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Hi, where can I find the location of the stored mail-addresses of all the pilots, inclusive my mail-address? I mean not on the website/admincenter, but on the PHPVMS-system/files that is accessible with FileZilla. I as ceo&admin of my va have no longer the possibility to log in and/or request a new password to login. The system will no longer send a new password to my mail-address because the same mail-address is in use by another (test)-members. Probably will made this double placed mail-address an error that prevents that nobody of this two members, me and my test-member can receive a new password. On this way I sitting stuck and have no longer the control over my own va, so, no happy situation of course.

I will try to update on that way one of the two equal mail-addresses to resolve the error and resolve the sending of a new password.

Thanks & Kind Regards,



Email addresses aren't stored in a file accessible through FTP, they're in the users table in the database. You'll need to access your cPanel/equivalent to go through to the database admin.


Email addresses aren't stored in a file accessible through FTP, they're in the users table in the database. You'll need to access your cPanel/equivalent to go through to the database admin.

Hi, thanks for the info, I will try this asap.

Kind Regards,



Yep, thanks Tom & Joeri, solved the problem indeed along cPanel. It was too long ago that I used cPanel and I don't remember it how I get access to that great tool. I found the way back to that tool by an old txt-file with data from you Joeri. A great THANKS for the support, the hint to the sollution!!!

The only problem I have further is that it in no way will forward the mail to a 'hotmail.com'-mailaddress, the mails don't arrive in that 'hotmail.com'-boxes, but are well available in the mailbox that is available by cPanel.

This is the error-note:

host mx3.hotmail.com []: 550 SC-001 (SNT0-MC2-F18) Unfortunately,

messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service

provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer

your provider to http://mail.live.com...ing.aspx#errors.

Kind Regards, and Thanks


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