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Ive recently put some pages in some of them are at the bottom or not in the right place, im also trying to get rid of these blue content things.and other news boexes that i dont want.

There is also the airmail which is not in the right place.

The Exam Admin bit is not right.

All Pictures are here.



If someone can really help that will be thankful..

www.bmavirtual.co.cc sign up to that.

P.S also ive put the links in for unviewed page to guests but the aint working. can someone help on that.


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Yeh its a bit tricky that one, have a look at the mail_menu.tpl, should be like this

<style type="text/css">
   .left {
       width: 150px;
       float: left;
       min-height: 300px;
       padding: 5px 0 15px 5px;

   .right {
       float: left;
       padding-top: 5px;
<div class="left">
   <?php if(isset($message)) {echo $message.'<br />';}
   $folders = MailData::checkforfolders(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid);?>
   <br />
   <b>AIRPilot Mail Menu</b>
       <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/newmail">New message</a></li>
       <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail">AIRMail Inbox</a></li>
       if (isset($folders)) {foreach ($folders as $folder) {echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/Mail/getfolder?id='.$folder->id.'">'.$folder->folder_title.'</a></li>';}
       <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/sent">Sent Messages</a></li>
   <b>Folder Options</b>
       <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/newfolder">New Folder</a></li>
       <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Mail/deletefolder">Delete A Folder</a></li>

And the mail inbox code should sit inbetween the <div class="mcright"> divs.

Give that a try.


Yeah I had loads of issues using airmail with obsessBlue. I completely redid the airmail menu and all. Somewhere in one of the many ObsessBlue threads, is a download of files that can be used if one wishes.

I have MAJORLY modded my ObsessBlue template since then though so I am not sure what all edits made. You would need to find my files in that thread to know for sure.

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