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Mapa de Voo Online

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Estou com Problemas no mapa online de voo só aparece as aeronaves no mapa mas

as descrições do voo tipo local de saída local de chegada, FL, numero do voo etc.

Alguém sabe qual o motivo

  • Moderators


Você poderia explicar melhor o que está acontecendo. É o único mapa mostrando o vôo, mas sem informações sobre voo na tabela de mapa acars sob ela?



Could you please explain more of what is going on. Is the map only showing the flight but no flight info in the acars map table under it?


aparece isto no lugar das informações

Piloto Número do Vôo Departure Arrival Status Altitude Velocidade Distância/Tempo Restante

pilotid - pilotname flightflightnum flightdepicao flightarricao flightphasedetail flightalt flightgs flightdistremaining nm / flighttimeremaining

pilotid - pilotname flightflightnum flightdepicao flightarricao flightphasedetail flightalt flightgs flightdistremaining nm / flighttimeremaining

  • Moderators

Ele me diz que você pode ter as tags ASP diante. Ele deve ser desligado. Contato para sua hospedagem ver se eles podem desligar as tags ASP off.


It tells me that you might have the ASP tags on. It should be turned off. Contact to your hosting see if they can turn off the ASP tags off.

  • Moderators

and maby just talk in english so everybod cn read instead off your native language.

want dan kan ik hier ook lekker gaan typen zonder dat iemand dit echt kan lezen sad.gif


Not everyone here speaks your language, and you will not get as much help by only posting in your language. As Joeri said post in English, or in both languages, so others can help you too, that dont speak your language.

  • 5 years later...

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