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Is it possible that the system offers several flights with only one flight number? My VA uses a flight number for a flight with several departure and arrival times.

For exemple:

ABC001 DEP: 08:00a ARR 09:30a | 123456-

ABC001 DEP: 08:15a ARR 09:45a | ------7



  • Administrators

Hey there Chris,

You can list one flight at one time, but then place in the notes that it's 15 minutes later on sundays. The schedules have to be unique (meaning you can't have two ABC001, only one)


Hi Nabeel I've read the legs part of the pirep has been removed, which has created a problem for us.  Basically all our flights run from 2 airports close to each other, then onwards to the final destination, or sometimes even further.  For instance, one of our flight numbers (WOW304) goes EGJJ, EGHD, EDDG, EGCC.  Obviously the legs took care of that, but now they have been removed, is there any way of keeping the same flight number for all the legs?



Ah right ok I might put them in as the callsign or as you say 303a and 303b etc.  Thanks.  What happens about the previous legged routes?  They are still showing as OK in the route list, but will it have problems when logging pireps with these?

  • Administrators

It will completely ignore the flight leg. But it only checks on the flight number now, so if there are dupes then it might log the wrong one.

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