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I had an idea this morning........What if all of us who are active pilots get together and help one another out. My Idea is we join each others VA's so that all of us can enjoy some activity..I'm sure most of the quality VA's here have something that you like.....What do you guys think??

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Ummm, ehhh. I'm too picky!!!

But that would be a good idea, but, what happens if there is a cat fight on over each other?


I have been in that predicament before. The problem is with VAs that have time restrictions like you have to fly X amount of flights per month or so many hours per month or week. It gets hard to split time up between VAs when they have those rules. Personally, I think those kind of rules are ignorant but hey you know what they say about opinions. ;)

Other then that, helping other VAs out would be great.


I don't really see the point of this? It would only be another name on the list... it's not as if anyone would fly for other airlines really (most of us here are CEO's).


All good points, but the whole point is you could enjoy a wide variety of flying..Bush, Airline,small regional, on and on...I have looked around and there is a wide variety...So it would be a function of the phpvms groups helping and looking out for one another, maybe share ideas...

And Tom, that would be the whole point, we would, at least I would...Its variety and thats a good thing.


I think its a great idea !

As a CEO I often would like to fly routes in aircraft other than the ones on my own VA, and adding every aircraft to a VA would be tons of work AND (in my personal opinion) detract from the intent of the VA.

I also agree that variety is the spice of life.

I also DISagree with a minimum flight hours or flights to maintain pilot status.

I think to really make it even more appealing to everyone we should figure out a way for the pilots to add their hours flown with a partner VA to their "mother VA". I understand that some pilots are all about getting the hours up on their main VA.

so lets say that my VA partners with another. A pilot who considers mine to be their "mother/main" VA does a flight on one of my partners sites. The pilot emails/forums me to let me know how many hours he has flown, perhaps then I email my partner VA for confirmation (if I think it prudent) . Could I then add those hours to my pilots records on my site ? (easily as this would hopefully happen over and over again)

Or even a points system perhaps ? Pilots get a percentage of the hours from a partner on the main site.

I would be very interested in pursuing this idea if anyone is interested. (the more the merrier)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am interested...There must be a way to do the hours thing. Maybe add manually or something..

I think that perhaps a manual hours entry would be required (after doing some research as a noob coder)

Would we also want to add some routes so that pilots that are interested could switch from airline to airline at shared airports ?

( Sorry about the delay in response, but holidays and all )

I am definitely interested

  • 1 month later...

Kurt I am glad you replied. I love your site and your VA, few days ago i was checking to see if you were still in business.

Yep still going,

only a couple of really active pilots but that still works for me. I figure after a few more repaints and tweaks word of mouth will spread.

I also intend to do some more "marketing" (for lack of a better term) once the site is "tweaked" a little more.

Its a much bigger job then initially anticipated, but I am enjoying the learning curve.


still interested in this sharing idea. We should hash it out a little, or perhaps start small.

What is your closest hub to ...lets say CYYQ or PAWG ? (those are presently my two hubs, I will setup some flights on my airline to your hubs so that we can at least have a transfer location from airline to airline).

Also do have a link to a banner of some kind perhaps ? I can set you up as a "partner"

let me know what you think...


hmmmmm.....your site is coming up on my browser as a "reported attack page" and I cant view it....

that may throw a fly into the ointment ;)


Yep still going,

only a couple of really active pilots but that still works for me. I figure after a few more repaints and tweaks word of mouth will spread.

I also intend to do some more "marketing" (for lack of a better term) once the site is "tweaked" a little more.

Its a much bigger job then initially anticipated, but I am enjoying the learning curve.


still interested in this sharing idea. We should hash it out a little, or perhaps start small.

What is your closest hub to ...lets say CYYQ or PAWG ? (those are presently my two hubs, I will setup some flights on my airline to your hubs so that we can at least have a transfer location from airline to airline).

Also do have a link to a banner of some kind perhaps ? I can set you up as a "partner"

let me know what you think...


hmmmmm.....your site is coming up on my browser as a "reported attack page" and I cant view it....

that may throw a fly into the ointment ;)

He knows about that already Kurt. It was a problem with a script he got online for the obsese 2.0 skin. He has rectified it, but it will take sometime for google to remove his site from the list, and if it has already been done, might take time to propagate around the net.


I didn't get it from ObsessBlue night fox....and I cleaned my sight Kurt....google should approve it some day.

I figured it had to be some kind of a screw up, i will keep an eye and link when its running again.(if you are still interested)

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