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  • 2 weeks later...

right i have done that but i still see this Installing the tables...'; if($_POST['DBASE_NAME'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_USER'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_TYPE'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_SERVER'] == '' || $_POST['SITE_URL'] == '') { echo '

You must fill out all the required fields

'; break; } if(!Installer::AddTables()) { echo '


'; break; } if(!Installer::WriteConfig()) { echo '


'; break; } echo '

'; } break; case 'sitesetup': Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; case 'complete': if($_POST['action'] == 'submitsetup') { if($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '' || $_POST['vaname'] == '' || $_POST['vacode'] == '') { Template::Set('message', 'You must fill out all of the fields'); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; } $_POST['SITE_NAME'] = $_POST['vaname']; if(!Installer::SiteSetup()) { Template::Set('message', Installer::$error); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); } else { Installer::RegisterInstall(INSTALLER_VERSION); Template::Show('s3_setup_finished.tpl'); } } break; } Template::Show('footer.tpl');

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