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Have a look on the phpbb3 forums, it is possible but not easy, you have to use their routine because its links to all other settings and stuff, if you fill in a username and email in this template code it does work the password files is the tricky one however you can register new users without password and they can use the forgot / reset password to set a new one.

* Created on 22-nov-2008 17:10:39
* Phpbb3 -- register_extern.php
* @author   Ramon Fincken http://www.ramonfincken.com/permalink/topic82.html
* @author   Mr Kirkland      http://www.mrkirkland.com/adding-a-user-to-phpbb3-from-an-external-script/
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = '';  // Your path here
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.php');

// Start session management

require($phpbb_root_path .'includes/functions_user.php');

$username = '';
$password = ''; // Do NOT encrypt !
$email  = ''; // Please validate this email yourself ! Phpbb will accept non-valid emails.

// Do a check if username is allready there, same for email, otherwhise a nasty error will occur

$user_row = array(
'username' => $username,
'user_password' => md5($password), 'user_email' => $email,
'group_id' => 2, #Registered users group
'user_timezone' => '1.00',
'user_dst' => 0,
'user_lang' => 'en',
'user_type' => '0',
'user_actkey' => '',
'user_dateformat' => 'd M Y H:i',
'user_style' => 1,
'user_regdate' => time(),

$phpbb_user_id = user_add($user_row); 
echo "New user id = ".$phpbb_user_id; /code]

So you can see above that all that needs to be filled in is the,

$username = '';

$password = ''; // Do NOT encrypt !

$email  = ''; // Please validate this email yourself ! Phpbb will accept non-valid emails.

Presto new account created, so if you manually typed in

$username = 'username';

$password = ''; // Do NOT encrypt !

$email  = 'you@yourdomain.com'; // Please validate this email yourself ! Phpbb will accept non-valid emails.

That would be enough to create the new account


thanks for the Answer, but when i use this code inside the ForumRegistration.php there is a conflict with the template classe i think.

I will say if i copy and paste this code inside the registered Module i become a error.

Can you help pls ?


  • Moderators

Yes it does thats because as Nabeel siad there's a conflict with class names in using their routine.

I think its a bit unfair to ask for support here on this matter, Nabeel has done a fantastic job in creation of this VA admin software which is ongoing and you have to agree its fantastic.

Im sure its possible but i dont have the answers and im sure Nabeel hasn't got the time to develop this at the moment as well, but if he has a chance then im sure he will but its not a priority.


Yes it does thats because as Nabeel siad there's a conflict with class names in using their routine.

I think its a bit unfair to ask for support here on this matter, Nabeel has done a fantastic job in creation of this VA admin software which is ongoing and you have to agree its fantastic.

Im sure its possible but i dont have the answers and im sure Nabeel hasn't got the time to develop this at the moment as well, but if he has a chance then im sure he will but its not a priority.

Wowwowwow...yes, i'm absolutely with you !!!

He has done a absolutely fantastic job with phpVMS !!!!

But i only need to find a solution, not only from hm, also from other users here. I think here are other user using the phpBB3 with an automatic user registration.

I think its also possible to open a new connection to the phpBB3 Database and then fill in the UserData or not ?

I only not have the expirience about php and sql.



Why open a new connection when you could just use the same one. merging the DB's is no trouble at all...The table name im sure are different than that of phpvms...just use the same database.


ok, ihave reinstalled the phpBB3 and it uses now the same database as phpVMS.

But as i sayd before, i am not the crack of php and so on.

So can you please give me an example of code how i can add a user in phpBB3's user table and

how i can find the name of the registering user from phpVMS ?



  • Administrators

Table names do differ, that's why there's the table prefixes also.

To get the name etc of the registered user in the event:

if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete')

$userinfo = $eventinfo[2];






That's probably all you need, but do print_r($userinfo) to get all the fields.

You can open a new DB connection if phpBB is a different DB. That's not a problem. I usually keep different apps on different DBs.



ok, i have found a solution to create a user for the phpBB3.


class ForumRegister extends CodonModule


public function __construct()




public function EventListener($eventinfo)


if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete')


$userinfo = $eventinfo[2];

$fname = $userinfo['firstname'];

$lname = $userinfo['lastname'];

$pass = $userinfo['password1'];

$email = $userinfo['email'];

$code = $userinfo['code'];

//mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ($userr, $pass, '2','1.0', '0','en','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', time())");

$get_uinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE firstname='".$fname."' AND lastname='".$lname."' AND email='".$email."'");

echo "Result Select: ".mysql_error()."<br>";

$uinfo = mysql_fetch_array( $get_uinfo );

//echo "Uinfo: ".$uinfo['pilotid'];

$str = $uinfo['pilotid'];

$pilot_id = str_pad ($str,4,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);

$pilot_id = $code.$pilot_id;

$pilot_id_klein = strtolower($pilot_id);

echo "Pass: ".$pass."<br>";

$passMD5 = md5($pass);

echo "Pass MD5: ".$passMD5."<br>";

echo "PilotID: ".$str."<br>";

$tm = time();

mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_email, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".$pilot_id_klein."', '".$passMD5."', '".$email."', '2','1.0', '0','de','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', '".$tm."')");

//mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".md5($userinfo['password'])."')");

echo "Result: ".mysql_error()."<br>";





Sorry, i will sort the code later.

For them moment i need a code that a user ( i have created or alway is in the phpBB3 Database ) is automaticly logged in after he clicked a link to reach the Forum.

I have searched in the php Forum , but nothin found.

Can anyone help about this ?



I'm not sure if you can automatically log-in, since phpBB does send a confirmation link until they are activated


the user is activated, thats not the Problem.

Its only the automatic login.


  • Moderators

For them moment i need a code that a user ( i have created or alway is in the phpBB3 Database ) is automaticly logged in after he clicked a link to reach the Forum.

I have searched in the php Forum , but nothin found.

Can anyone help about this ?


I remember seeing the code for this on the forums in phpbb3 mods, when you login to say phpvms you are logged in at the same time to the forum, its there somewhere because i came across it looking for the code above.


Hi Matthias, i have tried your code above and its not working for some reason, any ideas?


whats the Problem exactly with the code ?

Any Error Messages ?

( i must go to work now ... but i will try to answer )



I remember seeing the code for this on the forums in phpbb3 mods, when you login to say phpvms you are logged in at the same time to the forum, its there somewhere because i came across it looking for the code above.

Thanks for answer.

Where have you see the code for automated login in phpBB Forum ?

Have you a link for me ?

I have nothing found.


  • Moderators

Right i have made a couple of changes, so now the code will register firstname lastname and pilot number, however for some reason it inserts in to the table ok but doesn't correctly register the new account as type 2 even though its in the script, users can log in but they are not registered properly for some reason.

Im looking for you other code now, will post here when i find it.


Hello again,

i have the next Problem :

I have now changed the core_navigation template and have here a Link "Forum"

to core/modules/forum/login.php

login.php is my automatic login script to phpBB3.

Here i need the Pilot ID and password and thats the Problem.

i can not take a link to the login.php eg

core..login.php?pilotID=STF0001&password=userpassword :-)

so all can see the password.

What can i do ?

Sessions ?

But i need help here. I have no expirience about php and sessions.

Or how can i change the Link eg. to

/index.php/ForumLogin as example ?

same as the other navigation links eg. Pilots as /index.php/pilots ?

How can i do this ?




yes, but as i sayd, i will not do something like that :


to call the automatic login script.

I will hidde the part with username an password.


  • Moderators

Hi Guys sorry to keep banging on about this thread but i have managed to get this to work for SMF forums, the only problem i have is i want to put a space in the username of the forum, currently when someone registers it registers the following, flrstnamelastnamegtsxxx what i want is firstname lastname gtsxxx but im unsure how to put a space between the code i have to get the values,

$pilot_id = $fname.$lname.$code.$pilot_id; 

Hope you know what im trying to say.


  • Administrators

$pilot_id = $fname.' '.$lname.' '.$code.$pilot_id; 

To get the properly formatted pilot ID (with the proper # of zeros, etc), call:

$pilot_id = PilotData::GetPilotCode($code, $pilot_id);
$pilot_id = $fname .' '.$lname. ' ' . $pilot_id;

Though I'm not sure if you're still "inside" phpVMS to be able to access the PilotData class.

  • Moderators

Right guys, i thought id post my code, now i got to tell you i have no experience in coding, so i make no excuses now.

This is what im using to interface with phpVMS, i have a few settings in the forum as well for this to work, you must have admin approval set in the forum this is a good idea as it stops nasty people registering on your forum and spamming.

I have also created another user group "pilots" which is why you see group id 9, the normal registered user group in 2.

Like i said im no coder but this works for me.

Must also mention that both databases are in one, if yours are separate then just connect before. SMF users just rename the php_users to your members table and change other settings as required.

class ForumRegister extends CodonModule
   public function __construct()
   public function EventListener($eventinfo)
      if($eventinfo[0] == 'registration_complete')

$userinfo = $eventinfo[2];

$fname = $userinfo['firstname'];
$lname = $userinfo['lastname'];
$pass = $userinfo['password1'];
$email = $userinfo['email'];
$code = $userinfo['code'];

//mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_lang, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ($userr, $pass, '2','1.0', '0','en','0','','d M Y H:i', '1', time())");

$get_uinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE firstname='".$fname."' AND lastname='".$lname."' AND email='".$email."'");
echo "Result Select: ".mysql_error()."<br>";
$uinfo = mysql_fetch_array( $get_uinfo );

//echo "Uinfo: ".$uinfo['pilotid'];
$str = $uinfo['pilotid'];
$pilot_id = str_pad ($str,4,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
$pilot_id = $fname.$lname.$code.$pilot_id; 
$pilot_id_klein = strtolower($pilot_id);
//echo "Pass: ".$pass."<br>";
$passMD5 = md5($pass);
//echo "Pass MD5: ".$passMD5."<br>";

echo "PilotID: ".$str."<br>";
$tm = time();

mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_email, group_id, user_timezone, user_dst, user_rank, user_lang, user_colour, user_type, user_actkey, user_dateformat, user_style, user_regdate) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".$pilot_id_klein."', '".$passMD5."', '".$email."', '9','0.0', '0', '2','en','0099FF','1','5BN4938HB2','D M d, Y g:i a', '2', '".$tm."')");

//mysql_query("INSERT INTO phpbb_users (username, user_password) VALUES ('".$pilot_id."', '".md5($userinfo['password'])."')");

//echo "Result: ".mysql_error()."<br>";




  • Administrators
Must also mention that both databases are in one, if yours are separate then just connect before. SMF users just rename the php_users to your members table and change other settings as required.

Wait, what? Are you renaming tables?

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