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Which ACARS are you using to pull the information from? If you are using xACARS, not to be rude, but it is crap. You may want to think about upgrading your members to kACARS as it seems to be much better at doing it's job. kACARS


yeah, that's what I meant, not xACARS

get rid of fsACARS and get either XACARS or kACARS

sorry for the last post :unsure: There's just so many ACARS programs, it's hard to keep up with them all.

FSACARS isn't compatable with the new version of phpVMS anymore.


Yep, the xacars.ini just needs to be placed in the XACARS folder located in C:\Program Files\xacars

Once you have it in there, just park at the gate and start XACARS and place the bidded flight number (Ex: DAL1328) then you should be able to connect and the rest of the flight info will be filled in automatically for you. You just need to fill in the rest, like FL320 and so on. Then Connect to FSX.


There might be a setting you need to do at the top in SETTINGS, not sure haven't used it in awhile. but you might need to give XACARS your login information so it can connect to your profile.


you did do this right? External Link. The info you place in ther is the same found in the ini you downloaded from your Profile. Also, make sure your parking brake is set and your engines turned off. (just trying to narrow the solution down a bit)

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