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Found another airport like KORD in ACARS that puts the airport off the coast of Africa. Its KPAE. The one I have is part of the Drzewiecki Design Seattle Airports pack for X-Plane. There is about 4 or 5 airports in the apt.dat file, but here is the first few lines for that airport. 1 561 1 0 KPAE Snohomish Co 1302 flatten 1 100 22.00 1 0 0.25 0 2 0 16L 47.90642022 -122.27171532 0 0 1 0 0 2 34R 47.89819024 -122.27162263 0 0 1 0 0 2 100 45.00 1 1 0.25 1 3 0 16R 47.92242187 -122.28587751 123 72 3 0 1 0 34L 47.89663330 -122.28531247 0 122 3 0 0 0
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Just did another flight in the JARDesign A330 and the altitude between the app and the web site was accurate this time, but, when I finished the flight, the Flight Summary page is plank and I can't submit the flight now. Here is the link for the acars log.txt file. Here is a picture of what my side shows.
Last reply by asandor, -
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Seeing some inconsistencies between the altitude in the aircraft and the altitude reported on the live map on the website. Flying at FL320 but live map is showing 28649. As I started my decent, the altitudes were matching more, that started at about FL250. Also distance showing on the live map is 719 / 479.61. The flight was a pretty straight flight from departure to arrival. On this version of VMAcars I am still getting the issue with landing/strobe lights are on once I start to taxi even though they are both off. Using the Zibo mod B737-800 for X-Plane 11.35 Here are links to the laravel log and the acars log.txt files.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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VMS Acars 08/22 Build - Version 1.0.1908221708 phpVMS install updated to latest build from 8/22 (7.0.0+190822.6018a6) P3D v4.3 This build appears to have corrected the "Error sending PIREP update, retrying, Too Many Attempts", as none were encountered. 👌👍 See attached zip for pics.... KIAH-KDAL B738 FL180 Log.jpg Start Taxi - Landing lights on below 10k - landing lights were off - speed was below 20 kts Started Takeoff - Strobes on while in flight - still taxiing below 20 kts and on ground - Thrust reverse enabled below 60kts - I was testing to see if it flagged it - works Crossing above 10,000 feet - Landing lights off …
Last reply by ProAvia,