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my website is not really working on firefox, but is working very well on I.E, i was wondering if someone help me out, sometimes Firefox works and I.E doesent, its all mixed up :lol:


  • Administrators

There are very few templates that work exactly the same in both browsers. Your best bet is to create a secondary css file for ie users and lin to it in the header using the html IF method. An example would be for an ie6 user ->

<!--[if IE 6]>
Special instructions for IE 6 here and link to specific css file for ie6.

You can use this same command in your header for the other versions of ie as well. ([if IE7]) etc...


good advice Dave but in this case not really nessecary

.header {





there is your problem:

.header is a hierarchical DIV tag

mean everything pretty much cascades off of it

all other DIV are nested into it

remove the height tag

and you should be fine

Also you will need to add some height to the .header1 DIV i would suggest 145px

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