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Hi i got two questions.

first question. I want the signature picture to display. Any codes for it?

second question. I want the url for the pilots to copy like for Example. my pilot id is CS0001 and i want the URL to be like this


so my pilots can copy it so they can paste it.

It will be worth Two points if it worked for me.


Ye but how i understand he want's a text field with a ready code to copy to input on forum :rolleyes:

Upss did not read fully. Ok to dispaly it or go to my badge or just

<img src="http://www.flycsun.com/lib/signature/<?php echo $pilotcode;?>.png"/>

So for example full code you put can look like this :

   	<table width="406" height="31" border="0">

       <td width="400">
           <p><strong>Your Signature</strong></p>
           <p>              <img src="http://www.flycsun.com/lib/signatures/<?php echo $pilotcode;?>.png"/>            </p>
           <p><strong>Forum Code :</strong></p>
             <input width="400" type="text" value="[img]http://www.flycsun.com/lib/signatures/<?php echo $pilotcode;?>.png[img]" />
       </form>        </td>

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check if the path is right i mean www.blablabla.com/lib/signatures .

OK, it works. Thanks, I'll give you two points tonight cause I'm out of quota right now. I won't forget

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