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Rev 946 - schedules listing cleanup, added weekly schedule filter

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  • Administrators

Changed Files:

m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php

m admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php

m admin/templates/ops_scheduleform.tpl

m admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl

m core/app.config.php

m core/classes/CodonCache.class.php

m core/common/ACARSData.class.php

m core/common/PIREPData.class.php

m core/common/SchedulesData.class.php

m core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php

m core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php

m core/templates/schedule_results.tpl

schedules listing cleanup, added weekly schedule filter

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  • Moderators

Hey Nabeel, What about the ranking problem that I had. That it wasn't being preselected? Do you rember that?


Hello Nadeel,

I have one problem. In the last version I had added these lines to Schedules.php by the public function Find Flight.

if($this->post->airlines != ''){

$params = array('s.code' => $this->post->airlines);


This because I have more airlines and it worked like a charm. I could search to the schedules by Airliner.

With this update I inserted the same lines again but now it won`t work. I am confussed.

Did I overlook something?



  • Moderators

I believe that was fixed, I can't find the specific commit, but if you run into it, just open a bug for it

Ok, I'll will do that when I get them.

  • Administrators

Hello Nadeel,

I have one problem. In the last version I had added these lines to Schedules.php by the public function Find Flight.

This because I have more airlines and it worked like a charm. I could search to the schedules by Airliner.

With this update I inserted the same lines again but now it won`t work. I am confussed.

Did I overlook something?



Send me the exact changes you made, I will incorporate them into the main code



In the schedules.php I have

public function showSchedules()


$depapts = OperationsData::GetAllAirports();

$equip = OperationsData::GetAllAircraftSearchList(true);

$airline = OperationsData::GetAllAirlines();

$this->set('airlines', $airline);

$this->set('depairports', $depapts);

$this->set('equipment', $equip);


# Show the routes. Remote this to not show them.

$this->set('allroutes', SchedulesData::GetSchedules());



public function findFlight()


if($this->post->airlines != '')


$params = array('s.code' => $this->post->airlines);


if($this->post->depicao != '')


$params = array('s.depicao' => $this->post->depicao);


if($this->post->arricao != '')


$params = array('s.arricao' => $this->post->arricao);


if($this->post->equipment != '')


$params = array('a.name' => $this->post->equipment);


if($this->post->distance != '')


if($this->post->type == 'greater')

$value = '> ';


$value = '< ';

$value .= $this->post->distance;

$params = array('s.distance' => $value);


$params['s.enabled'] = 1;

$this->set('allroutes', SchedulesData::findSchedules($params));



and in the schedule_searchform.tpl I added after the find flights by distance

<div id="code">

<p>Select An Airline</p>

<select id="airlines" name="airlines">

<option value="">Select Airline</option>


if(!$airlines) $airlines = array();

foreach ($airlines as $airline)


echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->name.'</option>';




<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Find Flights" />




P.S. I am working now at the Flightkeeper little problems on the Acarsmap and at this moment I have the Distance and time remaing working.

Still working on the different status of flight.

  • Administrators

Thanks, I've added that portion. If you get those other things working, let me know, I will add them in.

If you want to use Git, you can just submit a pull request, that'll be faster

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