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You need to pre-create all of the airlines you will use, and use the correlating airline codes. For instance in my import file i use the codes ABC and XYZ, I need to add an airline with ABC as its code, and another with XYZ with that code (XYZ Airlines). Hopefully that helps.


Okay, so what would be necessary if I create it in excel and then convert it to csv? EDIT: I should mention that my VA is based off United Airlines, so that is why I am not going to manually do the schedules on the program, for there are way too many flights. If you would like to see the excel file, I'll sent it to you. icon_e_wink.gif


I tried something, but this happened.UAL1 was not added, reason: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`unitedva_unitedva/phpvms_schedules`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_schedules_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`aircraft`) REFERENCES `phpvms_aircraft` (`name`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)

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It means the aircraft doesn't exist in your list, so you need to add it. Make sure the name of the a/c is the same that you use in the csv file (the name, not the fullname or icao, but the name, like B747-400), they both need to be identical.

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