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Hi made a little Snippet in /core/templates/schedule_results.tpl

It shows like this :


Here is the code (Line 14-78 in my code)

<?php foreach($schedule_list as $schedule) { ?>
 <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/details/'.$schedule->id);?>"><?php echo $schedule->code . $schedule->flightnum?>
  <?php echo '('.$schedule->depicao.' - '.$schedule->arricao.')'?>
 <br />

 <strong>Departure: </strong><?php echo $schedule->deptime;?>         <strong>Arrival: </strong><?php echo $schedule->arrtime;?><br />
 <strong>Equipment: </strong><?php echo $schedule->aircraft; ?> (<?php echo $schedule->registration;?>)  <strong>Distance: </strong><?php echo $schedule->distance . Config::Get('UNITS');?>
 <br />
 <strong>Days Flown: </strong><?php echo Util::GetDaysCompact($schedule->daysofweek); ?><br />
 <?php echo ($schedule->route=='') ? '' : '<strong>Route: </strong>'.$schedule->route.'<br />' ?>
 <?php echo ($schedule->notes=='') ? '' : '<strong>Notes: </strong>'.html_entity_decode($schedule->notes).'<br />' ?>
 # Note: this will only show if the above code to
 # skip the schedule is commented out
 if($schedule->bidid != 0) {
  echo 'This route has been bid on';
//Routes Flown  
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows2 = mysql_result($result2,0);
Route flown:<?php print  "$num_rows2" ?></br>
//Average Fuel used
$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT sum(fuelused) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows3 = mysql_result($result3,0);
Real Average Fuel used:<?php echo"$num_rows3"/"$num_rows2"?> <?php echo Config::Get('CARGO_UNITS');?></br>
//Average Time
$result4 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(flighttime)  FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows4 = mysql_result($result4,0);
$array=explode(".", $num_rows4);
Real Average Flight duration: <?php print $totaltime2;?> hrs 



I got it working for me, but I changed a couple of things. The main reason it didn't work for me was the API hook wasn't schedule->, but route->.

This is what I have:

//Routes Flown  
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows2 = mysql_result($result2,0);
<b>Route flown:</b><br /><?php echo "$num_rows2" ?> times</br>

//Average Fuel used
$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT sum(fuelused) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows3 = mysql_result($result3,0);
<b>Average Fuel consumption:</b><br />
<?php echo round($num_rows3, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); ?> <?php echo Config::Get('CARGO_UNITS');?></br>

//Average Time
$result4 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(flighttime) FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE flightnum='$Tesla2'");
$num_rows4 = mysql_result($result4,0);
$array=explode(".", $num_rows4);
<b>Average Flight duration:</b><br />
<?php echo round($totaltime2, 2); ?> hrs

Used echo round on the results to round results to 2 decimals for duration and to round up to the next whole number for fuel.


Tried that first, got loads of errors.

For the division by zero errors, add an @ symbol before the calculation to suppress the error as it will go away once the route has been flown once. Like so:


For the round errors, you can either remove the round, like this:

<li><b>Average Fuel used:</b> <?php echo round($num_rows3, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP); ?> <?php echo Config::Get('CARGO_UNITS');?></li>


<li><b>Average Fuel used:</b> <?php echo ($num_rows3); ?> <?php echo Config::Get('CARGO_UNITS');?></li>


<li><b>Average Flight time:</b> <?php echo round($totaltime2, 2); ?> hrs</li>


<li><b>Average Flight time:</b> <?php echo ($totaltime2); ?> hrs</li>

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