> </minus_6000ft> <minus_4000ft> <time_enroute>11565</time_enroute> <time_difference>473</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12539</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>145</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>240</initial_fl> <initial_tas>483</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.77</initial_mach> <cost_index>25</cost_index> </minus_4000ft> <minus_2000ft> <time_enroute>11329</time_enroute> <time_difference>237</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12579</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>185</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>260</initial_fl> <initial_tas>499</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.80</initial_mach> <cost_index>25</cost_index> </minus_2000ft> <plus_2000ft/> <plus_4000ft/> <plus_6000ft/> <higher_ci> <time_enroute>11682</time_enroute> <time_difference>590</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12636</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>242</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>300</initial_fl> <initial_tas>476</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.78</initial_mach> <cost_index>100</cost_index> </higher_ci> <lower_ci> <time_enroute>10939</time_enroute> <time_difference>-152</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12335</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>-59</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>280</initial_fl> <initial_tas>530</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.86</initial_mach> <cost_index>0</cost_index> </lower_ci> <zfw_plus_1000> <time_enroute>11064</time_enroute> <time_difference>-27</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12455</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>61</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>280</initial_fl> <initial_tas>516</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.84</initial_mach> <cost_index>25</cost_index> </zfw_plus_1000> <zfw_minus_1000> <time_enroute>11120</time_enroute> <time_difference>29</time_difference> <enroute_burn>12332</enroute_burn> <burn_difference>-62</burn_difference> <ramp_fuel>20911</ramp_fuel> <initial_fl>280</initial_fl> <initial_tas>514</initial_tas> <initial_mach>0.84</initial_mach> <cost_index>25</cost_index> </zfw_minus_1000> </impacts> <crew> <pilot_id>000</pilot_id> <cpt>ARTHUR HETEM</cpt> <fo>PHILLIP NIEVES</fo> <dx>ROSEMARIE PATRICK</dx> <pu>TARA SMALL</pu> <fa>FLORA ROBERTSON</fa> <fa>SANTIAGO HERRING</fa> <fa>GILBERTO SANDOVAL</fa> <fa>ALTON BARRERA</fa> </crew> <notams/> <weather> <orig_metar>SBBE 112000Z 03007KT 9999 SCT040 30/24 Q1007</orig_metar> <orig_taf> SBBE 111600Z 1118/1218 35010KT 9999 SCT040 FEW045TCU TN24/1208Z T X31/1215Z BECMG 1119/1121 01005KT SCT035 BECMG 1123/1201 04006KT CAVOK BECMG 1 203/1205 09005KT BECMG 1207/1209 12002KT BECMG 1211/1213 06010KT 9999 BKN030 BECMG 1215/1217 35010KT SCT040 RMK PDY </orig_taf> <dest_metar> SBGL 112000Z 14010KT 9999 FEW025 FEW030TCU 28/21 Q1010 </dest_metar> <dest_taf> SBGL 111500Z 1118/1224 13010KT 9999 FEW020 TN21/1208Z TX29/1217Z PROB30 1119/1123 17005KT 5000 RA BKN015 BECMG 1200/1203 10005KT FEW025 PROB40 1209/1212 05005KT 4500 BR SCT015 BECMG 1214/1216 12010KT FEW025 BECMG 1219/1221 SCT020 FEW030TCU RMK PGY </dest_taf> <altn_metar>SBGR 112000Z 17006KT 8000 BKN013 22/21 Q1014</altn_metar> <altn_taf> SBGR 111629Z 1118/1224 13008KT 9999 BKN035 FEW045TCU TN17/1209Z TX28/1218Z PROB40 1118/1123 32008KT 8000 TSRA BKN020 FEW045CB BECMG 1123/1201 12004KT 8000 BKN017 BECMG 1201/1203 06005KT 7000 BKN007 PROB30 1207/1211 4000 BR OVC005 BECMG 1211/1213 03005KT 9999 SCT025 BECMG 1213/1215 33008KT 9999 FEW030 BECMG 1215/1217 SCT035 FEW045TCU PROB40 1217/1221 16008KT 7000 TSRA BKN030 FEW045CB BECMG 1221/1223 13005KT 9999 BKN017 RMK PGO </altn_taf> <etops_metar/> <etops_taf/> </weather> <text> <NAT_Tracks/> <plan_html> <div style="line-height:14px;font-size:13px"><pre><!--BKMK///OFP///0--><!--BKMK///Summary and Fuel///1--><b>[ OFP ] --------------------------------------------------------------------</b> NS3113 11NOV2018 SBBE-SBGL B738 B738NSV RELEASE 2041 11NOV18 OFP 1 VAL DE CANS/JULIO CE-GALEAO-ANTONIO C JOBIM INTL WX PROG 1106 1109 1112 OBS 1112 1112 1112 ATC C/S NSV3113 SBBE/BEL SBGL/GIG CRZ SYS CI 25 11NOV2018 B738NSV 0800/0805 1109/1115 GND DIST 1356 B737-800 / CFM56-7B26 STA 1122 AIR DIST 1374 CTOT:.... G/C DIST 1322 AVG WIND 226/011 MAXIMUM TOW 79016 LAW 66361 ZFW 62732 AVG W/C M006 ESTIMATED TOW 78755 LAW 66361 ZFW 57957 AVG ISA P015 AVG FF KGS/HR 4023 FUEL BIAS P00.0 ALTN SBGR TKOF ALTN ....... FL STEPS SBBE/0280/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- DISP RMKS LIMITES DA NORTESUL VIRUTAL PAYLOAD/CARGO LIMITED BY MLW WARNING: FLIGHT TIME EXCEEDS AIRCRAFT RANGE -------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNED FUEL --------------------------------- FUEL ARPT FUEL TIME --------------------------------- TRIP GIG 12394 0304 CONT 0 MIN 0 0000 ALTN GRU 1669 0037 FINRES 64887 0030 --------------------------------- MINIMUM T/OFF FUEL 78950 0412 --------------------------------- EXTRA -58152 0000 --------------------------------- T/OFF FUEL 20798 1428 TAXI BEL 113 0005 --------------------------------- BLOCK FUEL BEL 20911 PIC EXTRA ..... TOTAL FUEL ..... REASON FOR PIC EXTRA ............ -------------------------------------------------------------------- NO TANKERING RECOMMENDED (P) -------------------------------------------------------------------- I HEREWITH CONFIRM THAT I HAVE PERFORMED A THOROUGH SELF BRIEFING ABOUT THE DESTINATION AND ALTERNATE AIRPORTS OF THIS FLIGHT INCLUDING THE APPLICABLE INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES, AIRPORT FACILITIES, NOTAMS AND ALL OTHER RELEVANT PARTICULAR INFORMATION. DISPATCHER: ROSEMARIE PATRICK PIC NAME: HETEM, ARTHUR TEL: +1 800 555 0199 PIC SIGNATURE: ...............<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Routing and Impacts///1--> ALTERNATE ROUTE TO: FINRES 66556 APT TRK DST VIA FL WC TIME FUEL -------------------------------------------------------------------- SBGR/27R 257 247 EVRA1A SIDUR UZ10 TBE EVSO1A 180 M002 0037 1669 SBSJ/15 259 214 DCT NOA DCT LIXEP DCT SIDUR 160 M006 0047 2313 DCT UBT DCT ILTAB DCT TESIX DCT SJ046 DCT SJ047 DCT -------------------------------------------------------------------- MEL/CDL ITEMS DESCRIPTION ------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUTING: ROUTE ID: DEFRTE SBBE/06 ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B SBGL/15 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTURE ATC CLEARANCE: . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATIONAL IMPACTS ------------------- WEIGHT CHANGE UP 1.0 TRIP P 0061 KGS TIME M 0000 WEIGHT CHANGE DN 1.0 TRIP M 0062 KGS TIME P 0000 FL CHANGE UP FL1 NOT AVAILABLE FL CHANGE DN FL1 TRIP P 0185 KGS TIME P 0003 FL CHANGE DN FL2 TRIP P 0145 KGS TIME P 0007 SPD CHANGE CI 0 TRIP M 0059 KGS TIME M 0002 SPD CHANGE CI 100 TRIP P 0242 KGS TIME P 0009 --------------------------------------------------------------------<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Times and Weights///1-->-------------------------------------------------------------------- ATIS: . . --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- RVSM: ALT SYS LEFT: STBY: RIGHT: --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMES ----- ESTIMATED SKED ACTUAL OUT 0800Z/0500L 0800Z/0500L ......Z OFF 0805Z/0505L 0805Z/0505L ......Z ON 1109Z/0909L 1116Z/0916L ......Z IN 1115Z/0915L 1122Z/0922L ......Z BLOCK TIME 0315 0322 ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIGHTS ------- EST MAX ACTUAL PAX 19 ...... CARGO 14.3 ...... PAYLOAD 16.3 ...... ZFW 58.0 62.7 ...... FUEL 20.9 20.9 ...... POSS EXTRA 0.0 TOW 78.8 78.8 LDG...... STAB TRIM ...... LAW 66.4 66.4 ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRAIN CLEARANCE CHECK ----------------------- DD CHECK - TERRAIN CLEARANCE CHECK DISABLED DP CHECK - TERRAIN CLEARANCE CHECK DISABLED --------------------------------------------------------------------<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Flight Log///1--> FLIGHT LOG ---------- MOST CRITICAL MORA 07500 FEET AT OGMUK///MXSHR 01 AT TOC -------------------------------------------------------------------- AWY FL IMT MN WIND OAT EFOB PBRN POSITION LAT EET ETO MORA ITT TAS COMP TDV IDENT LONG TTLT ATO DIS RDIS GS SHR TRP AFOB ABRN FREQ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 186 20.8 0.1 VAL DE CANS S0123.1 ... 23 166 M005 SBBE W04828.7 0000 ... 1356 370 .... .... ILSAT1 168 186 .58 126/007 M02 20.0 0.9 ILSAT S0202.1 0011 ... 23 166 M005 P17 ILSAT W04819.1 0011 ... 58 1298 370 548 .... .... UZ3 228 187 .66 153/005 M12 19.2 1.7 PIRES S0241.1 0007 ... 25 166 M005 P19 PIRES W04809.4 0018 ... 40 1258 412 552 .... .... UZ3 272 186 .73 087/003 M23 18.2 2.7 PADAM S0328.7 0009 ... 31 165 M001 P16 PADAM W04757.7 0027 ... 49 1209 449 552 .... .... UZ3 280 186 .74 127/005 M25 17.8 3.1 T O C S0349.1 0004 ... 31 165 456 M004 P16 W04752.5 0031 ... 21 1188 452 1 547 .... .... UZ3 280 187 .84 127/005 M25 17.5 3.4 MASPU S0425.6 0004 ... 34 166 515 M004 P16 MASPU W04743.2 0035 ... 38 1150 511 1 547 .... .... UZ3 280 188 .84 207/006 M24 16.9 4.0 IMPERATRIZ S0531.4 0008 ... 28 167 516 M005 P17 YTZ W04727.0 0043 ... 68 1082 511 1 544 .... .... 112.70 UZ3 280 188 .84 207/006 M24 16.8 4.1 ILSOS S0545.2 0002 ... 31 167 516 M005 P17 ILSOS W04723.8 0045 ... 14 1068 511 1 544 .... .... UZ3 280 188 .84 248/007 M24 16.3 4.6 RICAR S0643.3 0007 ... 42 166 515 M001 P17 RICAR W04710.3 0052 ... 60 1008 514 1 544 .... .... UZ3 280 188 .84 244/010 M24 15.2 5.7 DAPTA S0851.6 0015 ... 45 166 515 M002 P17 DAPTA W04640.3 0107 ... 132 876 513 1 546 .... .... RECIFE FIR/UIR -SBRE S0851.7 0000 ... W04640.4 0107 ... 0 876 UZ3 280 189 .84 236/014 M25 14.8 6.1 LOVIS S0931.1 0005 ... 47 166 513 M005 P16 LOVIS W04631.0 0112 ... 41 835 508 0 549 .... .... <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>AWY FL IMT MN WIND OAT EFOB PBRN POSITION LAT EET ETO MORA ITT TAS COMP TDV IDENT LONG TTLT ATO DIS RDIS GS SHR TRP AFOB ABRN FREQ -------------------------------------------------------------------- UZ3 280 189 .84 230/015 M25 14.5 6.4 SOLDO S1010.6 0005 ... 53 166 513 M007 P16 SOLDO W04621.7 0117 ... 41 794 506 0 548 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 253/017 M25 13.7 7.2 OTELO S1144.8 0012 ... 52 166 512 M001 P16 OTELO W04559.3 0129 ... 97 697 511 1 559 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 254/018 M25 12.9 8.0 NECTO S1319.3 0011 ... 50 166 512 M001 P16 NECTO W04536.5 0140 ... 97 600 511 0 560 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 259/022 M26 12.6 8.3 NEGAR S1353.5 0004 ... 50 166 510 P001 P15 NEGAR W04528.2 0144 ... 35 565 511 0 561 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 259/022 M26 12.4 8.5 CARVA S1422.9 0004 ... 49 166 509 P001 P15 CARVA W04521.0 0148 ... 30 535 510 0 561 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 239/018 M26 12.1 8.8 APINO S1457.7 0004 ... 49 166 509 M006 P15 APINO W04512.5 0152 ... 36 499 503 0 561 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 239/018 M26 11.9 9.0 TILSU S1516.9 0002 ... 46 166 509 M006 P15 TILSU W04507.7 0154 ... 20 479 503 0 561 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 218/020 M27 11.8 9.2 HATCH S1536.3 0003 ... 42 166 508 M013 P14 HATCH W04502.9 0157 ... 20 459 495 1 565 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 218/020 M27 11.3 9.6 OBGEP S1625.0 0006 ... 44 166 508 M013 P14 OBGEP W04450.9 0203 ... 50 409 495 1 565 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 205/024 M27 11.1 9.8 GEVMI S1651.2 0003 ... 56 166 508 M019 P14 GEVMI W04444.3 0206 ... 27 382 489 1 567 .... .... UZ3 280 188 .83 200/027 M28 10.7 10.2 DOSMA S1739.3 0006 ... 62 165 507 M023 P13 DOSMA W04432.4 0212 ... 50 332 484 1 568 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 226/020 M28 10.5 10.4 RORIP S1803.3 0003 ... 56 166 506 M010 P13 RORIP W04426.0 0215 ... 25 307 496 1 565 .... .... UZ3 280 189 .83 219/018 M28 10.0 10.9 GEDOK S1859.4 0007 ... 52 166 506 M011 P13 GEDOK W04411.7 0222 ... 58 249 495 1 566 .... .... <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>AWY FL IMT MN WIND OAT EFOB PBRN POSITION LAT EET ETO MORA ITT TAS COMP TDV IDENT LONG TTLT ATO DIS RDIS GS SHR TRP AFOB ABRN FREQ -------------------------------------------------------------------- UZ3 280 194 .83 209/015 M28 9.7 11.2 CONFINS (BE S1933.5 0005 ... 52 171 506 M011 P13 CNF W04402.9 0227 ... 35 214 495 1 566 .... .... 114.40 UZ3 280 207 .83 209/015 M28 9.6 11.3 BELO HORIZO S1950.1 0002 ... 69 184 505 M012 P13 BHZ W04400.2 0229 ... 17 197 493 1 566 .... .... 117.70 UZ3 280 208 .83 209/015 M28 9.3 11.6 SILUB S2022.0 0004 ... 64 184 505 M014 P13 SILUB W04403.1 0233 ... 32 165 491 1 566 .... .... UZ3 280 207 .83 189/012 M28 9.3 11.7 NITLU S2030.6 0001 ... 63 184 505 M012 P13 NITLU W04403.8 0234 ... 9 156 493 0 565 .... .... CURITIBA FIR/UIR -SBCW S2030.6 0000 ... W04403.9 0234 ... 0 156 UZ3 280 207 .83 189/012 M28 9.1 11.8 DEJAN S2046.2 0002 ... 62 184 505 M012 P13 DEJAN W04405.3 0236 ... 16 140 493 0 565 .... .... UZ3 280 207 .83 189/012 M28 9.0 11.9 VUMDO S2059.9 0001 ... 62 184 505 M012 P13 VUMDO W04406.5 0237 ... 14 126 493 0 565 .... .... UZ3 280 207 .83 189/012 M28 8.9 12.0 T O D S2116.8 0002 ... 67 184 505 M012 P13 W04408.0 0239 ... 17 109 493 0 565 .... .... UZ3 252 171 .69 187/012 M21 8.8 12.1 MAVGU S2127.3 0003 ... 67 148 M012 P14 MAVGU W04409.0 0242 ... 11 98 420 565 .... .... GIGS1B 231 177 .66 179/010 M17 8.8 12.1 OGMUK S2134.4 0001 ... 75 154 M009 P14 OGMUK W04404.4 0243 ... 8 90 407 565 .... .... GIGS1B 185 177 .60 205/009 M08 8.8 12.2 IVREV S2150.7 0004 ... 73 154 M006 P14 IVREV W04356.0 0247 ... 18 72 378 565 .... .... GIGS1B 105 177 .51 245/004 07 8.7 12.2 UTNUG S2218.6 0006 ... 53 154 P000 P13 UTNUG W04341.6 0253 ... 31 41 336 565 .... .... GIGS1B 077 177 .43 188/002 12 8.6 12.3 VAKUB S2228.2 0002 ... 74 154 M002 P12 VAKUB W04336.6 0255 ... 11 30 285 565 .... .... <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>AWY FL IMT MN WIND OAT EFOB PBRN POSITION LAT EET ETO MORA ITT TAS COMP TDV IDENT LONG TTLT ATO DIS RDIS GS SHR TRP AFOB ABRN FREQ -------------------------------------------------------------------- GIGS1B 062 177 .42 114/003 15 8.6 12.3 GIGSO S2233.6 0001 ... 74 154 M002 P12 GIGSO W04333.8 0256 ... 6 24 278 562 .... .... GIGS1B 046 147 .41 105/004 17 8.6 12.3 UTBOM S2238.5 0002 ... 61 124 M003 P11 UTBOM W04331.2 0258 ... 6 18 270 562 .... .... GIGS1B 8.4 12.5 GALEAO-ANTO S2248.6 0006 ... SBGL W04315.0 0304 ... 18 .... .... <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Wind Information///1-->-------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND INFORMATION ---------------- CLIMB T O C MASPU YTZ 350 111/008 -43 320 124/008 -35 320 124/008 -35 320 191/007 -35 310 061/006 -32 300 114/006 -30 300 114/006 -30 300 199/007 -29 200 139/007 -08 280 127/005 -25 280 127/005 -25 280 207/006 -24 150 093/005 +03 260 151/003 -19 260 151/003 -19 260 217/006 -19 100 087/019 +11 240 192/003 -14 240 192/003 -14 240 229/006 -14 ILSOS RICAR DAPTA LOVIS 320 191/007 -35 320 223/008 -35 320 229/011 -34 320 238/012 -35 300 199/007 -29 300 251/006 -30 300 241/013 -29 300 238/013 -29 280 207/006 -24 280 248/007 -24 280 239/012 -25 280 236/014 -25 260 217/006 -19 260 246/008 -19 260 237/010 -20 260 233/014 -20 240 229/006 -14 240 244/009 -14 240 234/009 -15 240 230/014 -15 SOLDO OTELO NECTO NEGAR 320 235/014 -34 320 248/017 -35 320 264/018 -35 320 263/024 -36 300 228/015 -29 300 250/018 -30 300 256/019 -30 300 261/022 -31 280 230/015 -25 280 253/017 -25 280 254/018 -25 280 259/022 -26 260 232/015 -20 260 257/016 -20 260 252/018 -20 260 256/022 -20 240 234/015 -15 240 261/015 -15 240 250/018 -15 240 253/022 -15 CARVA APINO TILSU HATCH 320 263/024 -36 320 248/022 -36 320 248/022 -36 320 233/023 -37 300 261/022 -31 300 242/018 -32 300 242/018 -32 300 221/019 -32 280 259/022 -26 280 239/018 -26 280 239/018 -26 280 218/020 -27 260 256/022 -20 260 237/019 -21 260 237/019 -21 260 216/022 -22 240 253/022 -15 240 235/019 -16 240 235/019 -16 240 213/023 -16 OBGEP GEVMI DOSMA RORIP 320 233/023 -37 320 217/024 -37 320 211/025 -37 320 246/021 -37 300 221/019 -32 300 205/023 -32 300 201/026 -33 300 231/021 -33 280 218/020 -27 280 205/024 -27 280 200/027 -28 280 226/020 -28 260 216/022 -22 260 204/025 -22 260 199/028 -22 260 221/018 -23 240 213/023 -16 240 204/026 -17 240 198/029 -17 240 215/017 -18 GEDOK CNF BHZ SILUB 320 243/017 -38 320 230/015 -38 320 230/015 -38 320 230/015 -38 300 225/019 -33 300 214/016 -33 300 214/016 -33 300 214/016 -33 280 219/018 -28 280 209/015 -28 280 209/015 -28 280 209/015 -28 260 212/016 -23 260 203/015 -23 260 203/015 -23 260 203/015 -23 240 204/015 -18 240 197/014 -19 240 197/014 -19 240 197/014 -19 NITLU DEJAN VUMDO T O D 320 207/013 -39 320 207/013 -39 320 207/013 -39 320 207/013 -39 300 190/012 -34 300 190/012 -34 300 190/012 -34 300 190/012 -34 280 189/012 -28 280 189/012 -28 280 189/012 -28 280 189/012 -28 260 188/012 -23 260 188/012 -23 260 188/012 -23 260 188/012 -23 240 186/012 -18 240 186/012 -18 240 186/012 -18 240 186/012 -18 <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>DESCENT 350 210/013 -46 310 181/009 -36 200 212/009 -11 150 250/007 -01 100 213/003 +08 --------------------------------------------------------------------<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///ATC Flight Plan///0--><b>[ ATC Flight Plan ] --------------------------------------------------------------------</b> ICAO FLIGHT PLAN ---------------- FF SBAZZQZX SBREZQZX SBBSZQZX SBCWZQZX 112041 CYULSBFP (FPL-NSV3113-IS -B738/M-SDE2E3FGHIRWXY/LB1 -SBBE0800 -N0515F280 ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B -SBGL0254 SBGR -PBN/A1B1C1D1S1S2 DOF/181111 REG/B738NSV EET/SBRE0107 SBBS0140 SBCW0234 SEL/ELSA OPR/NS PER/C RMK/TCAS)<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Additional Info///0--><b>[ Additional Info ] --------------------------------------------------------------------</b> D I S P A T C H B R I E F I N G I N F O NS3113 SBBE/SBGL <h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Airport WX List///0--><b>[ Airport WX List ] --------------------------------------------------------------------</b> SBBE --> SBGL NS 3113 / 11NOV2018 LIDO/WEATHER SERVICE DATE : 11Nov2018 TIME : 20:41 UTC AIRMETs: No Wx data available SIGMETSs: SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR/UIR WS SIGMET 32 VALID 112000/112400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0644 W05439 - S0345 W04735 - S0610 W04449 - S0857 W04706 - S1036 W05111 - S0936 W05307 - S0644 W05439 TOP FL470 STNR INTSF= WS SIGMET 29 VALID 112000/112400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0203 W06932 - S0105 W06017 - S0551 W05744 - S1100 W06852 - S1050 W07037 - S0203 W06932 TOP FL470 STNR INTSF= WS SIGMET 30 VALID 112000/112400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0425 W06957 - S0930 W07031 - S0952 W07206 - S0734 W07344 - S0512 W07241 - S0425 W06957 TOP FL470 STNR NC= WS SIGMET 31 VALID 112000/112400 SBAZ - SBAZ AMAZONICA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0933 W06528 - S0448 W05545 - S0939 W05310 - S1531 W05956 - S1327 W06103 - S1128 W06519 - S0933 W06528 TOP FL470 STNR INTSF= SBCW CURITIBA FIR/UIR WS SIGMET 2 VALID 112030/112230 SBCW - SBCW CURITIBA FIR EMBD TS FC ST WI S2330 W04655 - S2313 W04553 - S2245 W04547 - S2215 W04522 - S2224 W04432 - S2328 W04359 - S2353 W04540 - S2330 W04655 TOP FL380 STNR W KN= SBBS BRASILIA FIR/UIR WS SIGMET 8 VALID 111930/112330 SBBS - SBBS BRASILIA FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1432 W05337 - S1233 W04621 - S1318 W04535 - S1533 W04403 - S1622 W04250 - S1831 W04255 - S1907 W04643 - S1837 W05228 - S1719 W05355 - S1641 W05306 - S1432 W05337 TOP FL450 STNR INTSF= SBRE RECIFE FIR/UIR WS SIGMET 8 VALID 111850/112250 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0827 W04612 - S0832 W04434 - S0649 W04321 - S0631 W04455 - S0811 W04550 - S0827 W04612 TOP FL420 STNR NC= WS SIGMET 9 VALID 111915/112315 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR SEV ICE FCST WI S1403 W03703 - S0923 W04238 - S1137 W04443 - S1823 W03901 - S1643 W03805 - S1505 W03734 - S1403 W03703 FL160/200 STNR NC= WS SIGMET 10 VALID 111930/112250 SBRE-SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S0754 W04407 - S0824 W04344 - S0905 W04424 - S0831 W04456- S0832 W04434 - S0754 W04407 TOP FL420 STNR NC= WS SIGMET 11 VALID 112010/112315 SBRE- SBRE RECIFE FIR EMBD TS FCST WI S1559 W04324 - S1532 W04254 - S1306 W 04351 - S1323 W04532 - S1530 W04405 - S1559 W04324 TOP FL420 STNR NC= Tropical Cyclone SIGMETs: No Wx data available Volcanic Ash SIGMETs: No Wx data available<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>Departure: SBBE/BEL VAL DE CANS/JULIO CEZAR RIBEIR SA 112000 03007KT 9999 SCT040 30/24 Q1007 FT 111600 1118/1218 35010KT 9999 SCT040 FEW045TCU TN24/1208Z T X31/1215Z BECMG 1119/1121 01005KT SCT035 BECMG 1123/1201 04006KT CAVOK BECMG 1 203/1205 09005KT BECMG 1207/1209 12002KT BECMG 1211/1213 06010KT 9999 BKN030 BECMG 1215/1217 35010KT SCT040 RMK PDY Destination: SBGL/GIG GALEAO-ANTONIO C JOBIM INTL SA 112000 14010KT 9999 FEW025 FEW030TCU 28/21 Q1010 FT 111500 1118/1224 13010KT 9999 FEW020 TN21/1208Z TX29/1217Z PROB30 1119/1123 17005KT 5000 RA BKN015 BECMG 1200/1203 10005KT FEW025 PROB40 1209/1212 05005KT 4500 BR SCT015 BECMG 1214/1216 12010KT FEW025 BECMG 1219/1221 SCT020 FEW030TCU RMK PGY Destination Alternates: SBGR/GRU GUARULHOS-GOV ANDRE FRANCO MON SA 112000 17006KT 8000 BKN013 22/21 Q1014 FT 111629 1118/1224 13008KT 9999 BKN035 FEW045TCU TN17/1209Z TX28/1218Z PROB40 1118/1123 32008KT 8000 TSRA BKN020 FEW045CB BECMG 1123/1201 12004KT 8000 BKN017 BECMG 1201/1203 06005KT 7000 BKN007 PROB30 1207/1211 4000 BR OVC005 BECMG 1211/1213 03005KT 9999 SCT025 BECMG 1213/1215 33008KT 9999 FEW030 BECMG 1215/1217 SCT035 FEW045TCU PROB40 1217/1221 16008KT 7000 TSRA BKN030 FEW045CB BECMG 1221/1223 13005KT 9999 BKN017 RMK PGO SBSJ/SJK PROF URBANO ERNESTO STUMPF, IN SA 112000 14015KT 9999 FEW030 FEW040TCU SCT090 25/20 Q1013 FT 111500 1118/1218 03005KT 9999 SCT020 TN17/1208Z TX28/1217Z PROB40 1119/1121 5000 TSRA BKN020 FEW030CB BECMG 1121/1123 18005KT BECMG 1200/1202 14005KT FEW020 BECMG 1204/1206 08005KT SCT015 PROB40 1208/1211 4000 BR SCT012 BECMG 1212/1214 17010KT BECMG 1215/1217 03005KT RMK PGY AIRPORTLIST ENDED<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2><!--BKMK///Company NOTAM///0--><b>[ Company NOTAM ] --------------------------------------------------------------------</b> <b>========== CREW ALERT ==========</b> <b>SB009/17 </b> SUBJECT: NEW ALTERNATE OPTIONS THANKS TO A RECENT UPDATE, YOU CAN NOW SPECIFY UP TO 4 ALTERNATE AIRPORTS, COMPLETE WITH PROPER FLIGHT ROUTES FOR EACH, DIRECTLY FROM THE NEW "ALTERNATE AIRPORTS" SECTION OF THE DISPATCH OPTIONS PAGE. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR THE MOMENT ONLY THE DEFAULT LIDO FORMAT CAN DISPLAY THESE NEW OPTIONS, THE OTHER LAYOUTS WILL BE UPDATED OVER THE COMING WEEKS. <b>SB007/14 </b> SUBJECT: AUTO COST INDEXES WHEN PLANNING A COST INDEX, 2 OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE. PILOTS MAY EITHER SELECT A SPECIFIC COST INDEX NUMBER FROM THE LIST, OR THEY MAY SELECT "AUTO". WHEN PLANNING AN "AUTO" COST INDEX, THE SYSTEM WILL REFERENCE THE "TIME ENROUTE" OPTION AND ATTEMPT TO CHOOSE A COST INDEX WHICH CLOSELY MATCHES THIS VALUE. NOTE THAT THE "TIME ENROUTE" OPTION IS MEANT AS A GATE TO GATE TIME (AS INDICATED ON AN AIRLINE'S FLIGHT SCHEDULE, FOR EXAMPLE). IF A "TIME ENROUTE" OF 2:30 IS SELECTED, THE SYSTEM WILL SUBTRACT THE TAXI TIMES FROM THIS VALUE TO DETERMINE THE SCHEDULED AIR TIME. IT WILL THEN DETERMINE AND USE THE COST INDEX WHICH MATCHES THIS AIR TIME. <b>SB003/13 </b> SUBJECT: FLIGHT RELEASE UNITS ALL FLIGHT CREW: PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE UNITS SELECTION WHEN GENERATING A FLIGHT PLAN. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY THE CORRECT UNITS WHEN REFUELING PRIOR TO FLIGHT CAN RESULT IN DEPARTING WITH INSUFFICIENT FUEL AND/OR AN ERRONEOUS PAYLOAD. <b>============= CREW BULLETIN =============</b> NIL ==================== END OF LIDO-NOTAM-BULLETIN ====================<h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>Route <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_ROUTE.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_ROUTE.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a><h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>SigWx 1 of 1 <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_SIGWX12.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_SIGWX12.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a><h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>UAD 1 of 3 <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS24000.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS24000.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a><h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>UAD 2 of 3 <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS30000.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS30000.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a><h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>UAD 3 of 3 <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS34000.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS34000.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a><h2 style="page-break-after: always;"> </h2>Vertical profile <a class="ofpmaplink" href="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_PROFILE.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/SBBESBGL_1541968879_PROFILE.gif" alt="Image no longer available, please regenerate the flightplan." width="600px"></a></pre></div> </plan_html> </text> <database_updates> <metar_taf>1541968801</metar_taf> <winds>1541953217</winds> <sigwx>1541968381</sigwx> <sigmet>1541968626</sigmet> <notams>1541968861</notams> </database_updates> <files> <directory>http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/flightplans/</directory> <pdf> <name>PDF Document</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PDF_1541968879.pdf</link> </pdf> <file> <name>Aerosoft Airbus</name> <link>SBBESBGL_ABX_1541968879.flp</link> </file> <file> <name>Aerosoft CRJ</name> <link>SBBESBGL_CRX_1541968879.flp</link> </file> <file> <name>Aerowinx PSX 747</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PSX_1541968879.route</link> </file> <file> <name>AivlaSoft EFB</name> <link>SBBESBGL_EFB_1541968879.efbr</link> </file> <file> <name>AivlaSoft EFB v2</name> <link>SBBESBGL_EF2_1541968879.efbr</link> </file> <file> <name>Black Box Airbus</name> <link>SBBESBGL_BBS_1541968879.pln</link> </file> <file> <name>Captain Sim (PLN)</name> <link>SBBESBGL_CSF_1541968879.pln</link> </file> <file> <name>FeelThere</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FTR_1541968879.fpl</link> </file> <file> <name>Flight1 GTN</name> <link>SBBESBGL_GTN_1541968879.gfp</link> </file> <file> <name>FlightFactor 777</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VMX_1541968879.flp</link> </file> <file> <name>FlightFactor A320</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FFA_1541968879.in</link> </file> <file> <name>FS Commander</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FSC_1541968879.pln</link> </file> <file> <name>FS2004</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FS9_1541968879.pln</link> </file> <file> <name>FSLabs A320</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FSL_1541968879.txt</link> </file> <file> <name>FSX/P3D</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FSX_1541968879.pln</link> </file> <file> <name>Google Earth KML</name> <link>SBBESBGL_KML_1541968879.kml</link> </file> <file> <name>iFly 737NG</name> <link>SBBESBGL_IFY_1541968879.FLTPLAN</link> </file> <file> <name>iFly 747 V2</name> <link>SBBESBGL_I74_1541968879.route</link> </file> <file> <name>IVAO/IVAP</name> <link>SBBESBGL_IVO_1541968879.fpl</link> </file> <file> <name>IVAO/XIVAP</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XVP_1541968879.fpl</link> </file> <file> <name>IXEG 737 Classic</name> <link>SBBESBGL_IXG_1541968879.fpl</link> </file> <file> <name>JARDesign Airbus</name> <link>SBBESBGL_JAR_1541968879.txt</link> </file> <file> <name>Leonardo MD80</name> <link>SBBESBGL_MDR_1541968879.mdr</link> </file> <file> <name>Level-D 767</name> <link>SBBESBGL_LVD_1541968879.rte</link> </file> <file> <name>Majestic Q400</name> <link>SBBESBGL_MJC_1541968879.fpr</link> </file> <file> <name>PMDG Flightplan</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PMR_1541968879.rte</link> </file> <file> <name>PMDG Wind Uplink</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PMW_1541968879.wx</link> </file> <file> <name>Project Magenta</name> <link>SBBESBGL_MGA_1541968879.sbp</link> </file> <file> <name>ProSim 737</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PSM_1541968879.xml</link> </file> <file> <name>QualityWings</name> <link>SBBESBGL_QTY_1541968879.RTE</link> </file> <file> <name>Squawkbox</name> <link>SBBESBGL_SFP_1541968879.sfp</link> </file> <file> <name>TFDi Design 717</name> <link>SBBESBGL_TFD_1541968879.xml</link> </file> <file> <name>UFMC - Universal FMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_UFC_1541968879.ufmc</link> </file> <file> <name>vasFMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VAS_1541968879.fmc</link> </file> <file> <name>vPilot</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VFP_1541968879.vfp</link> </file> <file> <name>Wilco Airbus Evo</name> <link>SBBESBGL_WAE_1541968879.rte</link> </file> <file> <name>X-FMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XFM_1541968879.FPL</link> </file> <file> <name>X-Plane 11</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XPE_1541968879.fms</link> </file> <file> <name>X-Plane 9/10</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XP9_1541968879.fms</link> </file> </files> <fms_downloads> <directory>http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/flightplans/</directory> <pdf> <name>PDF Document</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PDF_1541968879.pdf</link> </pdf> <abx> <name>Aerosoft Airbus</name> <link>SBBESBGL_ABX_1541968879.flp</link> </abx> <crx> <name>Aerosoft CRJ</name> <link>SBBESBGL_CRX_1541968879.flp</link> </crx> <psx> <name>Aerowinx PSX 747</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PSX_1541968879.route</link> </psx> <efb> <name>AivlaSoft EFB</name> <link>SBBESBGL_EFB_1541968879.efbr</link> </efb> <ef2> <name>AivlaSoft EFB v2</name> <link>SBBESBGL_EF2_1541968879.efbr</link> </ef2> <bbs> <name>Black Box Airbus</name> <link>SBBESBGL_BBS_1541968879.pln</link> </bbs> <csf> <name>Captain Sim (PLN)</name> <link>SBBESBGL_CSF_1541968879.pln</link> </csf> <ftr> <name>FeelThere</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FTR_1541968879.fpl</link> </ftr> <gtn> <name>Flight1 GTN</name> <link>SBBESBGL_GTN_1541968879.gfp</link> </gtn> <vmx> <name>FlightFactor 777</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VMX_1541968879.flp</link> </vmx> <ffa> <name>FlightFactor A320</name> <link>SBBESBGL_FFA_1541968879.in</link> </ffa> <fsc> <name>FS Commander</name> 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</lvd> <mjc> <name>Majestic Q400</name> <link>SBBESBGL_MJC_1541968879.fpr</link> </mjc> <pmr> <name>PMDG Flightplan</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PMR_1541968879.rte</link> </pmr> <pmw> <name>PMDG Wind Uplink</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PMW_1541968879.wx</link> </pmw> <mga> <name>Project Magenta</name> <link>SBBESBGL_MGA_1541968879.sbp</link> </mga> <psm> <name>ProSim 737</name> <link>SBBESBGL_PSM_1541968879.xml</link> </psm> <qty> <name>QualityWings</name> <link>SBBESBGL_QTY_1541968879.RTE</link> </qty> <sfp> <name>Squawkbox</name> <link>SBBESBGL_SFP_1541968879.sfp</link> </sfp> <tfd> <name>TFDi Design 717</name> <link>SBBESBGL_TFD_1541968879.xml</link> </tfd> <ufc> <name>UFMC - Universal FMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_UFC_1541968879.ufmc</link> </ufc> <vas> <name>vasFMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VAS_1541968879.fmc</link> </vas> <vfp> <name>vPilot</name> <link>SBBESBGL_VFP_1541968879.vfp</link> </vfp> <wae> <name>Wilco Airbus Evo</name> <link>SBBESBGL_WAE_1541968879.rte</link> </wae> <xfm> <name>X-FMC</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XFM_1541968879.FPL</link> </xfm> <xpe> <name>X-Plane 11</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XPE_1541968879.fms</link> </xpe> <xp9> <name>X-Plane 9/10</name> <link>SBBESBGL_XP9_1541968879.fms</link> </xp9> </fms_downloads> <images> <directory>http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/uads/</directory> <map> <name>Route</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_ROUTE.gif</link> </map> <map> <name>SigWx 1 of 1</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_SIGWX12.gif</link> </map> <map> <name>UAD 1 of 3</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS24000.gif</link> </map> <map> <name>UAD 2 of 3</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS30000.gif</link> </map> <map> <name>UAD 3 of 3</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_WINDS34000.gif</link> </map> <map> <name>Vertical profile</name> <link>SBBESBGL_1541968879_PROFILE.gif</link> </map> </images> <links> <skyvector> http://skyvector.com/?ll=-12.151908,-46.148646&chart=304&zoom=9&fpl= SBBE ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B SBGL </skyvector> </links> <vatsim_prefile> <Form method="get" 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<map_data> https://www.simbrief.com/ofp/flightplans/SBBESBGL_MJS_1541968879.js </map_data> <api_params> <airline>NS</airline> <fltnum>3113</fltnum> <type>B738</type> <orig>SBBE</orig> <dest>SBGL</dest> <date>1541894400</date> <dephour>28800</dephour> <depmin>0</depmin> <route>ILSAT1 ILSAT UZ3 MAVGU GIGS1B</route> <stehour>auto</stehour> <stemin>auto</stemin> <reg>B738NSV</reg> <fin/> <selcal>ELSA</selcal> <pax>19</pax> <altn>SBGR</altn> <fl/> <cpt>ARTHUR HETEM</cpt> <pid>000</pid> <fuelfactor>1</fuelfactor> <manualzfw>auto</manualzfw> <addedfuel>0</addedfuel> <contpct>auto</contpct> <resvrule>auto</resvrule> <taxiout>auto</taxiout> <taxiin>auto</taxiin> <cargo>3951</cargo> <origrwy>auto</origrwy> <destrwy>auto</destrwy> <climb>auto</climb> <descent>auto</descent> <cruisemode>CI</cruisemode> <cruisesub>25</cruisesub> <planformat>lido</planformat> <pounds>0</pounds> <navlog>1</navlog> <etops>0</etops> <stepclimbs>0</stepclimbs> <tlr>1</tlr> <notams_opt>0</notams_opt> <firnot>0</firnot> <maps>1</maps> <turntoflt/> <turntoapt/> <turntotime/> <turnfrflt/> <turnfrapt/> <turnfrtime/> </api_params> </OFP>
  4. phpvms isnt sending any emails version is simpilot 5.5.2
  5. I was thinking on make an mod in the RandomFlights Module, so the airplane will be assigned to the flight when pilot click to book the Schedule, i need to do like the FLTBOOk module, get all aircrafts that match the icao code of the schedule, but the module assign the aircraft
  6. When we make login in our website, the page isn't showed, the site is: http://aviancavirtual.tk user: ONE009 password: testing EDIT1: I have found the error, is that code: <?php $contabids = SchedulesData::GetBids(Auth::$pilot->pilotid); if ($contabids > 0) { $bidscontados = $contabids(count); } else { $bidsconstados = "0"; } if($contabids >0){ ?> What i can change here for correct this error?
  7. I have an custom skin for my panel center, but when i will add an bid i got an no route passed error, here go my layout.php: <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.2 Version: 3.7.0 Author: KeenThemes Website: http://www.keenthemes.com/ Contact: support@keenthemes.com Follow: www.twitter.com/keenthemes Like: www.facebook.com/keenthemes Purchase: http://themeforest.net/item/metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/4021469?ref=keenthemes License: You must have a valid license purchased only from themeforest(the above link) in order to legally use the theme for your project. --> <!--[if IE 8]> <html lang="en" class="ie8 no-js"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]> <html lang="en" class="ie9 no-js"> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]><!--> <html lang="en" class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]--> <!-- BEGIN HEAD --> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Avianca Virtual | CrewCenter</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/> <meta content="" name="description"/> <meta content="" name="author"/> <!-- BEGIN GLOBAL MANDATORY STYLES --> <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,300,600,700&subset=all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/simple-line-icons/simple-line-icons.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/uniform/css/uniform.default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/bootstrap-switch/css/bootstrap-switch.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <!-- END GLOBAL MANDATORY STYLES --> <!-- BEGIN PAGE LEVEL PLUGIN STYLES --> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/bootstrap-daterangepicker/daterangepicker-bs3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/jqvmap/jqvmap/jqvmap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <!-- END PAGE LEVEL PLUGIN STYLES --> <!-- BEGIN PAGE STYLES --> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/admin/pages/css/tasks.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/plugins/select2/select2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/admin/pages/css/login3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <!-- END PAGE STYLES --> <!-- BEGIN THEME STYLES --> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/css/components-md.css" id="style_components" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/global/css/plugins-md.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/admin/layout/css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/admin/layout/css/themes/darkblue.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="style_color"/> <link href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/avianca/assets/admin/layout/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <?php echo $page_htmlhead; 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  8. Fatal error: Class 'FBSVData' not found in /home/u903512972/public_html/core/modules/FBSV11/FBSV11.php on line 17
  9. EN:You can edit this in the Appconfig.php PT:Você pode editar isso no Appconfig.php # Schedules - ignore the day of week active? Config::Set('CHECK_SCHEDULE_DAY_OF_WEEK', true);
  10. I am developing an Acars program for my Va, based in the APvacars, but iam need to send some pilot details as First and Last Name, Flights, Hours, Rank. I modified the APVAcar Module, the code now is /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Jeffrey Kobus * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Jeffrey Kobus * @link http://www.fs-products.net * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * @ v1.0.1.1 * * APVacars Module is a modified version of kACARS_Free Module for PHPvms created by fs-products.net * APVacars Module is modified by Vangelis Boulasikis from kACARS_Free Module created by fs-products.net */ class APVacars extends CodonModule { public function index() { $case = strtolower($this->get->data); switch($case) { case 'verify': $results = Auth::ProcessLogin($this->get->pilotID, $this->get->password); if ($results) { echo '1'; } else { echo '0'; } break; case 'moduleversion': { echo ''; } break; case 'details': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($xml->PILOTID); $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); $pilotidfinal = PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid); $params = array(); $params['firstname'] = $pilotinfo->firstname; $params['lastname'] = $pilotinfo->lastname; $params['code'] = $pilotinfo->code; $params['pilotid'] = $pilotinfo->pilotid; $params['pilotidfinal'] = $pilotidfinal; $params['hub'] = $pilotinfo->hub; $params['totalflights'] = $pilotinfo->totalflights; $params['totalhours'] = $pilotinfo->totalhours; $params['rank'] = $pilotinfo->rank; break; case 'isadmin': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($this->get->pilotID); $results = PilotGroups::CheckUserInGroup($pilotid, "1"); if ($results) { echo '1'; } else { echo '0'; } break; case 'getbid': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($this->get->pilotID); $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); $biddata = SchedulesData::getLatestBid($pilotid); $aircraftinfo = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($biddata->registration); if(count($biddata) == 1) { if($aircraftinfo->enabled == 1) { echo //Split Values in VB '1',";", //0 $biddata->code.$biddata->flightnum,";", //1 $aircraftinfo->fullname,";", //2 $biddata->flightlevel,";", //3 $biddata->depicao,";", //4 $biddata->arricao,";", //5 $biddata->route,";", //6 $biddata->deptime,";", //7 $biddata->arrtime,";", //8 $biddata->registration,";", //9 $aircraftinfo->name,";", //10 $aircraftinfo->maxpax,";" //11 ; } else { echo '2'; // Aircraft Out of Service. } } else { echo '3'; // You have no bids! } print_r($params); break; case 'liveupdate': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($this->get->pilotID); $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); $biddata = SchedulesData::getLatestBid($pilotid); $aircraftinfo = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($biddata->registration); $lat = $this->get->latitude; $lon = $this->get->longitude; # Get the distance remaining $depapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->depICAO); $arrapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->arrICAO); $dist_remain = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints( $lat, $lon, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng)); # Estimate the time remaining if($this->get->groundSpeed > 0) { $Minutes = round($dist_remain / $this->get->groundSpeed * 60); $time_remain = self::ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes); } else { $time_remain = '00:00'; } $fields = array( 'pilotid' =>$pilotid, 'flightnum' =>$biddata->code.$biddata->flightnum, 'pilotname' =>'', 'aircraft' =>$aircraftinfo->registration, 'lat' =>$lat, 'lng' =>$lon, 'heading' =>$this->get->heading, 'alt' =>$this->get->altitude, 'gs' =>$this->get->groundSpeed, 'depicao' =>$biddata->depicao, 'arricao' =>$biddata->arricao, 'deptime' =>$this->get->depTime, 'arrtime' =>'', 'route' =>$biddata->route, 'distremain' =>$dist_remain, 'timeremaining' =>$time_remain, 'phasedetail' =>$this->get->status, 'online' =>'', 'client' =>'APVacars', ); ACARSData::UpdateFlightData($pilotid, $fields); break; case 'stopflight': $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($this->get->pilotID); $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); self::resetFlights($pilotinfo->pilotid); break; case 'getairports': print_r(OperationsData::getAllAirports()); break; case 'getsettings': echo WeightUnit; break; case 'pirep': $flightinfo = SchedulesData::getProperFlightNum($this->get->flightNumber); $code = $flightinfo['code']; $flightnum = $flightinfo['flightnum']; $pilotid = PilotData::parsePilotID($this->get->pilotID); # Make sure airports exist: # If not, add them. if(!OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->depICAO)) { OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($this->get->depICAO); } if(!OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->arrICAO)) { OperationsData::RetrieveAirportInfo($this->get->arrICAO); } # Get aircraft information $ac = OperationsData::GetAircraftByReg($this->get->aircraftreg); # Load info /* If no passengers set, then set it to the cargo */ $load = $this->get->pax; if(empty($load)) $load = $this->get->cargo; // str_replace('*',' ',$this->get->log) $data = array( 'pilotid' =>$pilotid, 'code' =>$code, 'flightnum' =>$flightnum, 'depicao' =>$this->get->depICAO, 'arricao' =>$this->get->arrICAO, 'aircraft' =>$ac->id, 'flighttime' =>$this->get->flightTime, 'flighttype' =>$this->get->flightType, 'submitdate' =>'UTC_TIMESTAMP()', 'comment' =>$this->get->comments, 'fuelused' =>$this->get->fuelused, 'route' =>$this->get->route, 'source' =>'APVacars', 'load' =>$load, 'landingrate' =>$this->get->landingrate, 'log' =>$this->get->log ); //$this->log("File PIREP: \n".print_r($data, true), 'APVacars'); $ret = ACARSData::FilePIREP($pilotid, $data); if ($ret) { echo 'Pirep Filed'; // Pirep Filed! } else { echo 'Please Try Again!'; // Please Try Again! } print_r($params); break; case 'progressbar': $lat = $this->get->latitude; $lon = $this->get->longitude; # Get the distance remaining $depapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->depICAO); $arrapt = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->arrICAO); $dist_remain = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints( $lat, $lon, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng)); $totaldistance = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints($depapt->lat, $depapt->lng, $arrapt->lat, $arrapt->lng)); if ($totaldistance == 0) { echo '0'; } else { $percomplete = ABS(number_format(((($totaldistance - $dist_remain) / $totaldistance) * 100), 2)); } echo $percomplete; break; } } public function resetFlights($pilotid) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '. TABLE_PREFIX.'acarsdata WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid; DB::query($sql); return $sql; } public function ConvertMinutes2Hours($Minutes) { if ($Minutes < 0) { $Min = Abs($Minutes); } else { $Min = $Minutes; } $iHours = Floor($Min / 60); $Minutes = ($Min - ($iHours * 60)) / 100; $tHours = $iHours + $Minutes; if ($Minutes < 0) { $tHours = $tHours * (-1); } $aHours = explode(".", $tHours); $iHours = $aHours[0]; if (empty($aHours[1])) { $aHours[1] = "00"; } $Minutes = $aHours[1]; if (strlen($Minutes) < 2) { $Minutes = $Minutes ."0"; } $tHours = $iHours .":". $Minutes; return $tHours; } } And The Code For Get The Pilot Firstname in the application is My.Settings.firstname = GetPageAsString("details", "&pilotID=" & My.Settings.PilotId) Thanks!
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src="http://localhost/Latam/core/modules/Mail/mailimages/env_closed.gif" border="0" alt="Status" /></td> <td align="center">Arthur Hetem TAM001</td> <td align="center"><a href="http://localhost/Latam/index.php/Mail/item/1470279506">Teste</a></td> <td align="center">03/08/2016 11:58pm</td> <td align="center"><a href="http://localhost/Latam/index.php/Mail/delete/4"> <img src="http://localhost/Latam/core/modules/Mail/mailimages/delete.gif" alt="Delete" border="0"/></a></td> </tr> <thead> <tr> <th align="center">Status</th> <th align="center">De</th> <th align="center">Assunto</th> <th align="center">Data</th> <th align="center">Deletar</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"><img src="http://localhost/Latam/core/modules/Mail/mailimages/env_closed.gif" border="0" alt="Status" /></td> <td align="center">Arthur Hetem TAM001</td> <td align="center"><a href="http://localhost/Latam/index.php/Mail/item/1470279506">Teste</td> <td align="center">03/08/2016 11:58pm</td> <td 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  12. i'am having this error on the Acars page, i open the Js Console and this have these errors
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