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I have upload a zipfile for a plane in this folder


I have create links and images on the plane page.

Yet when I go here; index.php/downloads it says there are no downloads.

Do I need to put the download file somewhere else?

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Okay! You'll have to go to admin center, click on the News $ Contents/Downloads then create a group and add a download to the group where you'll have to provide the info as well as the download link. Then the download page will show your download. ;)

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Well! Uploading your file into your download folder is not enough as the system needs to add the download link into your DB first before it can show the downloads. :)

Most probably it is the image link, so make sure of that. ;)


I cannot see anything wrong with it.


It works. And that is the the exact code as I placed it in the download page.

I mean the link itself works. I still cannot see the image at download.


Just checked the source of the website, and I do not see any <img src= in it.

Only this:

 <a href="http://www.citylink-va.com/index.php/downloads/link">
  Pilatus PC12</a><br />
  Text.<br />
	  <em>Downloaded 1 times</em></li>
<br />

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Go to the following location:


Look for downloads_list.tpl open it with an editor and find the following:

foreach($alldownloads as $download)
<a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>">
<?php echo $download->name?></a><br />
 <?php echo $download->description?><br />
	 <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li>

now add the following to it before "</li>"

<img src="<?php echo $download->image ;?>">

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Will do, when I get home.

But I do not understand, why I have to add the link on the news and content part, but also in the aircraftpage itself.

Or do they serve different items?


Parkho, thanks. it worked great.

I made a small adition, that I would like to return to the community.

This creates a small table instead of the LI.

It shows a thumnail of the item, and if you click on that a bigger picture opens in another tab of your browser

echo 'There are no downloads available!';

foreach($allcategories as $category)
<p><h2><strong><?php echo $category->name?></strong></h2></p>

# This loops through every download available in the category
$alldownloads = DownloadData::GetDownloads($category->id);

echo 'There are no downloads under this category';
$alldownloads = array();

foreach($alldownloads as $download)

<td STYLE="vertical-align: top;"><a href="<?php echo $download->image ;?>"" target="_blank"><img width="275px" src="<?php echo $download->image ;?>"></a></TD>
<td> </TD>
<td STYLE="vertical-align: top;">
<a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>">
<?php echo $download->name?></a><br />
 <?php echo $download->description?><br />
<hr width="20px">
		 <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></TD>


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