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Whenever I try to submit a new page I get this error now:

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home2/pakakad/public_html/vms//core/templates/Pakak Painters started this airline. For that reason you can expect to see a Pakak Adventures paint scheme on every aircraft that we will fly. <br> Since we are new, we are presently limited to only 3 aircraft. There will be more soon. Once the site and the virtual airline details are up we will be adding more aircraft. Also once our partner airline comes online you can expect to see more international long haul aircraft.<br> Here are the aircraft that are presently flying with Pakak Adventures.<br><br><br><table border="0" width="95%"> <tbody><tr> <th scope="col" width="33%"><a href="http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q1 in /home2/pakakad/public_html/vms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 95

It only seems to happen when I try to use a table.

Are there any work arounds for this ?

I am presently using iframes....but that is a pain in the butt !

thanks in advance. It has become very frustrating.

  • Administrators
home2/pakakad/public_html/vms//core/templates/Pakak Painters started this airline. For that reason you can expect to see a Pakak Adventures paint scheme on every aircraft that we will fly. <br> Since we are new,

The "title" can only be plain text, no html spaces or anything in it. just a title


that has been the case.

I can add pages fine, as long as i avoid tables. As soon as I add a table I get that error.

If you look at my site:


you can see that the awards and ranks pages work fine, but the active aircraft page I have had to Iframe as the table caused the page error.

I will be trying it with DIV eventually, but haven't got around to it yet.

I've been sidetracked trying to get FSACARS and FSPAX working again.


just looked at the awards page....got the error....didn't have it last night....very odd....

  • Administrators

The filename it's trying to create is that entire path up top, which is why it's failing.

What's your page title? Make it one word, that's it.

Then paste stuff into the editor


Been doing that.

The page title was awards

I have been making the title, then pasting in the html code ( again, mostly using tables )

I have now changed the awards page to an iframe which seems to work fine.

if i modify the rank page now though, i will get the error...

Would you like me to do that ?



Figured it out !

since my css centres cell content, I can't add the centre information again in the code !

i guess that you can't use inline formating that matches or conflicts with the css.

At least I think so...I removed all the center tags and it seems to have worked.


I removed all inline formating from the pages and it seems to have worked.

Thanks for your help. I know you are a busy busy man and I appreciate it.

  • Administrators

what you can do is edit the html file directly (in core/pages), download the page, edit it, and upload it back, skipping the inline editor. that may simplify it a bit

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