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fspax config file downloader problem! [SOLVED]


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i've a problem with config file downloader!

when i try to get config file for FSPAX i get these errors :

[b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]58[/b]

[b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]59[/b]

[b]Warning[/b]: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/irvair/public_html/core/modules/Result/Result.php:1) in [b]/home/irvair/public_html/core/classes/Util.class.php[/b] on line [b]60[/b]
menu_name=مرجع پرواز آنلاین ایران | Ira; base_url=http://www.irva.ir; path_stats=index.php/acars; path_export=action.php/acars/fspax; username=IVA0001; password=none;

and i know these related to some lines of util.class :

   	 # Set the headers so the browser things a file is being sent
	header('Content-Type: '.$mime_type);
	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$save_as.'"');
	header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents));

but i can't find the prob!?

i also got same errors for FS Flight Keeper config file!

if anyone can help me ...

thanks a lot...

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Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

error is almost always caused by introducing white space or characters into a core php file prior to the opening php tag or after the closing tag. Take a look at any of the core files that you have edited and look for white space or a random character in these locations. The error is reporting that it is in Result.php but that may not be correct as the error will carry through a few files before it is displayed sometimes.

There are also a number of threads in the forum from previous posters that have had the same problem if you search "Cannot modify header information"

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