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How to know how many miles flown by the pilot

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  • 10 months later...
Guest lorathon

In whatever query for the pireps you are using you need to add the following

SUM(distance) as totalmiles

Example - (NOT TESTED!)

public static function getPilotInfoWithTotalDistance($pilotid) {

$sql = 'SELECT p.*, u.*,
       SUM(p.distance) as totalmiles
       FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p
       LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots u ON u.pilotid = p.pilotid
       WHERE p.pilotid = '.$pilotid

$ret = DB::get_row($sql);

return $ret;


I'm trying to place the code to have it show in the profile_main.tpl with the rest of the pilot information about the member. I am trying to figure out which call to use for it.

This isn't working:

<li><strong>Miles Flown: </strong><?php echo $userinfo->totalmiles; ?></li>

I'm sure the code you just gave, goes in the PilotData.php, but trying to figure the pull code.

Guest lorathon

Actaully the code I gave should be places in a data file.

Lets call it CUSTOMData.class.php. This file would go into the core/common folder. The file would have the contents of.....

class CUSTOMData extends CodonData
   public static function getPilotInfoWithTotalDistance($pilotid) {

   $sql = 'SELECT p.*, u.*,
           SUM(p.distance) as totalmiles
           FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps p
           LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots u ON u.pilotid = p.pilotid
           WHERE p.pilotid = '.$pilotid

   $ret = DB::get_row($sql);

   return $ret;

From the profile_main.tpl you would call as such......

$custom_info = CUSTOMData::getPilotInfoWithTotalDistance($userinfo->pilotid);
echo 'Total Flown Miles: '.$custom_info->totalmiles;

Now I havent actually tested the function but it should work.


Actually you did a great job on it. It works perfectly now. Thanks a lot on the help.

Other interested parties wondering how to do it, follow Jeffrey's examples then in the profile_main.tpl place this in the lineup:

$custom_info = CUSTOMData::getPilotInfoWithTotalDistance($userinfo->pilotid);
echo '<strong>Total Flown Miles: </strong>'.$custom_info->totalmiles;

The same exact code above will also work in the pilot_public_profile.tpl without any modifications.

  • 4 months later...

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