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Hi all. I read a while back that someone has on their site a live ACARS stats on their home page much like the newest pilot banner on top of the home page. I have searched and searched and can not find it. I think with old age setting in on me my search skills are starting to slip on me.

To be exact, what this code did was give a list of everyone who is actively doing an ACARS flight on the VA website. Not Vatsim or IVAO or anything, it was just who is connected to your site via an acars device.

Thanks for helping me in the right direction. And feel free to give me a virtual slap for slacking on the search skills. ;)

  • Moderators

Here;s the Virtual Slap! Ka-Pow! :lol:

Joking, :lol: :lol:

I do rembember that, but I'm getting older and new php things come to me. So I can't remember where. Sorry, :(

  • Administrators

It's probably just a call to ACARSData::getACARSData () I believe, pass in the time in minutes to retrieve (120 to retrieve in the last 2 hours)

Then from there you can do some loop-de-loops on the returned data

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