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Step 1 Aircraft buying Mod Version 1.00 !!!!

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yes that´s it i think, which version did you own?

On gifthub there is v2.1.934-170-g5ca803a

I have Version v2.1.934-157-g7ca06a3

I checked it, and its true. In Schedules i can set an parameter week 1-4

I posted a pic of my schedule database



yes, that is with the security fix, but they didn´t update the beta lol.

i must update manually and compare every file in it.

Security Fix released for 2.1.x - posted 24 August 2012, 4:00 pm

A small patch to fix a security flaw has been released; it applies to version 2.1.934 and below. It doesn't apply to any of the beta versions. Replace the admin/index.php and admin/action.php files. Thanks for Jacob Axford for finding and bringing the flaw to my attention.

The updated version is now 2.1.935.


Beta has some more options in schedule edit


Hi, found a calculation error (repair cost are too expensive)


line 13 must be:

$repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax;

Download fixed


another discoverage

why does the price for sell aircraft increases after two flights

purchased the ATR72 for 20000000$ and now it will sell for Sellprice: 20.302.507,36$ any real Airline would be happy if it is that way in reality ;)


have you inserted the sql?

Have you an different database path and not phpvms ?

When no, that´s not good.

If have the default phpvms path look in your database phpvms_aircrafts if there is an coloumn with name price, bought , rmtime, if it isnt there you must insert the sql included in my package


another discoverage

why does the price for sell aircraft increases after two flights

purchased the ATR72 for 20000000$ and now it will sell for Sellprice: 20.302.507,36$ any real Airline would be happy if it is that way in reality ;)

I think it should be 20.000.000-302.507,36$




change from

<strong>Sellprice: <?php echo number_format((("$aircraft->price" / "$aircraft->cond")*100),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></strong>


<strong>Sellprice: <?php echo number_format("$aircraft->price" * ("$aircraft->cond" / 100),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></strong>

Fixed in download

Thanx Txmmy83 ;-)


this will work with cargo, there isn´t a pax calculation anymore. This was only for aircraft price calculations in the last versions. It will work now with all aircrafts.

You need only a phpvms beta version.


That is Great for Fleet page

absolutely no Problem with the percentage in Admin as that is only shown to me as Admin

I have another Problem when hitting repair I get

<�!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <�html><�head> <�meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type> <�meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16430"> <�/head> <�body> <�?php // Variables here $repdif= 100-"$aircraft->cond"; $repo= rand(40, 100); // Add random Repaircost modifier $repmax= 0.2; // Max Repaircosts from Buying Price 1 = 100% , 0.8 = 80% $repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax; $repcu= rand(0, 10); // Add random Repairtime modifier $reptime= "$repdif" + "$repcu"; // Repairtime with Random Modifier // VA Money without Balance $vatotal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(revenue) as revenue_sum FROM phpvms_pireps "); $vtot = mysql_fetch_assoc($vatotal); $vatotal2 = $vtot['revenue_sum']; //Raw $vatotal3 = round($vatotal2, 2); //Round $vatotal4 = number_format($vatotal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Price of all bought Aircrafts $vabal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Price) as Balance_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE bought = 1 "); $vbal = mysql_fetch_assoc($vabal); $vabal2 = $vbal['Balance_sum']; //Raw $vabal3 = round($vabal2, 2); //Round $vabal4 = number_format($vabal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Repair Cost of all Aircrafts $rep1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(repvalue) as rep_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft "); $rep2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep1); $rep3 = $rep2['rep_sum']; //Raw $rep4 = round($rep3, 2); //Round $rep5 = number_format($rep4, 2, '.', ','); //Format //************************************************ Money Balance here************************************ $Balance = -0; // Va Money Zeroing //******************************************************************************************************* // VA Money with Balance $vabatal = "$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3"; $vabaltal2 = number_format(("$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3" ), 2, '.', ','); //Raw //echo $vabaltal2; IF ($aircraft->cond <�=0) //Don�t Change this!!!! {$aendern = "UPDATE phpvms_aircraft Set cond = '1' WHERE registration = '{$aircraft->registration}'"; $update = mysql_query($aendern); } ?> <�/br> <�?php ?> <�h1><�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Repair Screen<�/h1> <�img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar"> <�br> <�br> <�br> <�br> Current Condition: <�?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->cond; ?> % <�/br> <�?php ?> <�table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter2"> <�tr> <�th align="center" >Time<�/th> <�th align="center">Value<�/th> <�/tr> <�/thead> <�tbody> <�td> Time and Date: <�/TD> <�td> <�?php //************************* $RMTIME*********************** $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); print $time; ?> <�/td> <�tr> <�td> Repair will be finished : <�/td> <�td> <�?php $date = time(); // aktuelles Datum //echo date('d.m.Y h:i:s', $date) . " ?> <�?php $stunden = $reptime; // z.B. ein Tag $enddatum = $date + ($stunden * 60 * 60); // Ein Tag sp�ter (stunden * minuten * sekunden) $datstring = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $enddatum) ; // Datum im DB-Format ?> <�?php $eurodate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datstring)); // Ins europ�ische Format umwandeln echo "$eurodate "; ?> <�/td> <�/tr> <�br> <�?php //Repair will be finished echo $newtime; ?> <�?php $repcost2= "$aircraft->repvalue" + "$repcost"; ?> <�br> <�br> <�table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <�thead> <�tr> <�th align="center" >To Repair<�/th> <�th align="center">Repair Price<�/th> <�th align="center" Repair Options<�/th> <�/tr> <�/thead> <�tbody> <�form action="<�?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <�tr> <�td align="center"><�?php echo $repdif ?>%<�/td> <�td align="center"><�?php echo number_format($repcost,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?><�/td> <�td <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�?php if ( $repcost > $vabaltal2) { ?> <�input name="price" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" /> <�input name="cond" type="hidden" value="100" /> <�input type="hidden" name="action" value="<�?php echo $action;?>" /> <�input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <�input name="name" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <�input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <�input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <�input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <�input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <�input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <�input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <�input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <�input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->bought; ?>" /> <�input name="range" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <�input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <�input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <�input name="repvalue" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $repcost2; ?>" /> <�input name="rmtime" type="hidden" value="<�?php echo $eurodate; ?>" /> <�input type="hidden" name="id" value="<�?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <�input name="rep" type="hidden" value="1" /> <�input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="0" /> <�input type="submit" name="submit" value="Repair" /><�/td> <�/form> <�?php } else { echo "Not enough Money"; } ?> <�/tr> <�/tbody> <�/table> <�br> <�br> <�br> <�button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<�?php echo adminurl('/operations/buysellaircraft?id='.$aircraft->id);?>';">==>Back<�==<�/button> <�/body> <�/html>


it seems that there is something corrupted?!? � Is it in the ops_aircraftrepair.tpl?

It must be (My Settings!!!):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16430">
// Variables here
$repdif= 100-"$aircraft->cond";
$repo= rand(40, 100); // Add random Repaircost modifier
$repmax= 1; // Max Repaircosts from Buying Price 1 = 100% , 0.8 = 80%
$repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax;
$repcu= rand(0, 10); // Add random Repairtime modifier
$reptime= "$repdif" + "$repcu"; // Repairtime with Random Modifier

// VA Money without Balance
$vatotal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(revenue) as revenue_sum FROM phpvms_pireps ");
$vtot = mysql_fetch_assoc($vatotal);
$vatotal2 = $vtot['revenue_sum'];			 //Raw
$vatotal3 = round($vatotal2, 2);			 //Round
$vatotal4 = number_format($vatotal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format
// Fleet Price of all bought Aircrafts
$vabal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Price) as Balance_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE bought = 1 ");
$vbal = mysql_fetch_assoc($vabal);
$vabal2 = $vbal['Balance_sum'];			 //Raw
$vabal3 = round($vabal2, 2);				 //Round
$vabal4 = number_format($vabal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format
// Fleet Repair Cost of all Aircrafts
$rep1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(repvalue) as rep_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft ");
$rep2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep1);
$rep3 = $rep2['rep_sum'];					 //Raw
$rep4 = round($rep3, 2);					 //Round
$rep5 = number_format($rep4, 2, '.', ','); //Format
//************************************************ Money Balance here************************************
$Balance = -2131754575.73; // Va Money Zeroing
// VA Money with Balance
$vabatal = "$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3";
$vabaltal2 = number_format(("$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3" ), 2, '.', ','); //Raw
//echo $vabaltal2;
IF ($aircraft->cond <=0)							 //Don´t Change this!!!!
{$aendern = "UPDATE phpvms_aircraft Set
cond = '1'
WHERE registration = '{$aircraft->registration}'";
$update = mysql_query($aendern);

<h1><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Repair Screen</h1>
<img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar">
Current Condition:
// Show the current Condition
echo $aircraft->cond;
<table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter2">
<th align="center" >Time</th>
<th align="center">Value</th>
Time and Date:
<?php //************************* $RMTIME***********************
$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
print $time;
Repair will be finished :
$date = time(); // aktuelles Datum
//echo date('d.m.Y h:i:s', $date) . "
$stunden = $reptime; // z.B. ein Tag
$enddatum = $date + ($stunden * 60 * 60); // Ein Tag später (stunden * minuten * sekunden)
$datstring = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $enddatum) ; // Datum im DB-Format
$eurodate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datstring)); // Ins europäische Format umwandeln
echo "$eurodate
//Repair will be finished
echo $newtime;
$repcost2= "$aircraft->repvalue" + "$repcost";			


<table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter">
<th align="center" >To Repair</th>
<th align="center">Repair Price</th>
<th align="center" Repair Options</th>
<form action="<?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <tr>
<td align="center"><?php echo $repdif ?>%</td>
<td align="center"><?php echo number_format($repcost,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></td>
<td <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" />
if ( $repcost > $vabaltal2) {
<input name="price" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" />
<input name="cond" type="hidden" value="100" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $action;?>" />
<input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" />
<input name="name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" />
<input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" />
<input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" />
<input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" />
<input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" />
<input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" />
<input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" />
<input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" />
<input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->bought; ?>" />
<input name="range" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" />
<input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" />
<input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" />
<input name="repvalue" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $repcost2; ?>" />
<input name="rmtime" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $eurodate; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" />
<input name="rep" type="hidden" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="0" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Repair" /></td>

echo "Not enough Money";

<button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}"
 onclick="window.location='<?php echo adminurl('/operations/buysellaircraft?id='.$aircraft->id);?>';">==>Back<==</button>


re-downloaded the mod and reuploaded the ops-aircraftrepair.tpl

now it works :) it somehow get corrupted while uploading during install

even a huge file size difference 21000+ corrupted to correct 6030



In ops_aircraftrepair.tpl you can find this line:

<img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar">

In the zipped pack it is in the correct path.



In ops_aircraftrepair.tpl you can find this line:

<img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar">

In the zipped pack it is in the correct path.

hangar image is jpg not png ;)

Note: that path only works when you installed phpvms into a folder phpvms!

that should be better:

<img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/lib/images/hangar.jpg" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar">

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