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Today, I've done my first flight.

I have an problem with the finances in phpVMS.

phpVMS is set up in lbs for fuel. The price is 0.45 euro / lb and the fuel surcharge is set to 5.

I've done this flight. I used 7813 lbs of fuel ==> 7813 X 0.45 = 3515.18 euros.

In phpVMS, when I see the finances reports, the fuel costs are -23 630 euros.

It is the first flight done and there are not any other flight.

What do I have to do to reduce the fuel costs (and to use the good price for the next flights)?



  • Moderators

if you ad an airport there you can olsow ad fuel prices.

if you have don this go to maint page in admin and recalculate finances and it is changed

gr joeri

  • Administrators

Are you using FSACARS or FSPax? Did you set those up to return proper formats as well?

The finances shows for the whole month, but you have only one pirep?



FSACARS is set up in lbs and phpvms in lbs too.

I have only done one flight --> 1 pirep only (the others pilots use the old pirep system before phpVMS is correctly set up).

I didn't find where i can recalculate the finances. Where is it ? "Reset PIREP finances" ?



We've done 2 others flight and we have the same problems.

The fuel expenses are about 23000 euros per flight whereas we only used about 7000 lbs of fuel per flight (the 2 flights are the same).

The fuel cost is set up in 0.45 euro per lbs in the local_config.php file and all the fuel costs are set yo 0.45 euro per lbs for each airport.

How can I do to resolve this error ?





I found these line in the core/modules/ACARS/fsacars.php file

# Get the fuel used

# Using $_GET['fuel'] instead

/*$pos = find_in_fsacars_log('Spent Fuel', $log);

preg_match('/^.*Spent Fuel: (d*)/', $log[$pos], $matches);

$fuelused = $_GET['fuel'];*/

When I open this file (fsacars.php) in a php editor, these lines appear as comments.

I think it is the base of the problems.

I will try to change this error.


  • Administrators

Don't uncomment that, look at the second line. If you uncomment it, it'll be ignored anyway.

  # Using $_GET['fuel'] instead

The ACARS log shows the correct amount of fuel?


The ACARS log shows the correct amount of fuel. Moreover, this amount is correct in the pireps of phpvms, but the fuel expenses are not correct.

When I send a PIREP from my pilot center, the fuel expenses are ok (number of lbs X 0.45). But when I use FSACARS, the fuel expenses are always wrong (about 23000 euros for 6000 lbs (price per lbs is 0.45 euro)) whereas the fuel amount (value from FSACARS) is correct in the PENDING PIREPS.



  • Administrators

I will check that out then, thanks!

Can you post the log (just copy/paste) from FSACARS (the log that's posted on)

It might be mismatching what's being returned.

Question - maybe it's using the amount of fuel left in the tank, not the amount used? Would that make sense? The FSACARS docs aren't clear on that value. I'll probably have to read it from the log... if you can post that, that would be great




This is the FSACARS log :

[2009/06/15 19:28:00]

Flight IATA:FSW1000

Pilot Number:FSW001

Company ICAO:FSW

Aircraft Type:B737


Aircraft Registration:FSW-BOA

Departing Airport: LFPG

Destination Airport: LFST

Alternate Airport:LFSB

Online: No


Flight Level:240

19:28 Zero fuel Weight: 106000 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 45917 Lbs

19:28 Parking Brakes off

19:28 Com1 Freq=121.15

19:44 VR= 151 Knots

19:44 V2= 157 Knots

19:44 Take-off

19:44 Take off Weight: 150449 Lbs

19:44 Wind: 337? @ 008 Knots Heading: 267?

19:44 POS N48? 59? 47?? E002? 34? 01??

19:44 N11 94 N12 94

19:44 TOC

19:44 Fuel Weight: 44433 Lb

19:44 Flaps:4 at 160 Knots

19:44 Gear Up: 161 Knots

19:45 Flaps:3 at 174 Knots

19:46 Flaps:0 at 209 Knots

19:49 Com1 Freq=128.10

19:59 Wind:268?@050 Knots Heading: 094? Ground Speed: 518 Knots Altitude 24117 ft

20:06 Com1 Freq=122.80

20:14 Wind:277?@037 Knots Heading: 059? Ground Speed: 396 Knots Altitude 17260 ft

20:19 Flaps:1 at 250 Knots

20:19 Flaps:2 at 249 Knots

20:19 Flaps:3 at 249 Knots

20:21 Com1 Freq=119.25

20:22 Flaps:4 at 221 Knots

20:22 Flaps:3 at 221 Knots

20:23 Flaps:4 at 199 Knots

20:23 Flaps:5 at 188 Knots

20:26 Gear Down: 176 Knots

20:26 Flaps:6 at 161 Knots

20:27 Flaps:7 at 153 Knots

20:27 Flaps:8 at 154 Knots

20:28 TouchDown:Rate -487 ft/min Speed: 129 Knots

20:28 Land

20:28 Wind:149?@005 Knots

20:28 Heading: 229?

20:28 Flight Duration: 00:44

20:28 Landing Weight: 145400 Lbs

20:28 POS N48? 32? 04?? E007? 37? 18??

20:32 Parking brakes on

20:32 Block to Block Duration: 01:04

20:32 Final Fuel: 39034 Lbls

20:32 Spent Fuel: 6882 Lbls

20:32 Flight Length: 272 NM

20:32 TOD Land Length: 272 NM

20:32 Com1 Freq=120.70


I added Passengers for the pireps from the pilot center, so it is normal that there is not any value for an FSACARS log. However, the passengers number from FSACARS is correct in phpVMS and the passengers revenue is OK in the finances.


As you can see, all is OK except the fuel.

This my local config file about fuel :

# Fuel info

/* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have

And the surcharge percentage. View the docs

for more details about these


Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.45');

Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');

# FSPassengers Settings

# Units settings

Config::Set('WeightUnit', '0');  # 0=Kg 1=lbs

Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2');  # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles

Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1');  # 0=Km/H 1=Kts

Config::Set('AltUnit', '1');  # 0=Meter 1=Feet

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3');  # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message



  • Administrators

Which airport did you test/what's the code you put in?

I'm trying to duplicate this, seems to be returning the proper value

If your default fuel value 3.9 in your config file?



I tried with LFPG (departure airport of the log above).

This is the part about the fuel in my local config file :

# Fuel info

/* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have

  And the surcharge percentage. View the docs

  for more details about these


Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.45');

Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');

# FSPassengers Settings

# Units settings

Config::Set('WeightUnit', '0');  # 0=Kg 1=lbs

Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2');  # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles

Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1');  # 0=Km/H 1=Kts

Config::Set('AltUnit', '1');  # 0=Meter 1=Feet

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3');  # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message

As you can see, fuel price is 0.45 euro per lbs. I would like the fuel price to be 0.45 euros per lbs.




I modified my local config file.

# Fuel info

/* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have

And the surcharge percentage. View the docs

for more details about these


Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45);

Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');

# FSPassengers Settings

# Units settings

Config::Set('WeightUnit', '0');  # 0=Kg 1=lbs

Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2');  # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles

Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1');  # 0=Km/H 1=Kts

Config::Set('AltUnit', '1');  # 0=Meter 1=Feet

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3');  # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message

I deleted the log and I've done the same flight. I have the same problem before and after I modified the local config file.

Fuel used : 6413 lbs

Fuel (in the financial report) : - 25331 euros


Look at the log on the first page of this topic. I found this :

20:32 Final Fuel: 39034 Lbls

20:32 Spent Fuel: 6882 Lbls

Is it normal that the unit used is "Lbls" ?


  • Administrators

In FSACARS set the unit to Kg also, it's in the config file IIRC.

If it's not, I'll upload a patch which will do the conversions.

Did the fuel report correctly?


I set the unit to Kg in phpVMS and in FSACARS. This is the local config file in kg :

# Fuel info

/* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have

And the surcharge percentage. View the docs

for more details about these


Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45);

Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');

# FSPassengers Settings

# Units settings

Config::Set('WeightUnit', '0');  # 0=Kg 1=lbs

Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2');  # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles

Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1');  # 0=Km/H 1=Kts

Config::Set('AltUnit', '1');  # 0=Meter 1=Feet

Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '2');  # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs

Config::Set('WelcomeMessage', 'phpVMS/FSPAX ACARS'); # Welcome Message

I deleted all the logs and i've done a new flight with fsacars in kg. This is the log :

[2009/06/17 11:06:00]

Flight IATA:FSW1000

Pilot Number:FSW001

Company ICAO:FSW

Aircraft Type:B737


Aircraft Registration:FSW-BOA

Departing Airport: LFPG

Destination Airport: LFST

Alternate Airport:LFSB

Online: IVAO


Flight Level:240

11:06 Zero fuel Weight: 48082 Kg, Fuel Weight: 20862 Kg

11:09 Parking Brakes off

11:09 Com1 Freq=122.80

11:15 VR= 156 Knots

11:15 V2= 165 Knots

11:15 Take-off

11:15 Take off Weight: 68517 Kg

11:15 Wind: 162? @ 008 Knots Heading: 087?

11:15 POS N48? 59? 51?? E002? 35? 20??

11:15 N11 94 N12 94

11:15 TOC

11:15 Fuel Weight: 20433 Kg

11:15 Flaps:4 at 167 Knots

11:15 Gear Up: 169 Knots

11:16 Flaps:3 at 210 Knots

11:17 Flaps:0 at 242 Knots

11:30 Wind:315?@026 Knots Heading: 124? Ground Speed: 493 Knots Altitude 24229 ft

11:45 Wind:247?@010 Knots Heading: 062? Ground Speed: 343 Knots Altitude 13359 ft

11:47 Flaps:1 at 250 Knots

11:47 Flaps:2 at 250 Knots

11:47 Flaps:3 at 250 Knots

11:52 Flaps:4 at 220 Knots

11:52 Flaps:3 at 219 Knots

11:53 Flaps:4 at 211 Knots

11:54 Gear Down: 186 Knots

11:54 Flaps:5 at 172 Knots

11:54 Flaps:6 at 170 Knots

11:54 Flaps:7 at 154 Knots

11:54 Flaps:8 at 150 Knots

11:55 TouchDown:Rate -304 ft/min Speed: 133 Knots

11:56 Land

11:56 Wind:355?@002 Knots

11:56 Heading: 228?

11:56 Flight Duration: 00:41

11:56 Landing Weight: 66385 Kg

11:56 POS N48? 32? 12?? E007? 37? 32??

11:59 Parking brakes on

11:59 Block to Block Duration: 00:50

11:59 Final Fuel: 18185 Kg

11:59 Spent Fuel: 2677 Kg

11:59 Flight Length: 244 NM

11:59 TOD Land Length: 244 NM

Fuel price is set to 0.45 euro per kg.

Same problem with the finances, fuel cost is incorrect.



I found these lines in the "phpvms_fuelprices" table :


May be the error is in the MySQL database.



  • Administrators

Aha, apparently the fuel price for LFPG is available. So that price you saw is the live price

I've added an option int he latest build to turn on/off the live fuel price




Which file do I have to dowload the update and to have the latest  build ?

- phpvms.update.zip ?

- phpvms.beta.zip ?

I think I have to delete my actual phpVMS and install the beta version, haven't I?





I've done the update.

Here are the lines of my local config files about the fuel :

# Fuel info

/* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have

And the surcharge percentage. View the docs

for more details about these


Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45);

Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', false);

Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');

I want the fuel price to be 0.45 per kg.

In phpVMS, i have done a new flight. The fuel used is 2431 kg.

In the finances, the fuel costs are - 122.00 €.

2431 X 0.45 = 1093.95 €

When I use the test.php file to have the fuel price on LFPG, it shows me "0".

What must I do to set the fuel price to 0.45 € / kg ?




I have the same problem with the PIREPS from the pilot center.

--> The fuel price is about 0.05 € per kg.


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