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I can't find it


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This comes under the heading of the older I get, the dumber I get. I saw a thread about a modification that would make multiple aircraft available for a flight. A few days later, when I wanted to look more closely at the idea, I just couldn't find it. I tried searchging for it, but to no avail. Can anyone point me to it? thanks.

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Not sure what you mean? You can use multiple aircraft for a flight now. I think I remember the thread you are mentioning... it was just about whether you are restricted to the listed aircraft IIRC (which I probably don't... lol)

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I could have sworn I saw a post with a picture of a page with a list of aircraft and checkboxes for the ones the route could be flown with. I would have thought it was in addons or one of the child boards, but couldn't find it. Maybe I was dreaming.rolleyes.gif

Hmm yes.. I think so too ;) Haha

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I found the concept interesting and was tryijng to figure out If there might be another way such as creating multiple routes with the same ICAOs, etc., but with different aircraft, but that seemed a bit clunky. since I have CSVs for each hup, I supposed I could add a soffix to the route numbers and simply change the a/c Not very sexy, but it'll do.rolleyes.gif

EDIT: Just tried it. It works fine.


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