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I want the pilots last filed flight to show up under a Heading.

What code do i need to get this.

I'm guessing ti will be something like this?

<?php echo $userinfo->lastpirep; ?><br />

Except that seems to get the Date and Time of the latest pirep filed by the pilot.

Thanks in Advance.

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PIREPS are stored in a table called phpvms_pireps, so in order to pull the data from that table you will need to follow the instruction below:

1. Create a file and name it as: PIREP.class.php

2. Inside that file write a function to pull the data out.

3. Create a TPL file and name it anything you want.

4. inside the TPL create a table and show the data.


PIREPS are stored in a table called phpvms_pireps, so in order to pull the data from that table you will need to follow the instruction below:

1. Create a file and name it as: PIREP.class.php

2. Inside that file write a function to pull the data out.

3. Create a TPL file and name it anything you want.

4. inside the TPL create a table and show the data.


I'm can't write in php, neither can I understand the documentation given about the coding behind phpVMS.

Many airlines have done it so it must be easier than that, All I need is the Flight Number of the last flight the pilot flew.



If you want it to work on the Public Profile Use this

Add this on top of (pilot_public_profile.tpl)

	 $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED);
	 $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($location);
	 $airportname = $airport_info->name;
	 $report = PIREPData::GetLastReports($pilot->pilotid, 1);

<li><strong>Last Flight: </strong><?php echo $last_location->code . $last_location->flightnum; ?>(<?php echo $last_location->submitdate; ?>)</li>

Remove if you don't want submit time and date

(<?php echo $last_location->submitdate; ?>)

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