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Hello everyone.

I have the cron job setup to run once a week on my site to do all the maintenance and when it runs, it resets the flights count on pilot roster and public profiles and in pilot center to 0.

I found this in the maintenance.php file :

MainController::Run('Maintenance', 'resetpirepcount');
MainController::Run('Maintenance', 'resethours');

Is it safe to say that I can get rid of the resetpirepcount part to stop this from happening? I get LOADS of inquirys every week as to why their flight count is 0 again. I tell them it is the cron job but in their eyes we do not know what we are doing and a few have left over this already.

Personally, I see no reason why to ever reset the pirep count on a weekly basis.


I had many times the same problem with maintenace module, pireps and hours in "0" really don't know whats is wrong in my codes but i made some code to populate the data again. Try with the code below and insert it at the end of your PilotData.class located at core/common.

public static function actualizarPagoPiloto($pilotid) {

$sql = 'SELECT p.pirepid, p.submitdate, p.modifieddate FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pireps p WHERE p.pilotid='.$pilotid.' AND `accepted`='.PIREP_ACCEPTED;

$pireps = DB::get_results($sql);

foreach ($pireps as $pirep)


$sqlupdate = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ledger l SET l.submitdate="' . $pirep->submitdate . '", l.modifieddate="' . $pirep->modifieddate . '" WHERE l.pirepid=' . $pirep->pirepid;



$total = DB::get_row('SELECT SUM(`amount`) AS `total` FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'ledger` WHERE `pilotid`='.$pilotid);

return $total->total;


public static function actualizarConteoVuelos($pilotid) {

$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pireps p WHERE p.pilotid='.$pilotid.' AND `accepted`='.PIREP_ACCEPTED;

$vuelos = DB::get_row($sql);

$sqlupdate = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pilots l SET l.totalflights=' . $vuelos->total . ' WHERE l.pilotid=' . $pilotid;


return $vuelos->total;




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