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Footer Going funny of certain pages[SOLVED]

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Hello everyone

I am having a problem with the vAirline skin and it pretty simple.

The footer at the bottom of the page is completely out of place on user created pages but on pages with modules it isn't.


Doesn't Work

and the fact of the matter is if I fix it for the one that doesn't work the one that did work would break doing the opposite of the other page.

Have a look for yourself and use the inspect source option on your browser. If you know what to do please post a reply I am willing to try anything to get it fixed.


Cori Haws



This looks like an easy fix. Try adding a </div> at the end of the custom page until it corrects itself. It usually only takes one, but, depending on your codes, it may require 2 or more. Sometimes, you might have too many </div>'s in there. Try that first, and then get back with your results.


This looks like an easy fix. Try adding a </div> at the end of the custom page until it corrects itself. It usually only takes one, but, depending on your codes, it may require 2 or more. Sometimes, you might have too many </div>'s in there. Try that first, and then get back with your results.

I'v Tried changing the code but it doesnt seem to work.

<div id="right">
   <div id = "box">
/*	This will insert all of the "meat" of the page in there - the template
	which is generated, depending on which page you're on. To change these
	templates, check out the docs on the site. They're under the /core/templates
	folder, and to change them, copy them into the folder of your skin (the
	folder this file is in right now.

echo $page_content;

<div id="footer">
<p>copyright © 2011 - <?php echo date('Y') ?> - <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?><br />
<!-- Please retain this!! It's part of the phpVMS license. You must display a
		"powered by phpVMS" somewhere on your page. Thanks! -->
<a href="http://www.phpvms.net" target="_blank">powered by phpVMS</a> - <a href="http://vairline.org" target="_blank">Design by vAirline</a>/<a href="http://nicktyson.com" target="_blank">Nick Tyson</a></p>

Directly below the $page_content I Need 2 divs if I put 3 it breaks all the pages, if i put 1 it breaks the pages the same way, I have it completely out of place on all pages, if I have 2 it works on some of the pages and is in the correct place


first when using firebug I see that the footer on that particular custom page is placed outside the site wrapper that causes the layout problem! but I don't know how to fix at the moment :(

best regards



I'f fixed it

There was an random </div> at the end of the pages_content.tpl in the vairline folder that was causing it on the custom pages to leave the wrapper but when editing to fix this </div> by adding another </div>. As the Module pages don't reference to the same file as the Custom ones causing the extra </div> I added to fix the random </div> causing the module pages to leave the wrapper.

So it's all fixed now in a brain wave I had 2 mins ago. As i remebered editing the pages_content.tpl to change the header of the custom pages to put a gap inbetween the title and the text.

Problem Solved

Regards to everyone who helped anyway

Cori Haws

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