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Hi All is there a way to delete screenshots? I have tried to delete them from the Root directory but opnlt end up with a blank space in place of the Pic.

Can some one help??

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Give me a few, I'll create a delete function to simpilot's screenshot center. I'll be posting it in the code spinets.

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Ok, I'm stuck now, lol. I'm missing something and I can't get it out of my head, lol.

Screenshot.php In the beginning of the php file

if($this->post->action == 'delete_screenshot') {


 public function delete_screenshot() 




public function delete_screenshot($id) {
	$query = "DELETE FROM screenshots
                   WHERE id='$id'";



<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id='"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a>

When I click on the delete button, it goes to that url...


If anyone can help out here, and tell me what I did wrong. Still a noob.


Hey Vansers!

You have some errors here :( In ScreenshotData.class.php use this function:

        public function delete_screenshot($id) {
               $query = "DELETE FROM screenshots
                   WHERE id='$_GET[id]'";


The change is to


Now instead of

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id='"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a>

Use this:

<a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id=<?php echo $screenshot->id; ?>"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a>

Actually you miss the call for the photo's ID which is:

<?php echo $screenshot->id; ?>

I also suggest you to use this:

                    <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
                       { ?><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id=<?php echo $screenshot->id; ?>"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a><?php } else {} ?>

With the above only the Admins have the rights to delete a photo ;)


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Ok, here's how to add the delete function to simpilot's screenshot.

1) Back up your files!!!

2) Go to core/modules/screenshots/screenshots.php and go to the following line....

       if($this->post->action == 'reject_screenshot') {

And Replace with this...

       if($this->post->action == 'reject_screenshot') {
	if($this->post->action == 'delete_screenshot') {

3) Go to the following lines....

  protected function reject_screenshot() {
       $id = DB::escape($this->post->id);
       header('Location: '.url('/Screenshots/approval_list'));

Add After the code......

public function delete_screenshot() 
	ScreenshotsData::delete_screenshot($id);		//We need the screenshot id so the function can know which id to delete from the DB
       header('Location: '.url('/Screenshots/')); 		//We don't want to show the URL delete link, so it will go to Screenshots

	$this->set('message', 'Screenshot Deleted!'); 	//Let them know that the screeshot is deleted.
       $this->render('core_success.tpl');				//It will show the green bar on top of the page


4) Go to core/common/ScreenshotsData.class.php and go to the following lines...

   public function reject_screenshot($id) {
       $upd = "UPDATE screenshots SET file_approved='2' WHERE id='$id'";


Add After the line.............

       public function delete_screenshot($id) {
               $query = "DELETE FROM screenshots
                   WHERE id='$_GET[id]'";


5) Go to screenshots_large.tpl and go to the following lines......

           <td align="center"><b>Views:</b> <?php echo $screenshot->views; ?></td>
               <!-- <form><input class="mail" type="button" value="Back To Gallery" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"> </form> -->

Then add after the lines....

    <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
                       { ?><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/Screenshots/delete_screenshot?id=<?php echo $screenshot->id; ?>"><b>Delete Screenshot</b></a><?php } else {} ?>

THEN! TA-DA. You now have a delete function!

Big Thanks to dimitris for helping out to fix the errors!

I DO NOT TAKE ANY CREIDT FROM simpilot's Screenshot Moudle!

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


I used this code and i cant get it working my screenshot center is all working but i can see the delete button ?

any help would be great


Hi Nathan

Sorry for bumping such an old topic (again) but was just wondering if you got this to work at all yet?

I can see a delete button, you have to click full size on the picture.

But not sure if anyone knows, when I click that all that happens is I get sent to a page with an error on it :blink:

Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Screenshots::delete_screenshot' was given in /home/chitchat/public_html/palmair/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218

This SHOULD be line 218 if I counted correctly:

		$ret = call_user_func_array(array($$ModuleName, $call_function), CodonRewrite::$params);

Anyone have any ideas :S

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