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Well, I hope you don't mind the bug reports as well as the general feedback regarding nice to have things in case you ever go that way. I must say that two or three years ago I started my virtual airline (a jet airline) using a PHP virtual airline system called VAdmin. It seemed great and looked great indeed.

The VAdmin PHP software was the 2nd round of development from the developer (free), but unfortunately he never managed to finish it and it was very (very) buggy. I had to spend an inordinate amount of time browsing through his code to fix the errors and in the process also make certain modifications to add other features or missing items.

In the end, I had to drop the whole project because I was spending too much time fixing his problems and little time to actually have a stable VA software.

And then a few days ago by mere curiosity I looked and came across PHP VMS. I know it is not perfect and some of us may want other features but all in all I must say I am very satisfied with the quality of the package and by looking at your code I can say you are the kind of programmer I would have on a team (I work as IT architect, design and others program). So I must say this year I have come across two great pieces of good workmanship: Plan G (freeware flight planner) and PHP VMS, my congratulations man.

Anyway, given that PHP is open and that you are only one guy doing all the work (???) perhaps you could consider putting the project in SourceForge and have other programmers (choose them well, you don't want them to make a mess of your stuff) join your team. I think everybody would benefit by having a team of people implementing new features.

  • Administrators

Thanks, it's available on github:


It can easily be forked, and with push/pull requests, it's easy to merge code in.

There are other's who are writing addons (see the addons forum), and people do send in patches for bugs. But my "real-life" is pretty busy these days (I am a software engineer), I don't get much time. I do have some things on the board, including an overhaul of the financial core which I'm planning (albeit, slowly).

But anyway, the code is on github, anyone is welcome to change and add, and send me a pull request.

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