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Customizing the front page

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If you want to change up how the front page looks, or add intro text, etc, it's easy to do.Goto core/templates, and there are three files beginning with frontpage_: frontpage_main.tpl frontpage_recentpilots.tpl frontpage_reports.tplYou can copy each one of these to your skin folder, and modify them as you'd like. frontpage_main.tpl:This file contains code which looks like this:

<?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?>

It's calling a function in the PIREPs module, to show the recent front page PIREPS, and to show 5 of them. This in turn calls the frontpage_reports templateThere is also:


Which in turn calls news_newsitem.tpl, which you can also modify. The 5 means it'll show the last 5 news items.

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  • 3 years later...

Is there a way to call those functions from a page in a directory outside of the directory in which the phpVMS resides? I know a bit of PHP, but only enuff to get me into some serious trouble if I don't ask. :D

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