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Hi everyone,

Its me again. I've tried everything to get images of my aircraft onto each of my downloads. But whatever link I put in the "Image Link" field never shows up on the actual web-page. Any help / advice would be great!


Jeremy, CEO

Cirrus Air



Hi Jeremy, here's an example:

Create a copy of downloads_list.tpl in your skin folder, find:

	<a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>">
		<?php echo $download->name?></a><br />
      <?php echo $download->description?><br />
         <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li>


<li style="overflow:hidden;">
	<a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>">
		<?php echo $download->name?></a>
           <img src="<?php echo $download->image?>" style="float:right;" /><br />
      <?php echo $download->description?><br />
         <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li>

This adds the image on the right of the page, like so:


You can of course position and style the image/list item as you wish by editing the style="", or adding an id/class. The List Item has "style="overflow:hidden;"" to prevent the images overlapping, if you change the position of the image you may not need this any more.

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