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Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 1.00 !!!!

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The Sql batch file is in the .zip of this project, when u want to use this mod u must add lines/ colomns in your database. The simpliest way is to make a sql batch file that make the changes. I use navicat for this. It´s very simple to handle to me because i have more then one database on my servers ;-). Navicat is free for homeuse. In navicat is an option "run sql batch file", u choose the file and whoops all changes are done :P

  On 3/19/2012 at 9:42 AM, Jakes said:

Yes, but somewhere there is a code that calculate the aircraft useage. With this installation there is a table added named "cond" for aircraft condition. And after installation, and all the aircraft are brought, the conditions are not all 100%. Some of my aircraft are 95% even. So where is that condition calculated?

Hi Jakes,

I think the landing rate needs to come from the pirep sending. and than change the cond. line in the aircraft sql. i think thats the way but i dont know the code for it....

so after receiving a pirep (and accept it?) than it should alter the cond line witch come with this pakkage..



hi i see this on the page when i pess the options buttons

<�!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <�html><�head> <�meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type> <�meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16430"> <�/head> <�body> <�?php // Here are the Calculations // Condition for new Plane $newrd= rand(95, 100); // Price Calculation for new Plane $acprice1="$aircraft->weight"*"$aircraft->maxpax"*("$aircraft->cruise"/100)*("$aircraft->range"*0.7 /"$aircraft->cruise"); // Condition for used Plane $userd= rand(60, 85); // Price Calculation for used Plane $acprice2="$aircraft->weight"*"$aircraft->maxpax"*("$aircraft->cruise"/100)*("$aircraft->range"*0.7 /"$aircraft->cruise"); // Condition for retired Plane $retrd= rand(25, 55); // Price for retired Plane $acprice3="$aircraft->weight"*"$aircraft->maxpax"*("$aircraft->cruise"/100)*("$aircraft->range"*0.7 /"$aircraft->cruise"); //Price for leasing Plane $lease=(("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100)/60; $leasname="$aircraft->registration"; $leastype=M; $leasev=FinanceData::AddExpense($leasname->post->name, $lease->post->cost, $leastype->post->type); //Bought vars $boughty= 1; $lease= 2; $sellrdm= rand(750, 950); $sellprice= ("$aircraft->price"*"$sellrdm")/1000; if($aircraft->bought ==0) { // Show these if it is not bought or leased ?> <�h1><�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Buy Screen<�/h1> <�img src="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" height="140" width="140"> <�br><�br><�br><�br> <�table border=0 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <�thead> <�tr> <�th align="center">Status<�/th> <�th align="center">Condition<�/th> <�th align="center" >Price<�/th> <�th align="center">Buy<�/th> <�/tr> <�/thead> <�tbody> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�tr> <�td align="center">New<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo $newrd ?>%<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo number_format((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?> <�/td> <�td align="center"><�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�input name="price" type="text" value="<�?php echo ((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100)); ?>" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $newrd; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $boughty; ?>" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="enabled" value="1" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Buy" /><�/td> <�/form> <�/tr> <�?php // Leasing ?> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft'); ?>" method="post"> <�tr> <�td align="center">Leasing<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo $newrd ?>%<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo number_format(((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100)/60),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?> per Month <�/td> <�td align="center"><�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�input name="price" type="text" value="<�?php echo (((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100)/60)); ?>" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $newrd; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $lease; ?>" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input name="financename" type="text" value="Leasing <�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="cost" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $lease; ?>" /> <�input name="type" type="hidden" value="M" /> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="enabled" value="1" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Lease" /> <�/td> <�/form> <�/tr> <�/tbody> <�/table> For Leasing go <�br> <�br> <�br> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>';">==>Back<�==<�/button> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/finance/addexpense');?>';">==>Add Expense<�==<�/button>  <�?php } else { // Show these if it is bought ?> <�h1><�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Options Screen<�/h1> <�img src="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" height="140" width="140"> <�br><�br><�br><�br> <�h3><�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Current Aircraft<�/h2> Aircraft Name: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->fullname; ?> <�br> Registration: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->registration; ?> <�br> Max Range: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->range; echo Config::Get('UNITS'); ?> <�br> Weight: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->weight; echo Config::Get('CARGO_UNITS'); ?> <�br> Cruising Speed: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->cruise; ?> kts <�br> Max Passengers: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?> <�br> Minimum Rank: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->ranklevel; ?> <�br> Buying Price: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo number_format($aircraft->price,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?> <�br> Condition: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->cond; ?> % <�br> Va Money: <�?php // Show the current Condition $Vas = FinanceData::calculateFinances($month_info); foreach($Vas as $Va) {echo "{$month_info->revenue}";} ?> <�br> <�br> <�?php // Enable Button is now here ?> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�dt>Enabled?<�/dt> <�?php $checked = ($aircraft->enabled==1 || !$aircraft)?'checked':''; ?> <�input type="checkbox" id="enabled" name="enabled" value="1" <�?php echo $checked ?> /> <�input name="price" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cond; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->bought; ?>" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enable" /><�/td> <�/form> <�br> <�?php // Sell Function is here ?> <�?php if ($aircraft->bought ==1) { ?> <�br> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�input name="price" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�?php $checked = ($aircraft->enabled==1 || !$aircraft)?'CHECKED':''; ?> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="enabled" value="0" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sell" /><�/td> <�/form> <�br>  <�strong>Sellprice: <�?php echo number_format($sellprice,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?><�/strong> <�?php } ?> <�?php // Unlease Function is here ?> <�?php if ($aircraft->bought ==2) { ?> <�br> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�input name="price" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="0" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�?php $checked = ($aircraft->enabled==1 || !$aircraft)?'CHECKED':''; ?> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="enabled" value="0" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Unlease" /><�/td> <�/form> <�br>  <�?php } ?> <�br> <�br> <�?php if($aircraft->cond <�=99) { ?> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/repairaircraft?id='.$aircraft->id);?>';">Repair<�/button> <�?php } else {echo "Full repaired";} ?>  <�br>  <�br> <�br> <�br> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>';">==>Back<�==<�/button>  <�?php } ?> <�/body>

i have try the option with text no working I need help


  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone !

I've a little problem. I installed this module but now when I want to edit my schedules, there's an error : " There was an error editing the schedule: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' ". That comes from your module because before I didn't have any problem. Can you help me, please?

Thank you !


  • 3 weeks later...

First to know is that u must!!! have installed the beta of phpvms. The next is have you filled out ALL fields ? have u inserted the sql file correct? take an look in your database /phpvms_aircrafts there must be an colomn with the name cond and some more...



I want to set real airbus and boeing prices. The system calculate very high prices. How can I put real prices in the lastest version? I want to put real prices for 100% aircrafts, but if the aircraft isn´t perfect the price I inserted they will be slower than 100% price. It is possible?????


-For Manual Price input change in /phpvms/admin/templates/ops_buysellaircraft.tpl on line 58

"hidden" into "text"

<input name="price" type="hidden" value="<?php echo number_format

((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100),2,",","."); ?>" />

<input name="price" type="text" value="<?php echo number_format

((("$acprice1"*"$newrd")/100),2,",","."); ?>" />

  • 2 weeks later...

Where and how I put this?

-Add in your phpvms/core/app.config.php where

# Constants for 'paysource' column in ledger

define('PAYSOURCE_PIREP', 1);

the line:

define('Payment', 2);

and add where

# Constants for 'paytype' column in ledge

define('PILOT_PAY_HOURLY', 1);

define('PILOT_PAY_SCHEDULE', 2);

define('PILOT_PAY_FIXED', 3);

the line:

define('Payment', 4);

In my app config I dont see anything like this

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


My problem, i'm download and install add on, i'm not option maintenance, not prices and not possible change prices in /phpvms/admin/templates/ops_buysellaircraft.tpl because writing chinese . Before flight the % damage is no change (i'm land to -460fpm).

Thanks for your reponse

sorry my bad english


  • 3 weeks later...

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