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Rev v2.1.934-122-g69aa315 - fixed template path issues


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Changed Files:

m action.php

m admin/action.php

m admin/index.php

m admin/lib/layout/layout.php

m admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php

m admin/templates/core_sidebar.tpl

m changelog.htm

m core/classes/Config.class.php

m core/classes/Template.class.php

m core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php

m core/codon.config.php

m core/version

m index.php

m install/hashlist

m install/sql/structure.xml

fixed template path issues

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Thanks Nabeel, that's working ok now.

Another thing for your radar, Finances, http://www.easyjetva...ex.php/Finances

Pilot Pay is frozen across all entries to the same amount.

I see the twitter update, is there something i need to do to get the feed to push to Twitter?

It won't push to twitter yet, I've added a 'bug' for it, I have to look into how to accomplish that.

Pilot pay - I will take a look. I may have missed some update for the new way pilot pay is handled.

Thanks!! :)

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Hey Nabeel, Got the error, when entering the installer....

Fatal error: Call to a member function SetTemplatePath() on a non-object in core\classes\Template.class.php on line 54

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