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Alright so for the longest time I wondered what some of these were, such as @lang('common.dashboard') , which I now know are references to display names. Are these referenced some where and we can change them or choose from a list? Not sure what these mean, {{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }} , or what the number at the end means.


Just wondering. I know we can place static text where we need too to replace those!


5 hours ago, Nabeel said:

They're all Laravel built-ins for the Blade templating engine

Although I am still going through the Laravel 5.7 Tutorials, I don't grasp these instead of just test yet? But I did find the master file, just trying to understand why these instead of text. Is it like a CSS file one reference takes care of them all? Or something like that?

18 hours ago, Nabeel said:

Those insert the phrases from the resources/lang files. So if someone has it set to Spanish, it'll use the Spanish translation files

Cool, makes total sense now!

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