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Hi all!!!

I am trying to set a VATSIM image in sidebar but I cannot get it. I have modified frontpage_main.tpl and set VATSIM image in images folder... can you help me?











<?php echo count($guestsonline);?> guest(s) online in the past <?php echo Config::Get('USERS_ONLINE_TIME')?> minutes.</i></p>


/* $usersonline also has the list of users -

really simple example

Or if you're not on the frontpage:

$usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline();

foreach($usersonline as $pilot)


echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />";




<p><img src="images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>


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<p><img src="images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>

will not work in a template file as it is trying to find the image in the wrong place as you are using a relative path to it. The best way I believe in phpvms templates to get an image to display is to use

<p><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/path to your image" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>


Thank you very much for your answer, but I cannot get it... Is it like this?

<p><img src="<?php echo israirvirtualairlines.com; ?>/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>


<p><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>


<p><img src="http//www.isairvirtualairlines.com/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>

Either of those will work. The first one has a php variable in it, you don't actually put your site url there. If you dont know what php is I recommend you look at this link:



try <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" />

or <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/##yourskin##/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" />

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