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Hi guys, I have this code that notifies the administrator of the slopes (Pilots and Pireps) directly from the skin. How can I add code regarding screenshots? (I use the David's ScreenShots Center module)



ScreenshotsData.class.php file add:

public static function countpending() {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM phpvms_screenshots WHERE file_approved='0'";
$check = DB::get_row($query);
return $check->total;

on sidebar_dashboard.php file (To display the data in the administration panel)

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/screenshots/approval_list"><?php echo ScreenshotsData::countpending(); ?></strong> ScreenShots Pending</a>


Code to be displayed in the skin

 <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { ?>
<!-- Admin Notifications -->
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle text-muted text-muted  " href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
$pendingpireps = count(PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.accepted' => PIREP_PENDING)));
$pendingpilots = count(PilotData::findPilots(array('p.confirmed' => PILOT_PENDING)));
$count = ($pendingpireps + $pendingpilots);
if(!$count) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '
<div class="notify"> 
<span class="heartbit"></span> 
<span class="point"></span> 

<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right mailbox animated zoomIn">
<br />
<font color="#f39c12"><b>ADMIN NOTIFICATIONS</b></font>

<hr />

<!-- PILOTS -->

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots()); ?></b></span><br />Pending Registrations</font></a>
<hr />
<!-- PIREPs -->
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pirepadmin/viewpending">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PIREPData::GetAllReportsByAccept(PIREP_PENDING)); ?></b></span> <br />Pending PIREPs.</font></a>
<hr />
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin"><font color="#ffff00">Check all notifications</font></a>
<br />
<!-- End Admin Notifications -->
<?php } ?>



Thanks for a possible reply

Edited by gio1961
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Can you check the code below?

<?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { ?>
<!-- Admin Notifications -->
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle text-muted text-muted  " href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
$pendingpireps = count(PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.accepted' => PIREP_PENDING)));
$pendingpilots = count(PilotData::findPilots(array('p.confirmed' => PILOT_PENDING)));
$count = ($pendingpireps + $pendingpilots);
if(!$count) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '
<div class="notify"> 
<span class="heartbit"></span> 
<span class="point"></span> 

<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right mailbox animated zoomIn">
<br />
<font color="#f39c12"><b>ADMIN NOTIFICATIONS</b></font>

<hr />

<!-- PILOTS -->

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots()); ?></b></span><br />Pending Registrations</font></a>
<hr />
<!-- PIREPs -->
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pirepadmin/viewpending">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PIREPData::GetAllReportsByAccept(PIREP_PENDING)); ?></b></span> <br />Pending PIREPs.</font></a>
  <hr />
<!-- Screenshots -->
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/screenshots/approval_list">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo ScreenshotsData::countpending(); ?></b></span> <br />Pending Screenshots.</font></a>
<hr />
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin"><font color="#ffff00">Check all notifications</font></a>
<br />
<!-- End Admin Notifications -->
<?php } ?>


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54 minutes ago, servetas said:

Can you check the code below?

<?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { ?>
<!-- Admin Notifications -->
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle text-muted text-muted  " href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
$pendingpireps = count(PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.accepted' => PIREP_PENDING)));
$pendingpilots = count(PilotData::findPilots(array('p.confirmed' => PILOT_PENDING)));
$count = ($pendingpireps + $pendingpilots);
if(!$count) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '
<div class="notify"> 
<span class="heartbit"></span> 
<span class="point"></span> 

<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right mailbox animated zoomIn">
<br />
<font color="#f39c12"><b>ADMIN NOTIFICATIONS</b></font>

<hr />

<!-- PILOTS -->

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PilotData::GetPendingPilots()); ?></b></span><br />Pending Registrations</font></a>
<hr />
<!-- PIREPs -->
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pirepadmin/viewpending">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo count(PIREPData::GetAllReportsByAccept(PIREP_PENDING)); ?></b></span> <br />Pending PIREPs.</font></a>
  <hr />
<!-- Screenshots -->
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/screenshots/approval_list">
<font color="#fff">You have <span class="label label-warning"><b><?php echo ScreenshotsData::countpending(); ?></b></span> <br />Pending Screenshots.</font></a>
<hr />
<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin"><font color="#ffff00">Check all notifications</font></a>
<br />
<!-- End Admin Notifications -->
<?php } ?>


Thanks George. I also had that code but I didn't enter it, however it worked.
The code above, however, shows a "flash" next to the notifications only if there are outstanding issues. I don't know if I explained myself

I have tried to modify these lines of code but I have not succeeded


$pendingpireps = count(PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.accepted' => PIREP_PENDING)));
$pendingpilots = count(PilotData::findPilots(array('p.confirmed' => PILOT_PENDING)));
$count = ($pendingpireps + $pendingpilots);

if(!$count) { echo ''; }

else { echo ' <div class="notify">

<span class="heartbit"></span>

<span class="point"></span> </div>'; } ?>



Edited by gio1961
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