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I have the basic phpvms uploaded and working just fine. I do not know how to to write scripts or anything, so until I find a tech guy, how can I add Staff Members and is there a away to change flight hours? as the CEO of my VA I am not starting out as a Jr. First Officer, LOL.


I have the basic phpvms uploaded and working just fine. I do not know how to to write scripts or anything, so until I find a tech guy, how can I add Staff Members and is there a away to change flight hours? as the CEO of my VA I am not starting out as a Jr. First Officer, LOL.

Too add your staff members go to your admin panal then pilots and groups > View all Pilots > select your pilot, then under the Pilot Groups tab, add him as an admin.

To change your flight hours, Select yourself in the list (like above) and under the Pilot details tab, you should see the Total Hours box.

Hope this helps :)


I guess I should rephrase this, How do I add them to the roster? My phpvms has no pilot application at this time. Also, it let's me change transfer hours but not total hours therefore I am stuck at Jr. First Officer. When I try to change Total hours all I can do is high light it, when I enter the numbers I want it does nothing. If I hit the back space to try and delete 0 the whole page goes back to the previous page.


To add transfer hours to your members "Total Hours, go to /public_html/core/app.config.php and look for this:

# If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations
Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', false);

and change it to true:

# If you want to count transfer hours in rank calculations
Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true);


Ok, that did change the Pilot Hrs to what I wanted to accept transfer hours., but still showing First officer even though I have the ranks set up to automatically change when pilots hit certain hrs. I think that problem lies that the Total Hrs still shows 0 and I can't manually change it on the phpvms admin side of the website.


nope, actually it will always show 0 until you fly a route. it is still going to show (on the PILOT ROSTER page) that the pilot has more than 0 hours. check the local.config.php file again to make sure that this says true

# Automatically calculate ranks?
Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true);

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