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In core/modules/Registration ....

// Check password length

if(strlen($this->post->password1) <= 5)


$error = true;

Template::Set('password_error', 'The password is too short!');



Template::Set('password_error', '');

I haven't had a chance to test changing the above number myself, but I think it's probably a good place to start :)


Sorry for got to add ....

In lib/js/jquery.pstrength


* $.fn.PStrength.defaults

* These are the default values that can be overidden


$.PStrength.defaults = {

verdicts: ["Very Weak","Weak","Medium","Strong","Very Strong"],

minCharMsg: "The minimum number of characters is",

tooShortMsg: 'Too Short',

unsafeMsg: 'Unsafe Password Word!',

colors: ["#f00","#c06", "#f60","#3c0","#3f0"],

scores: [10,15,30,40],

powMax: 1.4,

common: ["password","sex","god","123456","123","liverpool","letmein","qwerty","monkey"],

minChar: 6,

displayMin: true

Set this min character to the same number you set in my earlier post ..


Thanks turtle.... It worked, for registrations pages! In admin center, when I try to change someone's password trough pilot options and its less than the original value (in case, 5) it says "Password is less than 5 characters". Where else should I make changes?


sorry about that ..

in admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.tpl ...

Util::SendEmail($pilot->email, $subject, $message);

# Reject in the end, since it's delted



public function ChangePassword()


$password1 = $this->post->password1;

$password2 = $this->post->password2;

// Check password length

if(strlen($password1) <= 5)


Template::Set('message', Lang::gs('password.wrong.length'));




Change the above password length field to the number in the 2 other files..

Remember.. because these 3 files have been modified, they could get overridden in an update ..

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