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If you are on version 2.x you do not need an api code anymore. Looking at your site it looks more like a display issue. Try removing the teamspeak status indicator from that page - I have had that script interfere with maps before.

  • Administrators

How would I remove it from just one page?

Use an if statement to decide if you want to show the ts indicator or not ->

<!--Check what module the system is currently on --> 

<?php $module = Config::Get('RUN_MODULE'); ?> 

<!--Check to see if we are on the AcarsMap and if we are do not run the ts script -->

<?php if(!$module == 'acars') { ?> 

<!--Put your ts script here--> 

<?php } ?>


My mistake on this->


should be->


When I did that, it did this:


It has done that to all the pages. This is how the code looks:

<!--Check what module the system is currently on -->  

<?php $module = MainController::$activeModule; ?>  

<!--Check to see if we are on the AcarsMap and if we are do not run the ts script --> 

<?php if(!$module == 'acars') { ?>  

<!--Put your ts script here-->  
<div id="content">
               <div id="right">
               <h2 class="topright">Teamspeak Status</h2>
               <div class="rightitem">
                       <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="http://www.tsviewer.com/ts3viewer.php?ID=924523&text=000000&text_size=12&text_family=1&js=1&text_s_weight=bold&text_s_style=normal&text_s_variant=normal&text_s_decoration=none&text_s_color_h=525284&text_s_weight_h=bold&text_s_style_h=normal&text_s_variant_h=normal&text_s_decoration_h=underline&text_i_weight=normal&text_i_style=normal&text_i_variant=normal&text_i_decoration=none&text_i_color_h=525284&text_i_weight_h=normal&text_i_style_h=normal&text_i_variant_h=normal&text_i_decoration_h=underline&text_c_weight=normal&text_c_style=normal&text_c_variant=normal&text_c_decoration=none&text_c_color_h=525284&text_c_weight_h=normal&text_c_style_h=normal&text_c_variant_h=normal&text_c_decoration_h=underline&text_u_weight=bold&text_u_style=normal&text_u_variant=normal&text_u_decoration=none&text_u_color_h=525284&text_u_weight_h=bold&text_u_style_h=normal&text_u_variant_h=normal&text_u_decoration_h=none"></script><noscript>Enable JavaScript or visit <a href="http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=ts_viewer&ID=924523">TeamSpeak Viewer</a> to display the TeamSpeak server.</noscript>

<?php } ?>

Also, when I try to look at a PIREP page, it gives me the following fatal error:

Class 'GoogleMapAPI' not found in /home/virtu857/public_html/lib/skins/clowdy/route_map.tpl on line 15

  • Administrators


Are you using clowdy with 2.x? I do not think it is fully compatable with 2.x, it was designed for 1.0. Try replacing the acars map template with the newest version out of the 2.x download. I think this may solve your problems, and replace the route map template as well.



Are you using clowdy with 2.x? I do not think it is fully compatable with 2.x, it was designed for 1.0. Try replacing the acars map template with the newest version out of the 2.x download. I think this may solve your problems, and replace the route map template as well.

IDK what version I have, but the FSPaintShop website is down. I will try this next time I can either: 1. access my computer, or 2. go to the website. Stay near-by for any other help, please! LOL! Thanks!

  • Administrators

Change your template back to the crystal template included with the application and see if the maps work, I really think this is a template issue. Are you on a free host?


Change your template back to the crystal template included with the application and see if the maps work, I really think this is a template issue. Are you on a free host?

No. We are on a paid hosting. I am working on editing a template. Which template would you say works best for 2.1.943?

  • Administrators

Did you try changing the template back to the stock supplied crystal template to see if the maps worked within it as I had posted a couple of posts back? It would verify if it is a template or application issue.


Did you try changing the template back to the stock supplied crystal template to see if the maps worked within it as I had posted a couple of posts back? It would verify if it is a template or application issue.

Oh. Sorry. Yes it did work. Forgot to mention that part.

  • Administrators

Then it is the template, there are a few in the skinning threads for the new version phpVMS, but your best bet is to probably take some time and create your own.

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