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Rev v2.1.934-102-gaff2864 - optimized pilot stats

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  • Moderators


I noticed after an update the total hours are reporting wrong,

I have reset from the maintenance script and,

Now counting from PIREPS

Found 838:59:59 total hours, updated

From VA Central,

17212.1 hours.

Also the pilot count is not increasing in VA Central.

  • Moderators

These are some of the errors in the logs after the update,

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Debug' not found in /core/codon.config.php on line 77
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'TemplateSet' not found in /action.php on line 48
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'PilotData' not found in /core/common/Auth.class.php on line 97

Sone of these were during the live update though so could have been when the files were being uploaded and people calling them.

Guest lorathon

There is a comma missing in the update.

$sql = 'SELECT 
          COUNT(`pirepid`) as `totalpireps`,
          SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(`flighttime_stamp`))) as `totaltime`
       FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps`
       WHERE `pilotid`='.$pilotid.' AND `accepted`='.PIREP_ACCEPTED;

Change the query under UpdatePilotStats to the above (around line 604). This change reduces the time to accept a pirep. Very noticeable difference.

Guest lorathon

Hold on. I am working with Nabeel to fix another issue this change resulted in.

  • Administrators

Try the next revision, we've run into a few issues which will need resolving.

But good news is there are a few performance updates, thanks Jeff!

But there will be a few issues, keep reporting them :)

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