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Guest lorathon

The select drop down width is based on the largest option. I would just have the airport ICAO or Name. You could also style the select for a specific width.


Is big cos it has my current location in i dont want tht in it, so redo the code without the current location, also is there any chance when i click a dep, it auto searches in the arrival bar of the destinations flying from the dep..


There you go. That should do it. Does it still say YOUR CURRENT LOCATION, or did it change back to ALL?

Also, when you choose the Departure Airport, you don't have to choose the Arrival. You can leave it alone and when you click Search it will show all flights out of that airport, and vice-versa.


Anyone interested:

If you'd like to just show the airport names instead of the ICAO and Name, here is the edited code:

<form action="<?php echo url('/Schedules');?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
   <table align="left" border="0" width="100%">
           <td width="20px"><b>Dep:</b></font></td>
               <select class="search" name="depicao">
                   <option value="">All</option>
if (Auth::LoggedIn()) {
   $report = PIREPData::getLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED);
   if($report) {
       echo '<option value="'.$report->arricao.'">All ('.$report->arricao.')</option>';
   else {
       echo '<option value="'.Auth::$userinfo->hub.'">All ('.Auth::$userinfo->hub.')</option>';

$airports = OperationsData::getAllAirports();
foreach ($airports as $airport) {
   echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->name.'</option>';
           <td width="20px"><b>Arr:</b></font></td>
               <select class="search" name="arricao">
                   <option value="">All</option>
                       foreach ($airports as $airport) {
                           echo '<option value="'.$airport->icao.'">'.$airport->name.'</option>';
               <input type="hidden" name="action" value="findflight" />
               <input title="Click here to search for flights" type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" />

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