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mailer function


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once i make the update in install/update  and if i try to force it i get that errors...

then in all pages in the left margin i get that error:

ezDB (vezDB_VERSION) Debug..

Query [6] -- [sELECT p.*, s.*, b.bidid as bidid, a.name as aircraft, a.registration FROM phpvms_schedules s, phpvms_bids b, phpvms_aircraft a, phpvms_pilots p WHERE b.routeid = s.id AND s.aircraft=a.id AND p.pilotid = b.pilotid ORDER BY b.bidid DESC LIMIT 5]

Query Result..

    (row) int 1

    pilotid string 6

    firstname string 7

    lastname string 16

    email string 3

    code string 2

    location string 4

    hub string 32

    password string 32

    salt string 14

    bgimage date 10

    lastlogin int 1

    totalflights real 4

    totalhours real 7

    totalpay real 1

    transferhours string 14

    rank int 1

    confirmed int 1

    retired datetime 19

    joindate datetime 19

    lastpirep int 1

    id string 3

    code string 4

    flightnum int 1

    leg string 4

    depicao string 4

    arricao blob 0

    route blob 1

    aircraft real 7

    distance string 5

    deptime string 5

    arrtime real 3

    flighttime string 7

    daysofweek int 1

    maxload real 2

    price string 1

    flighttype int 1

    timesflown blob 0

    notes int 1

    enabled int 2

    bidid int 2

    bidid string 8

    aircraft string 6


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