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I updated phpvms to vers. 1.2.660 as orderd in the admin Menue:-)

Since this update, we got the problem, that fsacars give out a databse error when our Pilots try to send their pireps - even so, the pireps get into the Web-sytem


I just found out, that also the fsacars log is corrupted it only loggs the "half" of the whole logg

Here is the last logg i sendet


[2009/03/31 17:19:00]

Flight IATA:EUV769

Pilot Number:EUV0001

Company ICAO:EUV

Aircraft Type:A330-200

Aircraft Registration:OE-LAM

Departing Airport: LOWW

Destination Airport: LTAI

Online: No


17:19 Zero fuel Weight: 156804 Kg, Fuel Weight: 51904 Kg

17:22 Parking Brakes off

17:22 Com1 Freq=119.40

17:30 VR= 167 Knots

17:30 V2= 173 Knots

17:30 Take-off

17:30 Take off Weight: 207457 Kg

17:30 Wind: 060� @ 006 Knots Heading: 297�

17:30 POS N48� 07� 02�� E016� 33� 01��

17:30 N11 101 N12 101

17:30 Gear Up: 176 Knots

17:30 TOC

17:30 Fuel Weight: 50632 Kg

17:30 Flaps:3 at 177 Knots

17:31 Flaps:2 at 197 Knots

17:31 Flaps:1 at 211 Knots

17:31 Com1 Freq=122.80

17:31 Flaps:0 at 233 Knots

17:45 Wind:097�@041 Knots Heading: 112� Ground Speed: 394 Knots Altitude 32198 ft

18:00 Wind:250�@057 Knots Heading: 149� Ground Speed: 507 Knots Altitude 331


There should be more after 18.00 - befor i sendet the logg fsacars showed me alle the informations but after i sendet it to the website - half of the logg "left"

Thank you


  • Administrators

Can you try a fresh install of fsacars (delete the folder), and a fresh download of the config file from your site? There haven't been any changes to fsacars code


we did reinstall is and checked it with 3 Pilots - even after the last update of phpvms we still get the database error - any ideas? (is it possible to geht an older version - 2 or 3 steps back) to get our system up again?

Thank you for your work and time


Sorry Nabeel I'm getting the same thing since I updated, its loggong the correct flying time but not sending the full report, see below:

[2009/04/04 13:05:00]

Flight IATA:NXS0138

Pilot Number:NXS0002

Company ICAO:NXS

Aircraft Type:737-800


Aircraft Registration:UK-NEXDA

Departing Airport: EGSS

Destination Airport: LIRN

Online: No


Flight Level:35000

13:05 Zero fuel Weight: 134740 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 19345 Lbs

13:23 Parking Brakes off

13:23 Com1 Freq=121.72

13:28 Com1 Freq=125.55

13:28 Com1 Freq=121.72

13:28 Com1 Freq=125.55

13:28 Com1 Freq=127.17

13:28 Com1 Freq=121.72

13:28 Com1 Freq=125.55

13:30 VR= 150 Knots

13:30 V2= 155 Knots

13:30 Take-off

13:30 Take off Weight: 153363 Lbs

13:30 Wind: 247� @ 010 Knots Heading: 223�

13:30 POS N51� 53� 01�� E000� 13� 59��

13:30 N11 97 N12 97

13:30 Flaps:3 at 155 Knots

13:30 Gear Up: 158 Knots

13:31 Com1 Freq=120.62

13:31 Flaps:2 at 154 Knots

13:31 Flaps:1 at 155 Knots

13:32 Flaps:0 at 208 Knots

13:34 Com1 Freq=118.82

13:45 Wind:2

Thats all we got should be loads more as it was a 2.5 hour flight.

Sorry to be a pain

Regards Karl


that is not only problem since last update.

Our VA can't submit fsacars pireps at all after I updated system.

I heve found this in fsacars's "sendlogreport.html" file:

Airport not found, only US airports allowed

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: 1 in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

  • Administrators

that is not only problem since last update.

Our VA can't submit fsacars pireps at all after I updated system.

I heve found this in fsacars's "sendlogreport.html" file:

Airport not found, only US airports allowed

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: 1 in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129

s*** that seems like an error on the API side, I think I had fixed that error though. I will check it.

Is it still giving that error?


s*** that seems like an error on the API side, I think I had fixed that error though. I will check it.

Is it still giving that error?

yes, still giving. maybe it is posible to make pirep script no to output that warning messages and "US only" text. after that goes "OK" and pireps are coming to database. but as FSacars program gets so much error messages before that OK, it doesnt recognize that.

  • Administrators

yes, still giving. maybe it is posible to make pirep script no to output that warning messages and "US only" text. after that goes "OK" and pireps are coming to database. but as FSacars program gets so much error messages before that OK, it doesnt recognize that.

What version are you running? I had turned error suppression on. I will take a look again in a few minutes.


better now. result is "Airport not found, only US airports allowedOK" so it is left to get rid of that "Airport not found, only US airports allowed" and have "OK" only :)

  • Administrators

That's weird, it shouldn't be outputting that at all.

Can you post that log?

I can't duplicate that, not sure where it's coming from. Make sure you overwrite everything in the core/classes, core/modules and core/common folders


that log is just that one string "Airport not found, only US airports allowedOK".

Maybe you can'r duplicate as you are posting pireps with airports accessible over API?

try some short patern lets say at EYKS :)

and, yes, I've uploaded whole beta package and run install/update.php

  • Administrators

for some reason, curl was outputting to the screen, had to explicitly tell it not to again, although i had originally done that

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