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The planes are not assessed on the map, using Dolomynum, I see the aircraft flying on IVAO.

Anyone have a guess of what might be, because before the planes appeared on the map, not anymore. What files will be responsible for the map which replaced can solve the problem?


Os avioes não estão aprecendo no mapa, usando o Dolomynum, consigo ver as aeronaves voando na IVAO.

Alguem tem um palpite do que possa ser, pois antes os avioes apareciam no mapa, agora não mais. Quais os arquivos responsaveis pelo mapa será que subistituindo possa resolver o problema?


Checking PHP version
[OK] PHP version is 5.2.13.x

ASP Tags
[OK] ASP-style tags are disabled

Checking connectivity...
[OK] Can contact outside servers

Checking for SimpleXML module...
[OK] SimpleXML module exists!

Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files
[OK] No errors found!

-- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors


I changed the map file by the original,

surfing on the PHPMyAdmin I found something interesting,

if I click: 288225 ( Database Name ) > phpvms_acarsdata browse

I see the pilots

but I click: 288225 ( Database Name ) > phpvms_acarsdata structure > online browse

I do not see them :S


>> Always:

Alerta: Erro no processamento do valor de “topâ€.  Declaração ignorada.
Arquivo-fonte: http://www.mixaviation.tk/lib/css/phpvms.css
Linha: 40

Alerta: Erro no processamento do valor de “filterâ€.  Declaração ignorada.
Arquivo-fonte: http://www.mixaviation.tk/lib/css/phpvms.css
Linha: 67


 Warning: Error in processing the value of "top". Declaration dropped.
Source file: http://www.mixaviation.tk/lib/css/phpvms.css
Line: 40 

 Warning: Error in processing the value of "filter". Declaration dropped.
Source file: http://www.mixaviation.tk/lib/css/phpvms.css
Line: 67 

>> Once:

Erro: data is null
Arquivo-fonte: http://www.mixaviation.tk/lib/js/acarsmap.js
Linha: 70

I repeat the test 5 times.

Thanks for the help so far


I get:

[{"id":"13","pilotid":"MXN0002","flightnum":"MXN3054","pilotname":"Diogo Ihle","aircraft":"PR-FUM","lat":"-22.33509718118","lng":"-49.06859841701","heading":"317","alt":"2011","gs":"173","depicao":"SBBU","depapt":"Aeroporto de Bauru","arricao":"SBMT","arrapt":"Aeroporto Campo de Marte","deptime":"14:53:00","timeremaining":"0:55","arrtime":"12:54:08","route":"PORTE A304 CPN DCT","route_details":[],"distremain":"159","phasedetail":"Taking Off","online":"","lastupdate":"2010-10-09 12:54:08","client":"kACARS","aircraftname":"EMB-120","code":"MXN","firstname":"Diogo","lastname":"Ihle","depname":"Aeroporto de Bauru","deplat":"-22.345","deplng":"-49.0538","arrname":"Aeroporto Campo de Marte","arrlat":"-23.5091","arrlng":"-46.6378","distremaining":"159"}]

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