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I am debating my-self whether to have a forum or not. I know that running a forum is a lot of work in a virtual airline point of view considering their is a lot more to manage. Would you have a forum in your Virtual Airline why or why not? Does it attract more pilots or is it just extra management for nothing? Plz share your ideas, i am really interested in what your opinions are!

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Hello edmondk,

On my virtual airline we have set up a SMF forum. In many cases there are pilots who do not visit our forum so we recently decided to update the news of our va via the phpvms news or facebook and twitter. It is not so difficult to administrate the forum (it is just difficult during the start and then...everything goes fine) that it is to update it. You will have to post news about the va etc.

Generally i think that a forum does not have any use but i think that is helps your va's pilots to communicate.

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Thanks for your honest opinion, i will consider what you have just informed me about. For the moment i will hold back on the forums and try it once my airline gets a little bit bigger :D

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