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VA Central Live map


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Gents, quick question......We have resolved our kacars switch = Verfiy problem last week. But for some reason we are not showing our flights on the VA Central Live map..Pireps are going through, were just not showing up on the map?


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Gents, quick question......We have resolved our kacars switch = Verfiy problem last week. But for some reason we are not showing our flights on the VA Central Live map..Pireps are going through, were just not showing up on the map?


Gents, this post is slipping off the board........its just a question and after a couple days I've got no response.

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I do not think that anyone can give you an answer other than Nabeel.

I appreciate the fact that Nabeel, is the only one how can respond to this, but he hasn't. Mean while it is effecting our rating at VA Central. We have dropped from 18 to 20 in the past week. This is not a big deal, as no one really cares about ratings and has no impact on the game overall. But if there is a corrupt file, I would upload and replace it if I knew what it was.

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The dropping in ranking has nothing to do with the fact that your flights aren't showing on vacental map you mentiont that the pireps are going true so it is counting all.

only difference i see it that last month you had 500+ flights for the whole month now we are past the halfway marker this month you only have 170 flights so its less then the half off last month and thats the drop in rating i think

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The dropping in ranking has nothing to do with the fact that your flights aren't showing on vacental map you mentiont that the pireps are going true so it is counting all.

only difference i see it that last month you had 500+ flights for the whole month now we are past the halfway marker this month you only have 170 flights so its less then the half off last month and thats the drop in rating i think

I did comment that all the stats are going through. Just not showing up on the live map. Yes your correct about the total flights as we have several members on vacation and aother summer avents. There was no reason for me to include that comment. Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk *grin*

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Gents, quick question......We have resolved our kacars switch = Verfiy problem last week. But for some reason we are not showing our flights on the VA Central Live map..Pireps are going through, were just not showing up on the map?


This was posted on June 13th. 140 views and no response. The only person apparently who can respond to this, isn't? I do my best to contribute and help newbee's on the forums. I'm not asking anyone to do anything, if there is a corrupt file, would like to know what it is. Have two sites on different servers and the issue is just on my main site. Its not a big deal, but it is a feature of the game, so to speak.

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I think the way it is calucalted by how much PIREPS you have in a month.

More Pilots, More PIREPS means you will get higher ranks.

I'm not sure if you delete pilots, I think it deletes their PIREPS, but not sure.

Also, one more thing. We do have real world life issues to deal. As far I know that Nabeel is very busy right now and he is currently taking a break from phpVMS so he can create more ideas for phpVMS.

I have no clue what your talking about and I don't need you to lecture me about members busy lives, I'm not new here and I'm not new to the sometimes issues of phpvms. my question has to do with our flights not showing on the VA Central live map, not pireps et cetera...........stats are just fine, just not showing up on the map. So unless you have something constructive to say, reserve your comments to someone who has.

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try to reupload this file


maby then it will get solved

Good day joeri, I replaced the CentralData.class.php but no change. As I mentioned earlier this is not a big deal and I know eventually this will be addressed by Nabeel when he has the time, its about keeping the topic open until then. The comments made by Vansers and then nightfox were not necessary. I have great respect for those here in the forums and at no time do I show disrespect to anyone. Vansers, was going off on something that had nothing to do with my question and lecturing me on the busy lives of members and nightfox apparently defending his comments. I would just like to keep the topic open until Nabeel has the time to address this. Thanks.

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I often talk to Nabeel on msn, he is a very busy man. I defended Vansers reply, as you were being disrespectful. There was nothing wrong with Vansers reply. If it is such a rush, PM Nabeel, or email him. Personnally, I don't like the way you are trying to get help, People are replying to you, and you are shouting your mouth off at some of us, just because you don't like the reply. You look like a mature man, you should act like it. This is a discussion board. People help and discuss things here, and you are bound to get some replies you don't like, when you do, don't shout at them. As they may have a point. You are trying to keep this topic open yes, but expecting people to reply with a solution to a problem only one person can really fix, is ludicrous. Be patient and you will get your answers.You were also the one to bring up the stats in the first place.

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I often talk to Nabeel on msn, he is a very busy man. I defended Vansers reply, as you were being disrespectful. There was nothing wrong with Vansers reply. If it is such a rush, PM Nabeel, or email him. Personnally, I don't like the way you are trying to get help, People are replying to you, and you are shouting your mouth off at some of us, just because you don't like the reply. You look like a mature man, you should act like it. This is a discussion board. People help and discuss things here, and you are bound to get some replies you don't like, when you do, don't shout at them. As they may have a point. You are trying to keep this topic open yes, but expecting people to reply with a solution to a problem only one person can really fix, is ludicrous. Be patient and you will get your answers.You were also the one to bring up the stats in the first place.

Ok Gentlemen, you have had your say. For a people who are very busy you have found enough time to rip me. You wish to discuss respect? so lets talk respect because it appears only one sided from my vantage point. Respect is severely absent in our society today and you are experts in the demeanor of how someone has worded a topic. I don't know you and you don't know me from Adam and you sit there and judge the demeanor of another forum member. You explain to me the point Vansers was making just before he admonished me for being impatient and frustrated having gone two weeks with only two constructive post by joeri. If I was disrespectful to anyone, the forum moderator would have pulled it. When you can explain just what point and topic he was addressing, I will apologize to him personally on the telephone or TS3, Skype whatever. Respect is a two way street. Come at me like gang busters, I will come back at you.

I help new members to phpvms daily as a result of the "Phpvms for Dummies, Beginners guide" I wrote a year ago and Nabeel has included in the documents section. They contact me and I help them get started. I come to the forums to get information for revision (2) I don't know a lot but I get enough information to help the new bees so you don't have too. Revision (2) includes a trouble shooting guide and general skin info. I said all this to let you know I'm not just taking from these forums and contributing. You can go through the support section and find just who I try and help. I don't go in and judge what they say or how they say it. They come to the forums for help..........it says in bold title "Support Forum" The only people that should respond to a post on a topic is someone who has the answer. Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no, anything else is nonsense. So you want respect, take the 2 X 4 out of your own eye so you can see the splinter in mine.

When Nabeel has the time, I'm sure he will have the salution to the VA Central live map issue. joeri, has already informed me that he alone would probably (Nabeel) have to address this.

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ok i am going to close this down before all Hell brakes lose and WW3 startlaugh.gif.

blue i beleive i have you on skype let us trouble shoot from there as i had the same problem and it got fixed with the solution i gave you.

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