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don't assign pid until registrration confirmed

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How do you change it so it doesn't assign the pid or show a pilot in the new pilots section until the registration is confirmed? I saw a post about it before but couldnt find it

  • Moderators

That would require a tons of changes...

Database Table changes, and core files will also have to be changed as well. If I were you, I wouldn't go into doing that and that'll cause you to get errors, and possibility most ACARS will stop working because of the changes, plus the login as well.

As the new pilot joins, the database assigns the pilotid because the database always needs an index such as pilotid.

  • Moderators

In pilots_list.tpl.

Add this code

if($pilot->confirmed == 0) { continue; }

Into the foreach code.

foreach($allpilots as $pilot)
 if($pilot->confirmed == 0) { continue; }

And that'll skip the pilots who isn't approved yet.


Is that going to skip over the PID of the approved registered, or will it assign the PID as it is accepted.

Example: John Doe registered to your site. Jane Doe registered to your site. Jane Doe is accepted and received PID of XXX0001. John Doe is accepted and received PID of XXX0002 (or will John Doe receive XXX0001 and Jane Doe receive XXX0002)?

Just wondering (I'm not going to change to this) I just thought I'd ask before someone else has a problem with it after changing to this.

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